DC Villains month for September 2013 and a new DC New 52 Villains Omnibus


DC Comics Faces of Evil promo
Tip of the hat to a retailer friend for this one. The newest DC Comics trade catalog lists the following:
DC New 52 Villains Omnibus
In September 2013, evil took over, as every title in the DC Universe published special new #1s featuring the villains of the DC Universe, collected here in a massive hardcover edition.

A giant-size, hardcover omnibus collection of the special "villains issues" published line-wide in September 2013, spotlighting the greatest villains of the DCU.
Following on the heels of last September's line-wide zero issues and its resultant DC Comics: The New 52 Zero Omnibus (and before that, the original DC Comics: The New 52 Omnibus), indeed the rumors are true -- this coming September will have new issue #1 villain titles, with an omnibus to follow in December.

Fifty-six of 'em in all, apparently. Let's see ... Lex Luthor, Joker, Sinestro ...

At some point this omnibus will be available for pre-order at the link, but it's still too early at the moment.

Comments ( 10 )

  1. Who would be the villain in Suicide Squad? Waller?

    1. Basilisk? Then again I've only read the first two trades ...

  2. Evan MeadowApril 10, 2013

    Well at least I know in Sept DCBS will be doing another 50% bundle if you get all of them. So that's always good to know ahead of time.

  3. 56? Was this mentioned in the catalog? After July we'll be down to the New 49, could this mean we are getting new titles starting with the September #1's, maybe even a few one shots???

    1. Yes, fifty-six. And mark this one with a yellow light -- all Grant Morrison's DC titles are done by September? Yet I've heard an additional rumor Morrison might be involved. Yellow light, as I said.

    2. DC is saying that some of the villains will get on-going titles.

  4. Looks to be a yearly pattern. Nice catch CEB!

  5. Superhero Hype also got your news:


  6. Will these issues be included in the regular HCs of each title? I believe GL 23.1 Relic is included in GL Vol 4. Why not the rest of them?

    1. Dan DiDio said on Facebook at some point that some of the Villains Month issues would be included in TPs depending on whether they were relevant to the series, and some would not.


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