DC Comics's Convergence collections solicited


Thanks to Collected Editions contributor Hix* for the tip -- a number of online retailers are now listing collections of DC Comics's Convergence event for pre-order.

Based on these solicitations (which, please note, are preliminary and subject to change), it looks like Convergence and its miniseries will be collected in a total of nine collections -- one for Convergence itself and two each for the miniseries "eras" -- all paperback, and all arriving in October-November 2015. Each collection costs less than $20.

What looks good here, for me, is that all of these collections will be out relatively soon, before the end of the year. I am admittedly a tad surprised to see them all in paperback and not hardcover (though who knows, maybe there will be a Convergence Omnibus), but I guess when you're dealing with twenty issues per era, two competitively-priced paperbacks per era maybe makes sense.

One twist is that whereas I might expect the collections to be released in their publication order -- Flashpoint, Zero Hour, Crisis on Infinite Earths (or "Crisis," as the collections are calling it) and pre-Crisis (or "Infinite Earths") -- they're actually being released as listed above: Zero Hour, Crisis, Flashpoint, Infinite Earths. Granted I believe the miniseries eras are modular in terms of when you can read them, and again all of this is subject to change, but it struck me as odd.

Online retailers have these listed as coming out starting the week of October 11 and going into the first week in November, which I think means that your local comics shop should basically have these in each of the four full weeks of October.

No telling at this point exactly which of the miniseries will appear in which Book One/Book Two of their eras. However, if you missed it the first time, here's links to the Collected Editions guide to the Convergence miniseries and the trades that lead into each one:

So which Convergence collection are you most looking forward to?
*(Go nudge Hix about writing a new "Uncollected Editions" for us, won't you?)

Comments ( 9 )

  1. I hope they don't split up both of the issues from each series into both books 1 and 2 from each era. Besides that I'm really looking forward to 1 series from each era.

    1. Agreed ten cliffhangers per Book One would be weird. My guess is they'll do five of the miniseries in Book One, five in Book Two, kind of like how they collected the Blackest Night tie-in miniseries, IIRC.

  2. Nice! I like how there are not as many books as I thought there would be.

  3. Is there any indication that the trades will contain the catch-up pages in the individual issues? They're really well-researched and are very useful if a book is set many years ago like the JSA and Infinity Inc mini-series.

    1. Unfortunately there's no indication of much else at the moment, but more news as it breaks, as they say. I'd certainly be happy to see the catch-up pages in there, too.

  4. AnonymousMay 21, 2015

    I bought a little over half the tie-in issues, but I'd be tempted to collect these trades and have them all, minus the in-house ads and previews that I don't care about anyway. Hopefully the catch-up pages are included. It was pretty awesome to see some golden and silver age art on some of those pages in a comic published in 2015.

  5. Surely there will be an Omnibus... That's what I'm holding out for at least.

  6. I would have rather had the books divided by character. Pass.

  7. All right, that's it. I will wait for the omnibus.


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