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• Batman Vol. 3: Death of the Family
• Joker: Death of the Family
The Joker book, collecting the "Death of the Family" tie-ins, comes out in October; Batman Vol. 3 comes out in December -- the end of 2013, yes, but the fact that these books will be out this year is exciting news nonetheless.
UPDATE: now looking like both of these books will be out on October (yay!). The Joker tie-in trade here collects Catwoman #13-14, Batgirl #13-16, Suicide Squad #14-15, Batman and Robin #15-16, Nightwing #15-16, Detective Comics #15-16, Red Hood and the Outlaws #15-16, and Teen Titans #15-16. The Batman book collects #13-17 of that series; see the comments for some discussion of what happens to the issues between Death of the Family and Year Zero.
• Joker: The Clown Prince of Crime
No other details on this one right now but it sounds like a "Greatest Stories Ever Told"-type collection. Hat tip to helpful commenters -- this is a collection of the 1975-1976 Joker series.
• Batman Incorporated Vol. 2
The second New 52 Batman, Inc. collection
• Batgirl Vol. 3: Death of the Family
• Batman & Robin Vol. 3: Death of the Family
• Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: Emperor Penguin
• Batwoman Vol. 3: World's Finest
• Catwoman Vol. 3: Death of the Family
• Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3: Death of the Family
Deviating in part from how the "Night of the Owls" books were collected, many of these seem to carry the "Death of the Family" name right up front.
Of note, the Batman & Robin collection is reportedly issues #15-18, the Annual, and Batman #17. The Catwoman collection includes the Catwoman story from Young Romance. The Red Hood collection has Teen Titans #15-16.
• Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis
• Justice League Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis
• Justice League of America Vol. 1
• Shazam! Vol. 1
Big doings in the Justice League collections at the end of the year -- two-times the "Throne of Atlantis," plus the first Justice League of America collection, and finally, the collection of Johns and Frank's Shazam back-up stories, scheduled now for October in hardcover.
UPDATE: Some controversy in the comments section that the Aquaman collection is issues #14-18 of that series, and the Justice League collection is #13-17 and Aquaman #14-16. This means one would have to buy the entire Aquaman collection really to only get two issues. UPDATE REDUX: Actually, it's even worse than this, at least as currently solicited. See comments below ...
• Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army
• Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Rise of the Third Army
• Green Lantern Vol. 3: Rise of the Third Army
• Red Lanterns Vol. 3: Rise of the Third Army
Unless the "no volume number" Green Lantern collection is New Guardians, then it looks like "Third Army" will have its own crossover trade plus the individual trades. Note again all the collections now carrying the crossover name (are inter-family-title crossovers the future of DC Comics?).
The main Third Army collection contains Green Lantern Annual #1, Green Lantern #13-16, Green Lantern Corps #13-16, Green Lantern: New Guardians #13-16, Red Lanterns #13-16, and Green Lantern Corps Annual #1. The Green Lantern and Red Lanterns volumes collect each series' issues #13-20 and their zero issue; the Green Lantern Corps collection is #13-20 and the annual. Here again, one might question the necessity of the crossover collection at all.
• Superman: H'el on Earth
• Superman - Action Comics Vol. 3: At the End of Days
• Superman Vol. 3
We'll see the end of Grant Morrison's Superman saga collected before the end of the year, plus the Superman/Supergirl/Superboy "H'el" crossover.
• Animal Man Vol. 3: Rotworld: The Red Kingdom
• Swamp Thing Vol. 3: Rotworld: The Green Kingdom
... and also the full "Rotworld" saga.
Dizzyingly, the Animal Man collection is issues #12-17 and Swamp Thing #12 and #17-18; the Swamp Thing collection is #12-18 and Animal Man #12 and #17.
• All Star Western Vol. 3: The Black Diamond Probability
• Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt
• Flash Vol. 3: Gorilla Warfare
• Green Arrow Vol. 3
• I, Vampire Vol. 3: Wave of Mutilation
• Savage Hawkman Vol. 2: Wanted
• Suicide Squad Vol. 3
• Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Iron
• Worlds' Finest Vol. 2
The "best of the rest" of what's coming for the New 52. Glad we see a third Wonder Woman collection in 2013, Iron; I wasn't expecting I, Vampire to go to a third trade, but I'm there. The third Green Arrow trade will have issues both by Ann Nocenti and the beginning of Jeff Lemire's run.
