Odds and Ends for 5-21-07

* More links: Black and White Wonder has additional details on DC's Showcase Presents titles for August, as well as Marvel's upcoming Essentials.

* A little late, DC's released a list of their trades for October, over at Newsarama. Mystery in Space is listed as a "volume 1" (Boo! Hiss!), and there's rumblings about two CMX graphic novels, Presents and Variante at a larger trim size, 5 1/2 by 8 (still smaller than a "regular" trade paperback).

Meanwhile, a Newsarama message board poster points out what I missed, that Flash: Wonderland does not contain Flash: Iron Heights. Oh, well; something's better than nothing. But I wonder ... will the Flash: Wonderland trade have the same trade dress as the other Geoff Johns Flash trades?

* Collected Editions is still taking guest reviews on Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, even select Vertigo trades, as well as independent and what-have-you. If you're interested, send an email to the address at right.

* The RSS feed may show some old reviews for a little while as we update our post labels. Sorry for the inconvenience, and enjoy the flashback!


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