Collected Editions

Odds and Ends for 3-19-07


Fans of Collected Edition's DC Trade Paperback Timeline will want to note that we've now launched a companion blog to Collected Editions, the DC Trade Paperback Timeline Updates blog. This replaces our formerly RSS-only updates system, and the new blog will offer further insights into the thinking behind the placements of trades on the DC Trade Paperback Timeline. Take a gander, won't you, and let us know what you think?


To the person who asked Dan Didio and Bob Wayne at the Wizard World: Los Angeles DC Nation panel whether there would be a second trade of Justice League Elite (to which they apparently said "yes"): I love you.


At that same Wizard World DC Nation panel (reported on by Newsarama), Wayne also mentioned that the four 52 trades would contain commentary from the creators. And according to posters over at Comic Bloc, Didio mentioned that the Manhunter series (are you reading Manhunter yet?) has been saved at least in part due to good trade sales. Yay traders!


If you'd be interested in writing Marvel trade reviews for Collected Editions, please send an email to collectededitions(at)(y-a-h-o-o).com. Briefly talk about what your general reviewing philosophy and what you'd like to review.


That's all for now, though I will mention that Collected Editions has been hard at work at a super-secret project, set to launch very soon ... keep watching.

Comments (4)

  1. Dang skippy...bring on that second Justice League Elite trade...I've been longing for that for a while now...

  2. That's putting it mildly. It's been, what, a year since the last trade? Two? Wonder what sales on the first volume was like for DC to put the second one off for so long.

  3. Yeah, which is why I was surprised to hear that answer out of LA--frankly, I'd written off Justice League Elite Volume 2 (and gone ahead and bought the remaining issues on the cheap, too). To be honest, I'm almost skeptical that it's really going to come out, like Didio mis-heard the question or something. We'll see.

  4. Also das denke ich auch!
    07/ 2004: Justice League Elite #1 (of 12) -- 53,847 -- [56,142]
    08/ 2004: Justice League Elite #2 (of 12) -- 45,570 (-15.4%)
    09/ 2004: Justice League Elite #3 (of 12) -- 42,321 (- 7.1%)


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