* Crisis On Multiple Earths Vol. 6 TP
This was announced, then cancelled with the promise of a resolicitation, but for those who've followed the long saga of the Crisis on Multiple Earths books, I don't blame you for feeling disheartened. Well, the good news is that this is back on DC's schedule, and now All-Star Squadron #14-15, which originally wasn't set to appear in this book, has been added in. So now the contents are Justice League #195-197, #207-209, and the All-Star Squadron issues; common wisdom is that Justice League #219-220 and #231-232 are still left to round out a Crisis on Multiple Earths Vol. 7, though that's slim for a full trade and given two years since the last Crisis book, who knows when we might see another one.
* Catwoman Vol. 2: No Easy Way Down TP
As I mentioned before, this book collects through the already-collected Catwoman: Wild Ride. I'd mostly be interested in this series if it starts collecting the uncollected issues Ed Brubaker did with Paul Gulacy and Jimmy Palmiotti.
* Batgirl/Robin Year One TP
Collecting the two Chuck Dixon miniseries. I'm a little fuzzy on how well Dixon's Nightwing: Year One story -- within the pages of Nightwing, not standalone -- dovetailed into these, but I kind of wish DC had gone for the trifecta.
* Harley Quinn: Night and Day TP
If you happen to organize a DC Comics Trade Paperback Timeline (newly updated with all the DC New 52 Vol. 1s), you'll be interested in this collection mainly because it includes another "Our Worlds at War" crossover book that you can add to the reading order.
* Tales of Batman: Archie Goodwin HC
This book is worthwhile at least simply to have a hardcover collection of Archie Goodwin's "Manhunter" saga (previously released with what DC used to generously call their "Prestige Format" binding), plus Goodwin's last Batman story co-written with James Robinson.
* Superman Family Adventures Vol. 1 TP
I have loved flipping through Baltazar and Franco's books in my local comics shop; I'm very curious what their "mainstream" Green Team book is going to be like.
* Before Watchmen: Comedian/Rorschach Deluxe Edition HC
* Before Watchmen: Minutemen/Silk Spectre Deluxe Edition HC
* Before Watchmen: Nite Owl/Dr. Manhattan Deluxe Edition HC
* Before Watchmen: Ozymandias/Crimson Corsair Deluxe Edition HC
I am not, not, not, not, not buying these. There will be bigger omnibus editions, or an Absolute edition, or something. This is entirely the first salvo in the negotiation and I'm not falling for it. (Your results may vary.)
* Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2: Cycle of Violence HC
* Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt TP
* The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men Vol. 2: The Firestorm Protocols TP
* Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Alpha War HC
* Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. 2: Beyond Hope HC
* Red Hood and The Outlaws Vol. 2: The Starfire TP
* Resurrection Man Vol. 2: A Matter of Death and Life TP
* Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling TP
Various and sundry from the New 52 offerings. I get that the Deathstroke book is written and drawn by Rob Liefeld, I get that the quality is going to be suspect, but there's something about a trade of Deathstroke hunting Lobo that puts a smile on my face. Also I rather can't believe New Guardians might be the Green Lantern book I'm most looking forward to. Also that Resurrection Man cover is just plain creepy.
What's on your to-buy list for the month of May?
You could add JLA 244 and Infinity, Inc 19 to that Volume 7 of Crisis on Multiple Earths, and possibly JLA 245 as well to round it out. All three of the potentially included crossovers are highly inessential, with the only notable fact about them being that the middle one is some of Kurt Busiek's first pro comics work.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely getting:
ReplyDeleteCatwoman vol. 2 (big Ed Brubacker fan, have never read this run before, and just bought volume 1)
Harley Quinne vol. 2 (I'm sure this isn't the best series ever but I can't resist the character, plus I already have volume 1)
Crisis on Multiple Earths vol.6 (I already have the other 7 books that preceded this! Haven't read them yet though...But I'm really interested in DC Universe history.)
Robin/Batgirl Year 1: I already own the Robin one, which I liked a lot, but this seems like a cool idea and I am excited to read Batgirl.
I am highly against the Watchmen prequel idea as a concept so no thank you!
As far as a Volume 7 of Crisis on Multiple Earths, there's still one more crossover in addition to those you mentioned. The final JLA/JSA crossover was also a Crisis on Infinite Earths tie-in which ran in JLA #244 and Infinity Inc. #19. In short, Volume 7 would still be slimmer than previous ones but not outrageously so. Plus, I'm sure they could come up with something suitable to fill out the page count. There were at least a few Earth-1/Earth-2 Flash crossovers that were done after the Crisis on Multiple Earths team-up volumes and a number of the "Whatever Happened To...?" back-up stories that appeared in DC Comics Presents featured JSA characters.
ReplyDeleteJordan - Books like the Robin/Batgirl: Year One aren't quite for me, since I read them the first time around, but I like that they're finding a place with a new audience in these collection reprints; ditto especially for the Brubaker/Catwoman books.
ReplyDeleteJeff and Don -- Excellent suggestions. I would like to see a Vol. 7 to finish out the Crisis on Multiple Earth books once and for all, so *we're* not always thinking "whatever happened to ..." And then I want that Crisis on Infinite Earths tie-ins omnibus. :)
Hahaha! I love your resolve regarding the Before Watchmen books.
