Trade Paperback Timeline updated with One Year Later, Countdown Volume One


Just a quick note that I've updated the DC Trade Paperback Timeline with additional details for One Year Later, through the first volume of Countdown. This is fairly complete, I think -- missing a couple recent Superman trades and a bit of Green Arrow/Black Canary stuff -- and if you see anything else that needs correcting, please let me know.

Find more details about the latest timeline update at the DC Trade Paperback Timeline Update Blog.

Also, it's slowly dawning on me that we've essentially completed our One Year Later trade reading now, moving full force into Countdown. To that end, I'm going to prepare a small One Year Later retrospective for next week; One Year Later was essentially a DC un-crossover, but yet an era with similarities to the interconnectedness of the Identity Crisis and Infinite Crisis eras, and I'd like to pause and take a look before we move on.

Second, I've updated the nascent Collected Editions store with a One Year Later section, which goes along with the books you'll see on the DC Trade Paperback Timeline.

Your feedback is always appreciated -- and if you're reading along with the DC Trade Paperback Timeline, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks all.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Really enjoying your site, and the timeline is a great tool. Thanks!

  2. Thanks very much. If you see something that's not on the timeline and you know where to put it, just let me know.


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