But September's solicitations also bring with them a spate of Superman-themed collections (timed, certainly, for the Man of Steel movie, though one would think these would be better off arriving now than being order-able now), plus more Batman: Death of the Family collections and a few odds and ends. Let's take a look, shall we?
• Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years HC
• Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Though it's nice to see Superman and especially Lois Lane receiving these anniversary collections, there's some confusion in the contents list. The Superman volume, for instance, includes Action Comics #0, #1, and #2. That zero issue is undoubtedly the New 52 Zero Month issue, while Action #1 and #2 are probably the 1938 issues, though the solicitation doesn't make that distinction between the original numbering and New 52 issues. (If it turns out the Superman collection includes the New 52 Action Comics #1-2 and not the 1938 issues, I imagine some people will have something to say about that.)
One might equally wonder in the Superman book whether the Superman issues listed are pre-Crisis, post-Crisis, or New 52 (Superman has changed its numbering three times, while Action Comics has only changed numbering twice). Surely issues like Superman #11, #17, and #53 are the Golden Age comics and not the Byrne era; at the same time, Superman #75 listed right after them is probably the Dan Jurgens "Death of Superman" issue.
The issue listings for the Lois Lane book are equally unclear.
• Superman: The Man of Steel—Believe TP
This collection of seemingly inspirational-themed Superman stories includes some nice uncollected issues from various eras, including Adventures of Superman #623 by Joe Casey (during a run where Casey never had Superman resort to violence to save the day), Action Comics #810 by Joe Kelly, and Superman #185 by Geoff Johns, all from the introspective time just before and after the Ending Battle storyline.
• Superman: Dark Knight Over Metropolis TP
Please pre-order this. Don't read the description DC has released, which unequivocally spoils the last page of the book. Just take my advice and buy it. This trade collects an early Dan Jurgens/Jerry Ordway/Roger Stern Superman story -- perhaps one of my favorite Superman eras -- in which a murder in Gotham brings Batman to Metropolis, just as Superman is dealing with he, Lois, and others being targeted by Intergang. It's an interesting mystery, there's great interplay between Superman and Batman (surpassed only perhaps by Dave Gibbons and Steve Rude's World's Finest), and the end of the story is an important event in post-Crisis continuity -- I've long thought that every fan knows what happens at the end of "Dark Knight Over Metropolis," they just don't realize this is where it happened.
For years, Dark Knight Over Metropolis has been on my personal short list for issues I'd like to see collected. I will be crushed -- crushed! -- if this book doesn't make it through.
• Superman Adventures: The Man of Steel TP
• Superman: H’el On Earth HC
Collects Superman #13-17, Superboy #14-17, and Supergirl #14-17. As with DC's other recent crossover collections, I'll be skipping this and just picking the individual volumes for each books.
• Batman, Incorporated Vol. 2: Gotham’s Most Wanted HC
Villains Month nothing -- this is the big release of September 2013 (actually doesn't come out until November). Includes the Batman, Inc. special, which itself doesn't actually come out until August.
• Batman and Robin Vol. 3: Death of the Family HC
• Catwoman: Death of the Family TP
• Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3 -- Emperor Penguin HC
Also here comes the "Death of the Family" tie in volumes, the Batman books in November and the Catwoman book in October. These will make for kind of funny reading, because Batman, Inc. Vol. 2 takes place in the middle of these, after "Death of the Family" but before "Requiem" -- for the complete story, you may have to switch back and forth between volumes.
• Deadshot: Beginnings TP
I don't feel nearly as strongly about this book as I do Superman: Dark Knight Over Metropolis, but if you want this Deadshot volumes, I recommend pre-ordering it; it feels like another one that could be cancelled before publication. Includes a couple of Batman issues plus John Ostrander's four-part Deadshot miniseries; I'm (just a little) disappointed they didn't include Deadshot's top hat-wearing appearance, too, and mildly surprised they didn't find a way to work some Green Arrow material in here in reference to the Arrow TV show.
• Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis HC
The Aquaman book, disappointingly, still holds at collecting Aquaman #14-16, #0, and Justice League #15-17. The Justice League: Throne of Atlantis book includes all of those issues and more, with just the exception of the zero issue. This is a definite skip for me; I might as well just get the Justice League book and buy Aquaman #0 digitally for a fraction of the price.
• Justice League of America Vol. 1: World’s Most Dangerous HC
I'm curious whether DC will include all 52 state variants within this collection. Maybe thumbnails of each?
• I, Vampire Vol. 3: Wave of Mutilation TP
• Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Death Is For Suckers TP
The final collection of I, Vampire (sob!) and also the last collection of Adam Glass on Suicide Squad -- I started out quite wary of his run but grew to like it quite a bit.
