Odds and Ends for 5-27-09

Hello and welcome, Collected Editions readers! Thank you all for your continued feedback, comments, and support of the blog. We hit the four-year mark a couple months back, and we're still having a great time; none of it would be possible without our valued readers. I've especially enjoyed getting to talk with a number of readers and fellow comics bloggers lately via Twitter.

Couple things coming up on Collected Editions. First, tomorrow brings our review of Batman RIP. This is a book we've been eager to read for a while, and it's a review we're very proud of. Hope you enjoy and leave your own thoughts.

We're ending May big because starting next week is a new Collected Editions Guest Review month! All through the month of June we'll be featuring guest reviews from a bunch of great contributors, covering trade paperbacks and publishers you might not see as much on Collected Editions. All these reviewers worked very hard, so please reward them with your comments and links, and visit their own websites and blogs.

(If you'd like to write a guest review but missed the call for submissions, send an email to the address on the sidebar. We're always looking for posts!)

The main Collected Editions reviews will be back in July as we continue headlong toward our review of the Final Crisis hardcover. As always, thanks for reading!


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