Collected Editions

DC Trade Solicitations for April 2025 - DC All-In Detective Comics, Superman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Birds of Prey, Flash, Power Girl; Superman: The World and Last Days of Lex Luthor; Jenny Sparks by King; Dr. Fate by DeMatteis


Last month we saw just the Batman title cross the threshold into the post-Dawn of DC, post-Absolute Power DC All-In era. This month, in the DC Comics April 2025 trade paperback and hardcover solicitations, over a half-dozen titles join it. I don’t know if we’re specifically headed for a “self-contained” one-year storyline a la Dawn of DC/Absolute Power, but my general sense is that it worked really well, and this small-focus, one-year-at-a-time approach is a winner. The various semi-connected events of Dawn of DC reminds me a lot of the seminal Countdown to Infinite Crisis era.

To wit, those DC All-In collections are Detective Comics, Superman, and Wonder Woman, Birds of Prey, Flash, Nightwing, and Power Girl. That’s pleasantly a lot of regular series collections — not to mention Batman/Superman: World’s Finest and Green Lantern, when February and March were lighter on those.

Other books that caught my interest — as we enter, indeed, a Summer of Superman — include Superman: The World and Mark Waid’s Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor, as well as Tom King’s Jenny Sparks (when I finish Absolute Power, there is going to be some Tom King reading up in here). The Red Lanterns Omnibus and the Superman by Phillip Kennedy Johnson Omnibus each have some cool stuff in them, as do the DC Finest: Batman and DC Finest: Catwoman volumes. We also see that JM DeMatteis Doctor Fate collection arriving in these pages.

Starting the new year off right — let’s take a look at the full list.

Absolute Preacher Vol. 3 (2025 Edition) HC

Reprinting the third and final Absolute-size slipcased volume, collecting issues #41–66 by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, the Preacher: Tall in the Saddle special, and extras.

The Authority Book Two (New Edition) TP

Mark Millar and company’s Authority #13–29 (the previously released uncensored versions), Authority Annual 2000 #1, and stories from WildStorm Summer Special #1.

The Authority Omnibus (New Edition) HC

Collects The Authority (Vol. 1) #1–29, Planetary/The Authority: Ruling the World #1, Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of the Authority #1–5, Authority Annual 2000 #1, and stories from WildStorm Summer Special and WildStorm: A Celebration of 25 Years.

Batman '89: Echoes HC

Hardcover by Sam Hamm and Joe Quinones, continuing the post-movie comics. Coming in June.

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries Vol. 6 TP

In paperback in June.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight TP

In paperback, collecting Sean Murphy’s Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1–8 and Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1–2.

Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 1: Mercy of the Father HC

Collecting the DC All-In debut of Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin on Detective, coming in hardcover and paperback in at the beginning of July. When this was pre-solicited earlier, I wondered why Taylor didn’t just get Batman, but clearly Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee supersede even Taylor. Collects issues #1090–1096.

Batman: Detective Comics: The New 52 Omnibus Vol. 1 HC

Couple of shifts in this one since the original solicitation. That earlier listing said this collected issues #0–26 plus the Annuals #1–2; that’s been reduced to issues #0–24 and the annuals. It is true that issue #24 marks the end of the Detective Comics Vol. 4: The Wrath collection, though it does not mark the end of then-writer John Layman’s run, which would continue through issue #29 (Detective Comics Vol. 5: Gothtopia). The omnibus is marked “Vol. 1” though, so conceivably the next issues might be in the next book; however, ending this book with issue #29 and starting the next book with #30 would specifically separate Tony Daniel’s and John Layman’s runs from Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato’s that followed (which itself got both trades and a dedicated “Batman by …” collection). That’s through issue #44, after which Peter Tomasi takes over until the book ends with issue #52.

Another additional, unusual addition is reportedly all five issues of Gregg Hurwitz' Penguin: Pain and Prejudice miniseries (reviewed here by Scott Beattie). The miniseries was contemporaneous with the start of the New 52 Detective Comics series, but did not (in my limited recollection) really intersect with Detective despite Layman’s emphasis on the Penguin. Hurwitz writes just one issue of the New 52 Detective (the zero issue), and I’m torn between whether someone thought that was enough to stick the miniseries in the omnibus or if whomever wrote the solicitations is confused and Penguin: Pain and Prejudice won’t actually be in there.