• DC Comics One Million Omnibus
As announced before, but now available for pre-order, all the DC One Million tie-ins in one collection.
• Deadshot: Beginnings
Collects the four-issue John Ostrander/Kim Yale Deadshot miniseries from 1988 (and more?). Too much to hope this will get the ball rolling on those classic Suicide Squad collections again?
• Green Arrow Vol. 1: Hunters Moon
Congratulations, Collected Editioners -- I know you've been waiting for this one for a while. "Hunters Moon" is the first arc of Mike Grell's Green Arrow series that launched in 1988 following Longbow Hunters. Hopefully this'll be the first of many ...
• Superman: Dark Knight Over Metropolis
Technically this is Superman #44, Adventures of Superman #467, and Action Comics #654 by Jerry Ordway, Dan Jurgens, and Roger Stern, collecting one of the first major post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Superman/Batman crossovers (and a darn good mystery story!). There's years of Superman stories that built up to this one, and I hope some of those make it in here too.
• JLA: Earth 2 - Deluxe Edition
In retrospect, it kind of makes sense this should have a Deluxe edition ...
• Absolute Joker/Luthor
The newly announced two-hardcovers-with-slipcase Absolute by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo.
• Batman Unwrapped By Andy Kubert
Hush Unwrapped was Jim Lee's art without dialogue; this looks to be in the same vein, with Andy Kubert's art from Grant Morrison's Batman and Son and Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader.
• Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
I believe this is the digital series (not a collection of the "old" Legends of the Dark Knight series from start to finish, which would be cool), though it's interesting the (perhaps temporary) cover art says "The New 52!" on it. Wonder if that'll stick.
• Deadman: Book Four
Continuing the series of collecting Deadman's 1970s appearances around the DC Universe. By Len Wein and Jim Aparo.
• Doctor Mid-Nite
A new printing of the Matt Wagner Dr. Mid-Nite miniseries. A great book, though I wonder why it's getting a reprint, unless that portends something for Earth 2.
... and just a couple more:
• Joe Kubert Presents
• Our Army at War: The Joe Kubert War Collection
• Ame-Comi Girls Vol. 1
• Arrow Vol. 1
• Fables: The Deluxe Edition, Book Eight
• Injustice
• JSA Liberty Files: The Whistling Skull
• Legends of the Dark Knight: Jim Aparo Vol. 2
• Smallville Season 11 Vol. 3: Haunted
Wow. Green Arrow by Mike Grell. Dark Knight Over Metropolis. "Death of the Family" in 2013. Good, good stuff here. What are you most looking forward to?
It figures that DC would finally announce it was collecting the Grell Green Arrow a few months after I finally broke down and bought the whole of volume 2 as back issues.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much Green Arrow: Hunters Moon will collect. That story arc ran four issues, which is too thin for a trade (unless you're IDW). But even if it's twelve, it'll take them eight volumes to get through the series, and I can't imagine it lasting that long before they give up on it. This is a series that cries out for Starman-style Omnibus treatment.
A second vote for Starman-style omnibuses for Green Arrow. Unfortunately this is listed as paperback at the moment.
ReplyDeleteApparently it annoys the crap out of me, but looks like Morrison 2 Batman Inc's won't be deluxe versions...maybe sometime next year we get a big deluxe edition with 0-12 in it. Still annoying though. @kukheart
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to Batwoman vol. 3: World's Finest. Curious about "Dark Knight Over Metropolis" as I'm not familiar with that story line. Also, is the H'el on Earth crossover worth a read?
ReplyDeleteDAE have any issues with the links? I get 404 Errors on all of them.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I had 404 errors as well.
DeleteSorry -- links may not be working yet but should resolve soon.
DeleteSome links working now; they're coming up slowly and probably will continue to for the next couple days.
