More DC Comics trade paperbacks for 2008


Here's a couple more trade paperbacks now confirmed coming down the DC Comics pike: Showcase Presents Booster Gold (collecting the Dan Jurgens series, perhaps), Outsiders: Five of a Kind (probably issue #50 of Outsiders plus the five-part miniseries), Robin: The Big Leagues, Lobo: Portrait of a Bastich, Superman: 3-2-1 Action (if this isn't a kids' book, I sure hope they change the title), Nightwing: The Missing Year (the next Marv Wolfman trade, collecting #133-137), and Shazam: The Greatest Stories Ever Told.


Comments ( 7 )

  1. Why on Earth have DC not yet released a TPB version of Green Lantern Vol.1 No Fear?

    I know I waited a while for the paperback version of Rebirth but this is taking the piss a little bit.

    I simply refuse to buy those Premier hard covers that DC and now Marvel seem so fond of. I can't stand them.

  2. OMG BOOSTER GOLD! I'll look out for that one.

  3. Yeah, the Green Lantern paperbacks are taking a long time. I'd actually wonder if they're not going to release them, period, if there wasn't a paperback ISBN already in the hardcover.

    Wendyskeleton - * grin * I thought people would like that one ...

  4. Whereabouts did you find the details of the upcoming trades?

  5. A Booster Gold Showcase Presents does sound really fun. Here's hoping Blue Beetle and Suicide Squad from the same era get similar treatment soon.


  6. Yessssssss, Boosssssssterrrrr Goooooold! Now all I needs is Showcase Presents The Blue Beetle and I can die happy and penniless.

  7. Suicide Squad, I recall, being one of the Showcase Presents cancelled in the great Showcase Presents overturn a few months back. They haven't resolicited that yet?


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