For a deeper dive, this is Vol. 1: Faces of Death, Vol. 2: Scare Tactics, Vol. 3: Emperor Penguin, and Vol. 4: The Wrath. Looking back at my reviews (linked above), the contents here run the gamut; Tony Daniel starts strong but struggles, but then John Layman comes on with better work that’s improved even more by Jason Fabok’s art. A lot of this was beside the point even at the time, second fiddle to Scott Snyder’s “Court of Owls” and etc.; basically I think the value here is a whole lot of Batman that doesn’t require an over-lot of background knowledge, though anyone having not picked this up the first time might just be better off starting with something more recent.

Batman: Hush (Absolute Edition) HC

New printing of what I could have sworn used to be called Absolute Batman: Hush and is now listed as Batman: Hush (Absolute Edition), and I wonder if that’s one of those hedges against Absolute Absolute Batman Vol. 1: The Zoo.

Batman/Superman: World's Finest Vol. 6: Impossible HC

In hardcover and paperback in late June, I expect this will be a story from issue #25 and then #26 through #29 or so. There’s a few other arcs starting with issue #30, and then DC’s next big crossover intersects with the book with issue #38.

Batwoman: Elegy: DC Compact Comics Edition TP

Detective Comics #854–860 by Greg Rucka and JH Williams, in the smaller size and at a $9.99 price point.

Birds of Prey Vol. 3: Bird Undercover TP

In paperback in June from Kelly Thompson, collecting issues #14–19, starting the title’s All-In era.

Cosmic Odyssey: The Deluxe Edition (New Edition) HC

Deluxe edition of the classic Jim Starlin/Mike Mignola miniseries.

DC Finest: Batman: The Killing Joke and Other Stories TP

The previous volume in the this series of just-post-Crisis Batman stories, DC Finest: Batman: Year One & Two, collected Batman #401–412, Batman Annual #11, and Detective Comics #568–579. That’s Batman: Year One and Batman: Year Two, as the name implies, plus stories from Batman: Second Chances (new origin of Jason Todd) and a good chunk of Batman: Dark Knight Detective Vol. 1 (including Legends crossovers).

This next volume collects Batman #413–422 (parts of Second Chances and Batman: Caped Crusader Vol. 1, including “Ten Nights of the Beast”) and Detective #580–589 (parts of Dark Knight Detective Vols. 1–2, introducing the Ventriloquist, Ratcatcher, and the Corrosive Man), plus Batman: Son of the Demon by Mike W. Barr and Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland.

DC Finest: Catwoman: Vengeance and Vindication TP

This is the second-and-on year of the Catwoman series started by Jo Duffy with art by Jim Balent (following DC Finest: Catwoman: Life Lines), being Catwoman #0 and #13–32, Catwoman Annual #2, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #43–44, and a story from Showcase ’95 #4. If it helps you contextualize it, issue #13 is part of “Knightsend” and then issues #14 and #0 tie-in with Zero Hour. With issue #15, Chuck Dixon would come on, writing through the end of this book and on to issue #37, before Doug Moench took over, all with Balent drawing. Also here is a three-parter by Deborah Pomerantz (plus the Showcase story) and an issue by Alan Grant, going along with the Shadow of the Bat crossover. The annual is a “Year One” story with Jordan B. Gorfinkel; also here are Underworld Unleashed and “Contagion” tie-in issues.

DC Finest: Metamorpho: The Element Man TP

Collects Metamorpho’s first and subsequent 1960s appearances from Brave and the Bold #57–58, #66, #68, and #101; Metamorpho #1–17; and Justice League of America #42.

DC Finest: Superman: Kryptonite Nevermore TP

Collects issues of Superman and Action Comics from the early 1970s. This includes the 1970s “Kryptonite Nevermore” story from the Superman title, also known as “The Sandman Saga,” written by Dennis O’Neil and drawn by Curt Swan. This was an attempt by DC to strip down some of the more fantastical Silver Age remnants of the Superman mythos, though, despite that the solicitation calls this “the beginning of one of the greatest chapters in comics history,” the revamped take on Superman was ultimately short-lived. Said to be Action Comics #393–406 and Superman #233–238, and #240–246.

