Whither the Alpha Lanterns?


We've been talking in the comments about two issues of Green Lantern Corps, #21 and #22, that aren't being collected in the Green Lantern Corps trades. These issues deal with the Alpha Lanterns, who also appear in the forthcoming Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns.

Right now, those two Green Lantern Corps issues don't appear in Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns, but I wanted to post this note just to reiterate Green Lantern fans' hope to see these issues collected ... probably I'll have to find these in the back issue bins, but you can always hope.

Comments ( 6 )

  1. It's too bad those two issues aren't being collected. Even so, as someone who has been reading "Green Lantern" and "Green Lantern Corps" from issue to issue, I can tell you that these are two of the less compelling issues to come from a generally strong title. They're not bad... but they really do feel a bit like filler. The writing of Sterling Gates just isn't quite on-par with that of Peter Tomasi. Anyway, I know this probably doesn't make you feel better, but... just so you know. Ideally, these issues would have been included in a TPB with Green Lantern 26-28 (these tie into the two Green Lantern Corps issues somewhat), which would leave only four issues for the forthcoming "Rage of the Red Lantern" book.

  2. I'm not sure what to think of this. The Alpha Lantern story is told in GLC #21-22, and GL #26-28. As stated, the GLC issues were skipped in the "Ring Quest" trade. On the GL side, the entire three-issue arc was skipped in the hardcovers, which went from Sinestro Corps War straight to Secret Origin. What gives?

  3. The Green Lantern issues that got skipped between Sinestro Corps War and Secret Origin appear in the Rage of the Red Lanterns colection, I believe.

  4. Ah yes, I see that now. Unfortunately the Green Lantern Corps issues are still unaccounted for, but perhaps they'll be added in somewhere.

  5. I've noticed that the current GLC storyline concerns the Alpha Lanterns...I don't suppose these missing issues will finally get collected?

  6. Here's hoping -- given that all other issues of Green Lantern Corps are collected, this oversight sticks out more and more. The two issues are by Sterling Gates, too, whose name recognition seems to be growing at DC with his continuing Supergirl work.


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