Those are my picks -- what's on your buying list for September? (Hint -- Superman: Dark Knight Over Metropolis!)
Could the Action Comics #0 listed in the Celebration hardcover be the one they did for Zero Month back in the 90s during the Zero Hour miniseries? Those issues were supposed to be jumping-on points for readers, so maybe it's included because it's easily accessible to anybody? (I haven't read that issue, so I don't actually know how accessible it is.)
ReplyDeleteI thought about that, but the Zero Hour-Zero Month Action Comics #0 issue was part four of a four-part story where Conduit Kenny Braverman was planning his revenge against Clark ... I *guess* that might be included for some of the Smallville-esque (young Clark) scenes, but I thought it was a long shot that DC would include a David Michelinie/Jackson Guice issue over a Grant Morrison/Rags Morales issue (based solely on creators' current profiles).
DeleteIf they were going to include a "flashback" issue of that sort, I'd as soon see them use Adventures of Superman #474 by Dan Jurgens -- I won't spoil it, but it's about a mistake young Clark makes in Smallville.
Yeah, but then you'd have to read a Dan Jurgens issue of Superman. Those 90s Superman comics that he wrote boasted maybe the worst scripting I've ever read in comic books.
DeleteBlasphemy! :) The Dan Jurgens Superman era are some of my favorite comics.
DeleteThat Lois Lane HC includes "I Am Curious (Black)", which on its own isn't worth the price of admission. I just think it's awesome that they picked that issue. It's the equivalent of the Batman "boner" issue--it's Internet-famous, so they may as well include it.
ReplyDeleteMarvel Solicits: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=46046
Thanos Rising TPB--Depending on the reviewer, this is either one of the best series ever written or one of the worst. Either way, it's a key Infinity component, so at least we're getting it in TPB form quickly.
Thor Epic Collection: War of the Pantheons TPB--This sounds like fun. "The Mighty Thor" post-Simonson and pre-Heroes Return is uneven, but this volume includes Dargo Ktor, the Thor of the 24th century, plus more Beta Ray Bill.
Wolverine: Blood Wedding TPB--I'm not sure if this has ever been collected before, but Wolverine's wedding to Madame Hydra is one of those weird OHOTMU side-notes that I've wanted to read about. Plus, look at the creator line-up!
Young Marvel TPB--This would theoretically be my third purchase of the superlative "A-Babies vs. X-Babies", but I want to support Skottie Young and Gurihiru and get Marvel's all-ages titles rolling again.
Iron Man: Armored Vengeance TPB--Whoever decided to have Michelinie and Layton come back to do a flashback miniseries bridging "Armor Wars" and "Armor Wars 2" deserves a raise. I keep hoping that Simonson will do something like this for "Thor"...
SHIELD: Nick Fury vs. SHIELD TPB--I didn't realize this needed a new printing, as my LCS has this in at least three formats. It's a classic story, though, and it does explain why people put up with Bob Harras.
Avengers: Kree-Skrull War TPB--Another classic and one that should never go out of print. It's the cornerstone of Marvel's space adventures, and I've been meaning to review it for quite some time now.
Image, IDW and Dark Horse are in the next post.
Image Solicits: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=46018
ReplyDeleteFive Weapons: Making The Grade TPB--This has been getting a ton of praise, and I'm on a post-"Glory" Image kick.
IDW Solicits: http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/1306/14/idwsept.htm
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time Vol. 2 TPB--I'm sorry, KEVIN HOPGOOD artwork?! If I wasn't a Whovian, I'd still be grabbing this.
Transformers: RiD Vol. 4--Having read the issues collected here, all I can say is it's one of those stories where truly nothing will ever be the same afterwards. Plus Hasbro is making toys based on IDW's books now.
Transformers Classics Vol. 6--Okay, clearly IDW is banking on people getting all of these, because the seminal "Matrix Quest" stories has been broken up between volumes 5 and 6. Then again, they did this with GI Joe, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Dark Horse Solicits: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=46067
Nothing this month, so I'll use this space to lament yet again the lack of new "Aliens", "Predator" and "AVP" material. NECA is kicking into high gear with toys for the franchise(s), and it's a shame that the "Colonial Marines" game stank so much. These franchises can't be dead yet; I still need to pitch my "Predator: Eternal" movie.
Woh! No words about the Adventures of Superman book?! The one based on the animated series? This is a HUGE deal, I have the first volume (LONG out of print) and have been dying for them to keep printing these...These are some of the best Superman comics you will ever read.
ReplyDeleteAny info on what this is exactly?? Is it actually continuing collecting the run or is it random stuff? Really surprised you didn't comment on this, it's an insane release at this point (the show long off the air, DC having virtually NO interest in collecting these old Animated Series based comics...)