DC Universe by Steve Ditko Omnibus HC

A whole lot here: Detective Comics #483–485; Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant #1; Tales of the New Gods #1; House of Secrets #139 and #148; World’s Finest Comics #249–255; Adventure Comics #467–478; Showcase #73 and #75; House of Mystery #236, #247, #254, #258, #276; 1st Issue Special #7; Beware the Creeper #1–6; Cancelled Comics Cavalcade #2; Strange Adventures #188–189; Legion of Super-Heroes #267–268, #272, #274, #276, #281; Shade, the Changing Man #1–8; Plop! #16; Weird War Tales #46, #49, #95, #99, #104–106; Secrets of Haunted House #9, #12, #41, #45; The Unexpected #189, #221; Ghosts #77, #111; Mystery in Space #111, #114–116; Time Warp #1–4; Stalker #1–4; Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #257; Amazing World of DC Comics #13; Outsiders #13; Hawk and the Dove #1–2; Man-Bat #1; DC Special Series #9; and Action Comics #642.

DC vs. Vampires: World War V Vol. 1 HC

Again, now officially in Elseworlds; again, I’m still waiting for DC to do an all-in-one of the original. Collects issues #1–6 of 12 by Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt.

DCeased Omnibus HC

I haven’t met a DCeased I didn’t enjoy. Collects DCeased #1–6, DCeased: A Good Day to Die #1, DCeased: Dead Planet #1–7, DCeased: Unkillables #1–3, DCeased: Hope At World’s End #1–15, and DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1–8.

DCeased: DC Compact Comics Edition TP

Compact collection of Tom Taylor’s original six-issue miniseries, give or take DCeased: A Good Day to Die.

Doctor Fate by JM DeMatteis TP

Collects JM DeMatteis' entire run on Doctor Fate, the four-issue miniseries followed by issues #1–24 and the annual from the late 1980s Doctor Fate series. That series would actually continue to issue #41, with the latter issues by William Messner-Loebs. Admittedly it’s that latter run that I know best, with Inza Nelson as Dr. Fate, and I’d love to see that collected too – but I really have no frame of reference for Eric and Linda Strauss, and so this is one I’ll be interested to see. The original miniseries had art by Keith Giffen; the latter series is drawn by Shawn McManus.

Flash Vol. 3: As Above TP

Third volume of the Simon Spurrier run, issues #14–19, in paperback in June, entering DC All-In.

Green Lantern Vol. 3: Power of Will TP

The third collection from Jeremy Adams and company, in paperback in May, collecting Green Lantern #13–15 and Absolute Power: Task Force VII #3.

Jenny Sparks TP

In paperback in May, the seven-issue miniseries by Tom King and Jeff Spokes.

Looney Tunes: Catch That Wascally Wabbit! TP

Collects issues #47–53 of the Looney Tunes comic.

Milestone Compendium Four TP

Continuing the classic Milestone compendiums, this is Blood Syndicate #28–32, Hardware #29–38, Icon #28–37, Kobalt #15–16, Static#26–31, Xombi #12–21, Shadow Cabinet#14–17, My Name is Holocaust #1–5, and The Long Hot Summer #1–3. This is just a little short of the end of most of these series, so maybe one more book? In paperback in June.

Nightwing Vol. 1: On With the Show HC

In hardcover and paperback in early June, this is Dan Watters and Dexter Soy’s DC All-In debut on Nightwing. Collects issues #119–124.

Nightwing: A Knight in Bludhaven Compendium Two TP

Collects the main series as well as crossovers and notable appearances (love this!). This is Nightwing #26–59, Nightwing Secret Files & Origins #1, Nightwing 80-Page Giant #1, Action Comics #771 (by Chuck Dixon), Batman Annual #23 (“JLApe,” by Dixon with Nightwing), and Birds of Prey #8 and #20–21 (the “Hunt for Oracle” crossover) The Nightwing: The Target one-shot was previously listed for this book, though not any more; however, stories from Batman Chronicles #20 (by Ian Edginton, teaming Nightwing and the Peter David-era Supergirl) and DCU Holiday Bash II (Nightwing and Oracle by Devin Grayson and Brian Stelfreeze) have been added.

Power Girl Vol. 3: The Star TP

In June in paperback by Leah Williams, collecting issues #14–20 (DC All-In).

Red Lanterns: The New 52 Omnibus HC

Description: So pleased to see this stretches all the way from the Peter Milligan run (for me, really frustratingly slow) to the Charles Soule run, among my top favorite comics ever — compare my reviews of Red Lanterns Vol. 2: Death of the Red Lanterns and Red Lanterns Vol. 5: Atrocities. And indeed this solicitation lists even more contents than the earlier one did. Said to be Green Lantern #23, #23.1, #24, and #28; Green Lantern Corps #24; Green Lantern: New Guardians #24 (a lot of this being the “Lights Out” crossover); Green Lantern Annual #2; Infinity Man and the Forever People #5–6; Red Lanterns #1–40; Red Lanterns Annual #1; Red Lanterns: Futures End #1; Stormwatch #9; and Supergirl #26–33.