DeleteReally looking forward to the Joker / Luthor absolute and the Death of the Family collection. Also excited to start reading Mike Grell's Green Arrow, haven't read it yet but bought a copy of Longbow Hunters, which looks awesome! They're going to have to wait though, I'm saving up for the 52 and Infinite Crisis Omnibus! Are those omnibuses going to be a limited print, as in they'll be out of print in a year's time, or will DC keep them in print?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to Deadshot, Green Arrow by Grell and Dark Knight over Metropolis. There are so many creator oriented series that ran a lot of issues with the same creator (no revolving doors, guys who were off the book after four issues and stuff) like JLI, Suicide Squad, Spectre (Ostrander, Moench, DeMatteis...all were creator oriented right till the end), Young Justice, Firestorm (while Ostrander took over later, Conway did a huge chunk), Supergirl (Peter David) that deserve to be printed. Hope this is the first of a series of Grell collections.
ReplyDelete@ajsztehlo: I guess its demand based. If there is a demand, DC will keep it in print. Personally I wouldn't go for the 52 Omnibus as the paperbacks have a lot of extras---commentary by the writers after each issue, which were created specially for the trades and absent from the omni. The trades are out of print, though.
Someone on CBR just made a great suggestion about the Joker: Clown Prince of Crime link.
ReplyDeleteMaybe its the 70's Joker ongoing series.
I'd buy that in a heartbeat. Never read or had those before.
Anyone else a little annoyed they didn't announce a throne of Atlantis hardcover? Would quite like it collected in the order they advertised to read it in
Now that the Amazon link is up, it looks as though the Justice League volume collects the Aquaman issues as well - at least some of them, anyway. (I assume the relevant ones.)
DeleteYeah I've seen that now, I hope that is the case. DC are usually pretty good with their good with their collections by adding relevant crossovers together. All though I still would like a Absolute Flashpoint with all the other mini-series collected with it.....but that's a completely different topic : )
DeleteHere's hoping that Wonder Woman continues in hardcover despite the dropping sales and doesn't suffer like Morrison's Batman Inc.
ReplyDeleteAnd that Green Lantern stuff boggles my mind. I get one complete collection since its releasing in "chapters" but with two prior volumes out, you would think New Guardians would get a branding out the gate too.
Given how long Rise of the Third Army was (20 issues plus an annual), I honestly wasn't especting DC to collect it in a single volume. People who are only interested in one of the Green Lantern books should be able to follow the story by buying the third volume, since each of the four monthlies had a separate plot strand, but I suspect all of the volumes will have to include the GLC Annual that wraps up the crossover.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I don't see the need to give Throne of Atlantis two separate collections. A volume collecting Justice League #13-17 and Aquaman #14-16 should be enough for people who follow either series.
Even more questionable is the decision to collect the beginning of Lemire's Green Arrow run along with the end of Nocenti's. Even if there are only three Nocenti issues left to collect, the Savage Hawkman and Deathstroke issues that cross over with #14 would be enough to fill the rest of the TPB.
Lastly, I hope the success of the Arrow TV show is enough to keep the Green Arrow by Mike Grell collections going, but it's hard to be hopeful when collections of more recent material like Legion Worlds and the sofcover version of Starman Omnibus vol. 3 just got cancelled due to low pre-orders.
Wait, Legion Worlds was cancelled? Eff!
DeleteSad but true. Check this link:
I am absolutely with you on Lemire sharing a TPB with Nocenti. I am one of the majority who hated Nocenti's run, and is loving Lemire's current run. Very disappointed that I will have to put something written by Nocenti on my bookshelf.
DeleteStarman Omnibus V3 (paperback) cancelled, whaa?
DeletePresumably 4 to 6 are cancelled as well then?! :(
Yep. What makes it even more tragic is the fact that the third HC is already out of print.
DeleteGranted we already have Starman Omnibuses, but I wonder if down the road a Compleat Starman is coming that will collect the whole series in two volumes or something. That seems to be the current trend with DC collections.
DeleteMaybe there will be a blog post about it, but there's at least one good bit of news from the August 2013 solicitations: Green Arrow vol. 3 will only collect issues #0 and #14-16, plus Hawkman #14 and Justice League #8 to fill the rest of the 144 pages. That means Lemire's first arc will be collected separately from Nocenti's last 3 issues after all.
DeleteThat's probably good maybe if you're inclined to skip this trade and just want to start with Lemire's run. I'll be picking this up because I'm curious about the Hawkman crossover, and having Lemire's issues out of it frustrates me a little -- it just means it'll be that much longer before the collection of Lemire's issues finally come out.
DeleteYou think with the popularity of Arrow they'll switch the series over to hardcover for Lemire's issues?
