Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 1 contents updated, Sinestro Corps War fix


Back in May, we let you know that DC Comics would be releasing a Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus series, the first volume of which would collect Johns's historic Green Lantern run through the "Sinestro Corps War" crossover.

A number of you, including long-time contributor Xavico, expressed your disappointment at the contents, which were Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6, Green Lantern Corps #1-5, Green Lantern #1-25, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1, Green Lantern Corps: Sinestro Special #1, and Green Lantern Secret Files 2005. The difficulty here is that it omits Green Lantern Corps #14-18, which were integral parts of the "Sinestro Corps War" storyline.

Xavico let me know today, however, that the Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus has been updated on Amazon. The Green Lantern Corps: Recharge miniseries has been added in, it seems; Green Lantern Corps #1-5 removed, and happily, Green Lantern Corps #14-18 are now included in the volume.

These listings aren't always the be-all and end-all of accuracy, but they have previously indicated good news, as in the case of the updated contents of the JSA Omnibus.

The price of the volume, it seems, has jumped to a whopping $125 (and for fewer issues, I think), but right now Green Lantern Omnibus is on sale for half off.

Thanks to Xavico for pointing this out, and for the stumping that he and others do online and especially in conversation with Dan DiDio on Mr. DiDio's Facebook page, which surely helped to make this happen. And cheers to DC for listening and adjusting this collection.

Comments ( 6 )

  1. They added 6 issues and subtracted nothing. It's more.

    1. Quite right, though I count five (GLC #14-18). The GLC #1-5 came out, but of course that's replaced with GLC: Recharge #1-5. Still and all, that's 45 issues for $125, which at $2.77 per issue is good by today's rates.

    2. Sorry I was also going off the Amazon listing which also includes the Sinestro Corps War Secret Files.

  2. I'm sure the inclusion of GLC #1-5 in the original content listing was an error, since Johns had nothing to do with those issues, whereas he was credited as a co-writer on GLC: Recharge #1-5.

    It makes me wonder if the Gibbons/Tomasi/Bedard era of Green Lantern Corps will one day get the omnibus treatment. Those would be nice companion volumes to the Green Lantern by Geoff Johns omnibi, although they'd have more than a few issues in common.

    1. Love the idea of a deluxe or thicker-trade-paperback-type collection of the "Johns era" Corps stories (heck, if Gotham City Sirens can get one ...). Very often, IMHO, Tomasi's GLC stories were more riveting than the main title.

  3. I don't think this will be a good read. I have all the original TBPs and although many of the GLC books are pretty standalone there's still character development in there. Especially in the later books you'll be pretty lost if you're missing the GLC books so either they put both books in this GJ collection or you'll have to switch books between the Omnibus and the individual GLC books all the time.

    I'd have appreciated a chronological GL/GLC collection far more. Unfortunately I didn't get all the GLC books at the time and some of them are OOP now so I'd buy a chronological collection any time but this is a waste of money IMO.


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