Spectre: The Wrath of the Spectre Omnibus (New Edition) HC

Collects Showcase #60–61 and #64; Brave and the Bold #72, #75, #116, #180, and #199; Spectre #1–10; Wrath of the Spectre #4; Adventure Comics #431–440; DC Comics Presents #29; and Ghosts #97–99.

Static: Season One DC Compact Comics Edition TP

Collects the six-issue miniseries by Vita Ayala with Nikolas Draper-Ivey and more.

Superman Adventures Compendium One TP

Coming in June and stated as the first of two volumes. This collects Batman Adventures #25, Superman Adventures #1–28, and Superman Adventures Annual #1, plus Superman Adventures Special: Superman vs. Lobo - Misery in Space #1, the Superman Adventures Titus Game Edition #0, and the TV adaptation Batman & Superman Adventures: World’s Finest #1. Zach King reviewed Superman Adventures Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, and Vol. 4 here in 2023.

Superman by Phillip Kennedy Johnson Omnibus Vol. 1 HC

Collects Action Comics #1029–1046, Action Comics 2021 Annual #1, Action Comics 2022 Annual #1, Superman #30–32, Batman/Superman: Authority Special #1, Superman: Warworld Apocalypse #1, Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #1–2, Future State: Superman: House of El #1, Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1, Infinite Frontier #0, and Superman and the Authority #1–4 by Grant Morrison.

Essentially what we have here is a bit more complete version of 2023’s Superman: The Warworld Saga book, including issues from Superman: The One Who Fell (might be a Superman #29 still to be added here), Johnson’s Ra’s al Ghul story from Gotham City Villains that lead into the Batman/Superman: Authority Special, and the whole of Superman and the Authority, all ending just before Superman: Kal-El Returns.

Superman Vol. 4: Rise of the Superwoman TP

In paperback in May, the DC All-In issues of Superman following the events of Absolute Power. Collects #19–24 and the Superwoman Special.

Superman: Secret Origin (2025 Edition) TP

New printing of the six-issue Geoff Johns/Gary Frank miniseries, arriving in May, just in time for, well, you know.

Superman: The Death and Return of Superman Compendium TP

Collects Superman #73–83, Adventures of Superman #496–505, Justice League of America #69–70, Action Comics #683–692, Action Comics Annual #5, Green Lantern #46, Superman Annual #5, Superman: The Man of Steel #17–26, Superman: The Man of Steel Annual #2, Superman: Legacy of Superman #1, Adventures of Superman Annual #5, Supergirl/Team Luthor Special #1, and Newstime: The Life and Death of Superman #1. I had wondered, given the “compendium” name, whether this might have any ancillary issues in it — what, I couldn’t tell you, but maybe issues where characters were wearing the black armbands or etc. But it does seem to be the usual “Death and Return” material in paperback.

Superman: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 (New Edition) HC

Collects Action Comics #1–31, Superman #1–7, and New York World’s Fair Comics #1–2.

Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor HC

The three-issue Black Label miniseries by Mark Waid and Bryan Hitch, due in hardcover in June.

Superman: The World HC

In hardcover in June, following Batman: The World and Joker: The World. International creators tell tales of Superman, plus a story by Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks.

Superman: Year One TP

Paperback, coming in June, of the 2019 three-issue Frank Miller/John Romita Black Label miniseries. No doubt the movie makes it worth getting this back out there.

Superman's Good Guy Gang Book #1 HC

Both that they’re called the “Good Guy Gant” instead of the Justice League and also Rob Justus' Popeye-esque Guy Gardner crack me up.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen: Who Killed Jimmy Olsen? The Deluxe Edition HC

Wow, I was not planning on double dipping, but the solicitation for the Who Killed Jimmy Olsen Deluxe edition says it includes “the author’s preferred reading order” (can’t resist) and “Easter eggs,” plus not only the 12-issue Matt Fraction/Steve Leiber miniseries and the Superman: Leviathan Rising Special story previously collected, but also the Jimmy Olsen story from Superman: Heroes and — most significantly — the Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen’s Boss Perry White special, which was never collected anywhere. Really gonna have to think about this one.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons TP

In paperback in June, following the hardcover, by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Jimenez, Gene Ha, and Nicola Scott.

