Collected Editions's 1,000th Post


This is not actually Collected Editions's 1,000th post.

With the vagaries of permanent pages and drafts, this post is probably a little short of Collected Editions's 1,000th post. Said 1,000th post will probably be a review and will pass unremarked over the next week or so, as perhaps how it should be.

This is a post, however, to mark that Collected Edition's 1,000th post is upon us. In celebration we've given the old homestead a little facelift. Not a whole lot different on the outside, really -- a little brighter, hopefully, and a little easier to read -- but there's a bunch of behind-the-scenes updates specifically designed to position the Collected Editions blog to embrace what comes next.

... What comes next?

Consider, when the Collected Editions site started back in 2005, trade collections still seemed like an afterthought for many publishers. Certainly you couldn't count on waiting for your favorite series in trade, letting alone the massive deluxe omnibus monstrosities we've now grown to demand and love. When Collected Editions started, Facebook wasn't open to the public, Twitter hadn't launched yet, no one had ever heard of an iPad before, and certainly there wasn't the wide catalog of digital comics available (legally) that there is now. A lot has changed in just six short years.

Collected Editions circa 2006

Collected Editions circa 2006

With all existential concerns about whether there will actually even be comic books for us here anymore after the DC Comics relaunch, the redesigned Collected Editions is geared up for an exciting couple of months of trades -- the end of the old DC Universe, the Flashpoint collections, and the beginning of the new DC Universe. Will the new DCU be collected all in hardcover? Might every volume be deluxe? We're only hearing rumors for now, but we're excited to pore over all the details with you when the news finally arrives.

Collected Editions circa 2008

Collected Editions circa 2008

Thanks to all the Collected Editions guest contributors, and thanks to everyone who stops by and leaves a comment -- here, and on the Facebook page and Twitter feed. Every single comment gets read -- promise!

Onward and upward ... new reviews coming tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 23 )

  1. Congratulations!

    P.S. First! ;-)

  2. Yeah, congratulations. Collected Editions is always an interesting blog. It allows me to have a second look at stories I already read or to discover others I may have missed.

  3. ...and a thousand more!

  4. I'd actually love to write a review for this site myself, if you'd have me

  5. This is my favorite comics site. It deserve 10,000 and plus posts more...


  6. Thank you all. My favorite part of this by far is the conversations in the comments section.

    @MrImaginary, if you want to talk guest reviews, just email me at the Yahoo account. Thanks!

  7. I love this site, keep up the good work. One small quibble, it would be nice if every review included the exact issues and page count included for each trade. DC's marketing copy often seems to get it wrong and there are few reliable sources for the information at times.

    May the site live another 1000 posts and beyond! Until the necessary reboot when sales start slipping ;)

  8. Congratulations! This is one of my go-to sites for specific information or just to browse. You've led me to a lot of good reading. Thanks - and thanks for not renumbering just shy of the 1000-mark!

  9. Congrats, and keep up the great work!

  10. Congratulations on maintaining a great blog!

  11. Congratulations! This has become one of my absolute favorite sites, and the DC Trade Paperback Timeline is an invaluable resource.

  12. I sure did miss an opportunity to make a "renumber before #1,000" joke, didn't I? Oh, well. I still believe we'll see our DC #1,000s one of these days.

  13. Congratulations! I really enjoy reading your reviews. This site is one of the first ones I go to on Mondays and Thursdays. Here's to thousands more posts!

  14. My favorite comics site.

    Hope you get 10,000 more posts.

  15. Congratulations CE!
    This is really one of my favorite sites because of your great reviews and the DC TPB line!
    Keep up the good work :)

  16. Since I only discovered this site about 3 years ago, it's hard for me to believe there have been nearly 1,000 posts already. I really appreciate your effort to post two new reviews every week, and I hope you keep doing it for many years to come, for the sake of trade-waiters around the globe.

  17. @shag -- Just curious, do you remember how you found the site?

  18. I was looking for information on whether the last 3 issues of Greg Rucka and Eric Trautmann's Checkmate run would be collected, and Google pointed me towards your Checkmate: Fall of the Wall review, probably because of Trautmann's comment. I must have spent an entire afternoon reading most of your archived reviews afterwards.

  19. Love that story, thanks. Eric Trautmann has been generous with his time leaving comments; Sterling Gates is another who's friendly to the blogs (and I'm sure I'm overlooking others).

  20. CongratulationS on this milestone. About 2 years ago a friend referred me to your site (the elusive MobyOne) and I've been back every day since.

  21. Nightwing's New and Slightly Homosexual Red SuitSeptember 08, 2011

    Long time reader, first time commenter - congratulations! I have relied on this source for all my trade goodness and I am very grateful! I applaud your wok on this blog! Keep up the good work for a thousand more!

  22. Appreciate the first-time comment, though oddly specific handle you've got there.

  23. I actually came here looking for positive reviews about a few very bad books (at that time) like Nightwing: Brothers in Blood, Superman: The Wrath of Gog & In the Name of Gog. I left satisfied, and agreed with all observations after reading them....I've been a regular reader ever since.


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