TV show or not, Green Arrow isn't one of DC's strongest sellers right now, so I don't see them switching it to hardcover. However, it would make sense to renumber the collections and call the next one "Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire vol. 1" instead of volume 4. That's what Marvel does whenever a new creative team takes over a series, and I think GA would benefit from that.
DeleteAccording to the Amazon listing, the mysterious "Joker" book is indeed a collection of the complete "Joker" on-going series from the mid-70s, which ran for 9 issues. That would make sense, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting these!
ReplyDeleteSurprised there's no Dark Knight Vol. 3 with the other Batbooks. Also wondering how they're planning to collect Snyder's three issues of Batman in between 'Death of the Family' and 'The Zero Year.' I'm guessing DC will want to market 'The Zero Year' as the new primer for Batman readers, so there probably won't be any present day material in the collection. Those three interim issues would make a pretty slim hardcover, though...maybe they're planning on a second annual to fill it out?
I was thinking the same thing. If Snyder says his Year Zero is similar to The Black Mirror, it would make sense to have DC collect issue #0 and #21-#32 to make up the 12-issue Year Zero into a $30 hardcover like Black Mirror.
DeleteBut issue 18-20 though...yeah, we'll have to wait and see about that one.
I actually wouldn't be at all surprised if Batman #18-20 wasn't added to the end of the Death of the Family HC by the time it actually comes out. Either that, or they'll be thrown in with some cobbled-together collection of random issues from other books. I'm hoping for the former.
ReplyDeleteNo "New Guardians" collection ? Or are they waiting for January 2014?
Justice Leage collected in Shazam? Looks good but does this mean new title?
never, and also @Brandan, my guess is there's still a bit to be added to these listings, and New Guardians will be coming. The series is still ongoing, so I'd be real surprised if all the other titles have a Third Army collection and New Guardians didn't.
DeleteNow that the Amazon links are back, I took a look at the content listing for the DC One Million Omnibus, and it's even more comprehensive than I expected, collecting stuff like Booster Gold #1,000,000, the Superman/Batman two-parter by Chris Roberson and a short feature from JLA in Crisis Secret Files that I didn't even know existed.
ReplyDeleteStill, there's one tiny thing missing from the list that I would like to see in the omnibus: the last two pages of JLA #23, which set the stage for the crossover and were ommited from the JLA TPBs.
Another surprise is the fact that the individual third volumes of the Green Lantern books will collect each series up to issue #20, bringing the Johns/Tomasi/Bedard/Milligan era to a close. Unless they're planning to collect Wrath of the First Lantern in a single volume down the line, it seems people who decide to buy the Rise of the Third Army HC will still be forced to buy the individual volumes in order to get the full WotFL story, not to mention the #0 issues.
Also not mentionned here, but some very interesting stuff from Vertigo:
ReplyDeleteoriginal HC graphic novels for The Unwritten and Fairest, the softcover edition to Fables: Werewolves of the Heartland, the Fables Encyclopedia, A Vertigo Visions HC featuring Frank Quitely, The Children's Crusade HC collecting the Vertigo x-over by Neil Gaiman, and softcover collections for Spaceman and Ex Machina
Uttering happy to hear about these solicitations, but considering it's too early to get the information on most of these correct, I still have questions.
ReplyDeleteThe Justice League/Aquaman story, "Throne of Atlantis". Justice League is getting all of the storyline pieces together. Yet, Aquaman Vol.3 is NOT getting JL #15-17. That will just be a huge middle finger to Aquaman fans who will be forced to pick up JL Vol.3 for the complete story. So something has to be fixed there.
I'm a happy and comfounded by the GL series and how they're getting collected. I'm happy the volume 3 is collecting all of the remaining issues for their series, yet I thought for sure all of the series was going up til issue 16 for a volume 3, then DC would collect all 4 series for a Wraith of the First Lantern volume 1 (issues 17-18) & 2 (19-20) in honor of Sinestro Corp War. So if this current solicitation is correct, then WOFTL will still get collected into a near 400+ hardcover of issues 17-20 for all 4 series. Hmmm okay.
Happy with the Batman volume 3 and Joker companion being done right by NOT including Snyder's Batman issues at all in there to confuse people.
And again, why in the blue hell is DC still releasing Swamp Thing 3 months apart from Animal Man?! Those two belong together and I'm in utter question why DC chooses to keep these two apart.