Wonder Woman Vol. 3 TP

The third volume by Tom King, in paperback in May, collecting issues #14–19 and entering the DC All-In era.

Comments ( 10 )

  1. Oh, this is going to be a big month for me:
    Red Lanterns Omni
    Milestone Compendium v4
    DC Finest Batman, Superman
    WW v3 and maybe Historia
    Superman v4
    GL v3
    Jenny Sparks
    and maybe Cosmic Odyssey

    That's a lot of money . . . oh, well

    1. Yeah, lot of stuff this month, huh?

      So there's a big spread between the DC Finest: Batman (post-Crisis) and DC Finest: Superman (pre-Crisis). What made those appeal to you and not the Catwoman one, for instance?

    2. As with Marvel's Epic Collection initiative, I pick and choose to fill gaps or read things I haven't read before

      I have basically never read any pre-crisis Superman - it hasn't been well collected for my tastes so I'm strongly leaning towards this collection as a starter. And I can't wait to replace my hodge-podge 70s Batman stuff into a more coherent collection (Tales of the Demon and some of the [Author] collections is all I have there).

      As to post-crisis Batman, I really just want to replace my second-hand and very worn Ten Nights, Y:O, and Y:T collections for something in better shape and with all the connective stuff in between. I don't know if I'll ride it all the way to Knightfall, but I'm going to make it to Lonely Place of Dying because that collection is falling apart (it's probably third-hand and was only cheap because of the shape it was in)

  2. I'm with Bob -- this is a big slate, and I like/want a lot of it.

    Curious to see the Penguin mini included in the DetCom omnibus (DetComNibus?). I would sooner see it in a collection of "The Dark Knight," where the purview was more about redefining the rogues for the New 52 age. Plus, Hurwitz wrote a big chunk of that book but only two issues of DetCom.

    Intriguing to see the DC Finest line mix and mash the Caped Crusader / Dark Knight Detective lines. Perhaps a better reading experience, but not enough to where I'm replacing all those trades. It /is/ tempting to replace my Catwoman floppies with trades, though...

    I did the math on Milestone in an earlier comment, and we should have one more compendium's worth. Hopefully the editors go the extra mile and include Milestone Forever, Rebirth of the Cool, and perhaps even the relevant issues from McDuffie's JLA.

    So so SO tickled to see the Superman Adventures compendium in all its comprehensive glory. I don't know who remembered the Titus Game Edition, but I owe them a drink.

    1. I will be curious whether the Penguin mini ends up in DetComNibus (I like it!); Penguin is certainly popular these days, but neither would I be surprised if the person penning the solicitation got mixed up with Dark Knight.

      We know some of those Caped Crusader/Dark Knight Detective volumes are out of print, and now it seems they're coming out in DC Finest instead of a reprint. I wonder if this will be the way of things, fewer "collections series" and more DC Finest, which aren't at least solicited with "Vol. 1, Vol. 2" (though maybe they have them on the spines), which may make it easier for DC to start and drop series as needed.

      Tell us more about the Titus Game Edition?

    2. From what I've seen, the DC Finest editions seem to be eschewing volume numbers for years on the spine. (Batman: Year One & Two, for example, says 1986-1987.) It ought to be easier for readers /and/ publishers to dip in and out of lines.

      The Titus Game Edition (also known as "Dimension of the Dark Shadows") was a 16-page promotional comic bundled with the ill-fated "Superman 64" video game. It's essentially a prequel to the game, introducing how Lex and the other rogues trapped Superman in a virtual reality Metropolis. It's the sort of thing that any collected edition might reasonably omit, but the fact that it's been included (along with World's Finest and -- hooray! -- Batman Adventures #25) means the collections department is firing on all cylinders.

  3. Very frustrated by these DC Finest collections of Batman seemingly replacing the Caped Crusader/Dark Knight Detective books which I searched the globe looking for and still can’t find one of them. Looks like this will be a mess. I wish they’d just reprint those.

  4. Still no volume 2 on Seagle & Davis' Sandman: Mystery Theatre Omnibus ... that's the one I'm really waiting for :-s

    1. It's going to be a good long while before we see the name "Sandman" on any new publication...

    2. Yeah, this thought crossed my mind too ... :-s


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