Calling all Guest Bloggers!

 ·  1 comment

Collected Editions is taking some time off starting in November for a little thing called NaNoWriMo, but never fear — we've got a great line-up of guest reviews coming for all your trade paperback needs.

We still have some spaces open, so if you're interested in writing a review for Collected Editions — or even want to guest post on your thoughts about trade paperbacks, graphic novels, or the state of the industry — send an email to the Yahoo address at right and let us know!

We'd especially love to see (but aren't limited to) reviews of indie and non-mainstream trade paperbacks and graphic novels. If there's an undiscovered favorite for which you'd like to send a shout-out, be in touch — November could be your chance to get the word out.

Comments ( 1 )

  1. Hey, I can't seem to et your email to work, but I'm interested in guest blogging for you :)

    I've never reviewed a comic before, but I have strong opinions about trades so I should be fine.

    If you're still looking for people you can drop me a line at my gmail adress, nicolejuliette.


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