Other then that, I love what I see. Love the Mike Grell stuff, Deadman back issues, and more 70's material getting published one step at a time.
The content listing for Aquaman vol. 3 must be wrong, since 5 issues wouldn't be enough to fill 176 pages. Even if it includes Justice League #15-17, it will still be bad for people who follow both series, since they'll be forced to buy the Aquaman volume just because of issues #17-18.
DeleteWhoa, that's a LOT of new collections for just 4 months.
ReplyDeleteUp to this point, DC took 8 months for all 52 ongoing series to be collected (2012/05-11 and 2013/01-08). But this time they seem to squeeze it all into less. Looks like it could be 6 months, with the missing series like New Guardians, Nightwing, JL Dark, or Dark Knight coming in January and February 2014.
While I like that the waiting time between volumes is getting a little cut short, this are going to be some really expensive months...
So, lemme get this straight, both Volume 1 and Volume 2 of New 52 Batman Inc. are coming out at the same exact time (November 5th, 2013)?
ReplyDeleteThat's the paperback of volume 1. DC's got the books on a schedule I rather like; the hardcover comes out first (for Batman Inc. Vol. 1, it's May), and then the paperback comes out at the same time as the next hardcover. Keeps things together.
Delete2nd attempt at comment, think something screwed up:
ReplyDeleteWell this is all really exciting, though I am of course frustrated that I JUST BOUGHT the small JLA One Million trade, which will now be irrelevant because I'd LOVE that omnibus. Same exact thing for JLA Earth 2 (I was on a Grant Morrison buying binge.) Hopefully the deluxe edition isn't a Must Have!
I am really excited about this Superman Dark Knight thing cause I've never heard of it but it sounds right up my alley, and I'm REALLY curious about that Joker series!!
Undecided about if I'll wait for some Batman Inc. deluxe thing for those 12 issues or just buy both trades. I've been following Grant Morrison's Batman epic since the very beginning so I am eager to read these books.
Also, in the realm of pedantry, the stories in Joker: The Clown Prince of Crime are not completely uncollected; the issue where Joker goes to Star City was collected in Green Arrow / Black Canary: For Better or For Worse.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Bleeding Cool, Teen Titans, Vol. 3: Death of the Family, Nightwing, Vol. 3: Death of the Family, The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, Vol. 3: Takeover, Birds of Prey, Vol. 3: A Clash of Daggers and a few others are also coming in December.
DC just posted the list of all upcoming 2013 collected editions on the "Press" section of their blog (which keeps getting worse, as CE said), although the link on the front page is broken:
As usual, some of it contradicts the information found at Amazon. For instance, Aquaman vol. 3 will actually feature pretty much the same content as Justice League vol. 3, except for Aquaman #0 replacing Justice League #13-14, which is just silly and punishing for completist Johns fans.
However, I have to commend them for including Batman #17 in the Batgirl, Nightwing and Batman and Robin collections that tie in with Death of the Family. Without the the crossover's climax, those collections would all have a jarring transition between a huge cliffhanger featuring the Joker and the story's aftermath.
Also, the second Batman Incorporated volume will collect issues #7-13, which suggests Morrison's run was extended by one issue just like his Action Comics epic.
Beat me to it, shag; I was just about to mention the same thing. (Not for nothing, but DC is announcing two days later what you Collected Editioners got Saturday night ...)
DeleteThe Aquaman/Justice League: Throne of Atlantis collection scheme, as announced right now, is certainly a mess -- everything from the Aquaman collection in Justice League except #0? If that's the case I'll be skipping that Aquaman collection for sure.
I'm not so certain about having the same Batman issue in three different other collections -- I don't much like paying for the same thing three times -- but I'll take your word that the issue is necessary.
Rumors abound on that Batman, Inc. #13, including that Chris Burnham may be taking over the series himself.
Not to mention that AQUAMAN # 17 is the epilogue to the "Throne of Atlantis" crossover, so it should be there, too.