ReplyDeleteI think the same.
Marvel Solicits: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/marvel-comics-may-2013-solicitations.html
ReplyDelete*Thor: God of Thunder Vol. 1: The God-Butcher HC--I read the first few issues of this and decided it would be best to wait for the trade. I’m excited for it, though.
*Hawkeye Vol. 2 TPB: Little Hits--One of my favorite series continues.
*Deadpool Vol. 1 TPB: Dead Presidents--I’ve heard great things about this, and as someone who likes a chaotic and silly Deadpool more than a violent Deadpool, I’m looking forward to it.
*Marvel 1602: 10th Anniversary Edition HC--I want to see if they add in some good extras; if not, I’ll be happy with my used softcover I got a few years back.
*Deadpool Killustrated TPB--This is an example of the “violent Deadpool” that I’m not a huge fan of, or at least that’s how the first few pages read. I’ll give it another look.
*Wolverine: First Cuts TPB--If you thought they hit Wolverine Origin Trade Saturation with the $200 Adamantium Edition, then here’s the cheap version.
*Spider-Man 2009 Vol. 1 TPB--If you don’t already own a copy, this is a great opportunity to send some money Peter David’s way.
Image Solicits: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=43776
*Elephantmen Vol. 1 Revised and Expanded HC--This is on my list of “comics I should be getting in to but are very, very expensive”. If the stars align, this might be on my shelf.
IDW Solicits: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/idw-may-2013-solicitations.html
*The Crow: Skinning The Wolves TPB--James O’Barr is back! And it’s a Crow story set during the Holocaust! Consider me intrigued.
Dark Horse Solicits: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/dark-horse-may-2013-solicitations.html
*Fagin The Jew 10th Anniversary HC--Will Eisner’s later works examining the influences and prices of anti-Semitism are some of my favorite comics. This will join “The Plot” in my library.
*Ghost: In The Smoke And Din TPB--Kelly Sue DeConnick impressed me with Captain Marvel and I’ve heard similarly impressive comments about “Ghost”.
Another suggestion for the final Crisis volume is the DC Comics Presents annual teaming E1 and E2 Supermen with E3 Luthor. Love, love, love that book.
ReplyDeleteSuper excited for Brubakers Catwoman. 400 pages for $24.99 is a steal. Must have.
ReplyDeleteAnd as person who has bought and read most of the Before Watchmen, I get your idea of holding off. DC will find other ways to collect all of the trades into another format at one point or another.
And for those who shun the Before Watchman books, your missing out on some great reads, especially going to Minutemen and Silk Spectre as the best. Ozymandias, Doctor Manhattan, and Rorschach being decent to great. And Nite Owl and Comedian being okay to sort of dull. And Crimson Corsair I (or anyone I know of) care one bit about that.
Like pretty much everyone else I'll absolutely be picking up volume 2 of Brubaker's Catwoman. That's a book I've been looking forward to ever since I finished (and loved) volume 1.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for the dust to settle on some of those new-52 titles. The good thing about being as far behind as I am is that you have a pretty good idea of what's supposed to be good long before you get to it.
The bad thing, of course, is that a lot of the major twists and turns can be spoiled if you aren't careful. I'm doing my damndest to not find out how Death of the Family ended, but I'm sure it'll be spoiled for me since it'll be about two years until I get to it.
I'll be getting the two Green Lantern series and finishing off the final Resurrection Man story.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what to do about Green Lantern going forward, after Johns & Co leave the titles; I'll definitely be holding off my purchases until the new teams have had a chance to establish the new direction. Green Lantern: Rebirth was the second TPB I purchased when I returned to comics a few years ago (Watchmen being the first, and really the cause of my "hey, even as an adult, these are still enjoyable!" moment), and most of my reading has been centred around the GL Corps since then (also Flash, but there have been far less books of that).
I'm with you, Mr. Simms. Huge, diehard GL fan here, and I'm legitimately bummed Geoff is leaving.
ReplyDeleteAs for New Guardians, it is usually completely and utterly average. Dull, lifeless dialogue balanced by good art and plots. It's better than Red Lanterns, but I think Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps are miles above it in terms of quality (well, Corps has been since #0 anyway).
In terms of the first volumes of the Green Lantern books plus Green Lantern Vol. 2, I agree the main GL book is miles above the others in terms of quality. When we get to the rest, though ... I felt New Guardians had more energy and verve to its plot than the attack by random aliens in Green Lantern Corps: Fearsome, but that's just my take on it. Glad to hear perhaps there's better content in Corps after #0.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to my review of New Guardians Vol. 1 with more reasons why I liked it: http://collectededitions.blogspot.com/2012/12/review-green-lantern-new-guardians-ring-bearer.html
The Brubaker Catwoman should be a HC omnibus!
ReplyDeleteI actually wonder how far Catwoman vol 2 No Easy Way Down would collect. Amazon says 400 pages, while Relentless and Wild Ride total to 320 pages. Also, the original trade of Relentless left behind uncollected issue 11, so if that's to be collected here, I think I'll go for this.