Though it’s unlikely this Flash run was going to end before the 800th issue, maybe the last volume would have been a good place to stop. Flash Vol. 19: The One-Minute War was a kicky mini-event spotlighting the whole of the Flash family; Flash Vol. 20: Time Heist, though exciting and surprising in places, just can’t rise to the same level. I am wholly unsure about what I understand to be a horror-tinged Flash title with the new team coming up next, but here at the 20th volume it very much feels like this version’s time has passed.
[Review contains spoilers]
There are a lot of reasons to like Time Heist, not the least of which is the West twins and Maxine “Animal Girl” Baker teaming up with the Super Sons — and I do mean, through time travel shenanigans, the classic young Jon Kent and Damian Wayne. It is rather fantastic, given events in a Super Sons miniseries that I never read, that young Jon is out there and available for issues like this, and I’m glad writer Jeremy Adams made this happen. (Also — Reverse Grodd!)