Collected Editions

Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men question


Meant to have a review of Superman: Up, Up, and Away this weekend, but it looks like some wires got crossed. Hope to have that soon.

Meanwhile, we received a very thoughtful email from one of Collected Editions' readers regarding our review of Absolute DC: New Frontier, which we'll respond to in a post in the next few weeks. But the email also asked this question about Marvel Masterworks:

I was wondering who the best authority on them would be or who to contact about upcoming releases. I've noticed on the Collected Comics Library blog site, that there are 5 editions of Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men going roughly from Claremont's run of #94 to #140. I believe he was on it up to #389, so I am wondering since it appears that the last volume came out a year ago, if they'll be finishing his run? I realize a lot of them are also reprinted in the Essentials but frankly I like to read comics originally published in color, in color. Same goes for those originally in b&w. To me it's sort of the whole thing about seeing it as it originally was. Any help is most appreciated.
Anyone know answers on this one? In addition to Collected Comics Library, I believe the Graphic Novel Archive and Black and White Wonder are both good resources for Masterworks. Can anyone suggest other sites? Anyone know what's coming up on the Uncanny X-Men Marvel Masterworks? Collected Editions appreciates the help, too!

And remember, if you're interested in writing a review for Collected Editions, send an email to the address at the right with the name of the trade paperback you want to review. Thanks!

Comments ( 2 )

  1. AnonymousJune 24, 2007

    The best resource I've found for Marvel Masterworks related news/info is

    Poking around the lists or message boards might yield the requested info.

  2. AnonymousJune 24, 2007

    Wow, I never even knew these sites existed. Thanks to you both!


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