Also, I just pre-ordered Dark Knight Over Metropolis :)
DeleteYay Dark Knight Over Metropolis!
DeleteThe Superman Adventures book isn't quite my cup of tea -- I think the inclusion of stories from the Superman/Batman Magazine, which IIRC was of lesser quality, threw me off. The Superman Adventures issues in there are #17, #18, #40, and #41, so somewhat "random." Interestingly, #18 is by Devin Grayson, who I'd always like to see write something new for DC sometime; issue #41 is the Mark Millar issues with twenty-plus one-page stories.
Oh, geez. The fact that the collection is so random is very disheartening. I've already had to make a really organized list of what the Justice League Adventures, JLU, and Superman Adventures trades collect, compared with what single issues I already have, because they are all over the place...I was REALLY hoping for a chronological collection.
DeleteOh well, I'll probably still buy this just to support it. I hope DC realizes these animated series books were consistently good-to-great.
Jordan, I've got 7-15, 20-21, 42-66, Superman vs. Lobo, and the annual as still uncollected from Superman Adventures, after this collection (which annoyingly has the same name as a prior SA collection) comes out. My plan is to pick up the remaining almost-40 issues and just have them bound myself. I don't think DC is going to start collecting the series. If Man of Steel does well and it gets a sequel, that'll be the next time you see any SA issues getting collected.
DeleteYou know what's crazy, though? They've BARELY collected more of the Batman Adventures stories than they have of the SA stories. That is insane to me. Superman Adventures was good, but the Batman Adventures books were easily the best long-term Batman comic (I think of all of them as one comic) of all time, aside from Morrison's run.
Ha! Someone just like me. Yeah, I would go nuts if they actually released collections of these comics, but like you I assume it will never happen and have tracked down the single issues. For fun, here is what I need from each series, as cut and pasted
Deletefrom my computer. This also may help anyone who wants to know what the trades
Batman Adventures: (after the 2 trades): 17, 18, 19, 28, 29
Batman and Robin Adventures: 22
Gotham Adventures: 13, 22, 24, 27-29, 40, 49, 53, 54, 57, 59
Batman Beyond: I only have "1, 2 and 3 of 6" and issues 1, 9, 21, 22. went for 24 issues. One trade collects miniseries 1-6.
Superman Adventures: 5 Trade collects 1-6, 16, 19, 22-39. Ran for 66 issues. Have trade #1.
I have issues: 7, 8, 10, 42, 43, 44, 48-51, 53, 55, 56
Adventures in the DC Universe issues: 11, 12, 14. 15. 17, 18
Justice League Adventures: I only have 1, 3, 4, 28, 30, 32, 33, and 34. Ran to 34 issues. Trades are bad.
JLU: Trades collect 1-29. I only need "United They Stand"
I have 2, 8, 10, 30, 33, 35-39, 41, 43 Ran for 46 issues.
Jordan, FYI I'm pretty sure that the Superman Adventures comic has been getting regular digital releases on Comixology (along with the Batman and Justice League series based off of their animated counterparts).
ReplyDeleteI...don't really do digital comics. I don't have an ipad or laptop or anything and don't really enjoy reading comics on the computer. I like having the books on my shelf, if I can.
DeleteI just have been dying for DC to release omnibuses (or just trades) of these animated series books. In the meantime I track down back issues but that's been pricey. I just miss these shows and the comics are like a little bonus. Also some of them are really, really good, like the first Superman Adventures trade.
I second the omnibus idea! They don't even need to reprint them at standard comic size. Dark Horse omnibus editions are awesome, and I think something like that would work great for DC's animated series comics.
DeleteNot gonna happen, unfortunately. DC hasn't released a new collection of Batman Adventures comics since 2004. I think generally the plan is to only support the all-ages comic that ties in to the current animated programming. Superman Adventures can sneak through a collection here because Supes doesn't have a show on right now (as far as I know, since I'm frankly not paying much attention at the moment), Justice League Adventures/JLU, Batman Adventures/BARA/Gotham Adventures, and Adventures in the DCU are probably not going to get collected except in occasional oddball random doses like a Greatest Stories Ever Told or a DCCP.
DeleteProps for your stance on digital, Jordan. I'm a shelf man myself, and that's why I decided to go the self-binding route with comics I know are never gonna get collected. I'm about to have a pretty cool 90s Black Lightning hardcover all my own. And don't even get me started on my hardcover collection of all the Streets of Gotham backups...
I will be getting the Dark Knight over Metropolis tpb also. It is my favorite era of Superman w/ the Byrne/MoS tpbs that are SLLOOOOOWLY being recollected from DC.