DeleteNothing from the above interests me much except may be the Joker 70's trade. Vertigo has some interesting solicits - I will be picking up Volume 8 of Fables Deluxe but we're continually getting less for our money. This one collects #60 - 63, #65 - 69 which is less than the number of issues in the 'Good Prince' trade. Also, I'm looking forward to the 2nd Authority deluxe edition which is now up for pre-order. Collects Vols 13 - 29; Lucifer Book Two which collects 14 - 28 of the ongoing series plus the Nirvana one-shot and the new edition of Hellblazer Bloodlines (#47 - 61 & FYI the Amazon solicit is wrong). I'm really loving the new Hellblazer releases; they're collecting the entire series in numerical order without skipping any issues in-between like last time. Vertigo is even collecting short prose stories and extras from anthologies like Vertigo Winter's Edge, Vertigo Secret Files and Vertigo Shorts.
ReplyDeleteAnd also on the Source blog. Ah, well, DC had a couple more for us -- scooped the scoop, as it were. Good on them.
ReplyDeleteI'll hit these more in more detail at another point, but what jumps out to me:
• Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. 3: Rise of the Third Army -- So indeed it was out there.
• Green Lantern: Sector 2814 Vol. 3 - This collects right up to Crisis on Infinite Earths, which is cool. I'd like to see a trade of the next issues (#201 and on), which are early post-Crisis Green Lantern Corps stuff.
• Superman: Man of Steel Vol. 8 - Glad to see another one of these, including Action Comics #600, but there's *eight* of these now; I'd as soon see one big omnibus.
• Martian Manhunter: Son of Mars - The Ostrander series. Fan-tastic. Between this, Dark Knight Over Metropolis, and Grell's Green Arrow, it's like someone at DC's trying to knock out my greatest hits list.
Slowly but surely, DC is about to finish collecting Byrne's Superman. They just need one more volume collecting Superman #19-22 and Adventures of Superman #441-444.
DeleteAnother surprise: the JLA vol. 4 TPB will collect issues #32-46, covering not only the end of Morrison's run, but also Waid's Tower of Babel. I hope they keep it up, collecting the rest of Waid's run (issues #47-60) with better paper quality than the original TPBs. Kelly's run also deserves a better quality reprint that doesn't skip issues #83 and #90.
But even with Wrath of te First Lantern getting a single collection, readers who decide not to buy the individual third volumes of the Green Lantern books will still miss out on most of the #0 issues. DC should expand the Rise of the Third Army HC in order to include them.
Ostrander. DC Comics. The title doesn't matter. It can be Manhunter, Suicide Squad, The Spectre or Firestorm. I am hooked!
Delete"I'd like to see a trade of the next issues (#201 and on), which are early post-Crisis Green Lantern Corps stuff."
DeleteYou should check this one:
I've been waiting for volume 4 since this trade was published, but... (as I'm still waiting for Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol.6).
hey, regarding the Green Lantern Corps series that followed the GL: Sector 2814 stuff, it's already been collected here:
the first and second volumes collected the GLC mini series and several backups in the regular GL title.
Just wondering, now that DC have decided to back-fill the old DCU continuity with books like Hunters Moon, Man Of Steel vol's 7 & 8, the Nightwing Action Comics weekly run etc are you planning to put these into the TPB timeline? Theres a lot of stuff coming out thats never been collected before so I guess many of us would struggle to place them. Plans for this?
DeletePaul -- But of course! I'm always back-adding titles to the timeline as they come out -- see, for instance, the trade of the classic Resurrection Man series that came out, which is now on the timeline. I actually have an update that I'm overdue to add and I'll try to get to it shortly -- includes the new Knightfall books, the new No Man's Land books, etc.
DeleteI usually don't put books on the timeline until they come out, however -- you never know, like Legion Worlds, when something might be solicited but then cancelled. :-(
There was also a Superman vs Mongul trade mentioned on one of those. Color reprints of classics are always good I guess, but this seems like a fairly unnecessary collection, with everything in it already being in the Dc Comics Presents showcase or the Alan Moore miscelany (and leaving out the third part of the DCCP three-parter that introduced the character. He wasn't in it, but the story is utterly unsatisfying without it.)
ReplyDeleteI don't think the big yellow fellow is going to be in the new movie, so I guess that means he may be making a splashy re-intro to the new-52-verse...?
While it is cool that DC is releasing the H'el on Earth storyline in one collection, it is annoying as H'el that "Superman vol 3" collects the Superman-only H'el issues (making it likely impossible to follow) and then a few issues after it. So, if you were collecting Superman in trade, you almost have to buy HoE twice to get everything.