Wonder Woman: Rebirth to be collected in Wonder Woman Vol. 9: Resurrection


The Diamond Previews list of product changes for June 7 states that "Wonder Woman Vol. 9: Resurrection HC (MAY160327, $24.99) has been increased to 176 pages and now collects issues #48-#52 and Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1."

This means that Wonder Woman Vol. 9 now collects the last five issues of Meredith Finch's run, and then the Wonder Woman: Rebirth special by Greg Rucka.

I guess if there was still any concern that the "Rebirth" event was a reboot, this would assure you that continuity stays intact, because apparently Finch's final pre-"Rebirth" issues lead right into Rucka's Rebirth special, sufficient to collect them together. And maybe Rucka's Rebirth special wraps up Finch's run sufficiently enough that it's more proper to collect it at the end of Finch's run than at the beginning of Rucka's.

But first, I'm very, very surprised that anything with even a hint of "Rebirth" to it wouldn't be collected in brand new, newly-numbered trades, marking sharp division between the old and the new.

Second, this of course means that if you were a trade-waiter, hadn't been reading Wonder Woman, and wanted to start with Rucka's run, you'd either have to buy the final collection of Finch's run to get every piece of Rucka's, or you'll have to pick up the Wonder Woman: Rebirth special separately.

This is unexpected; I'm curious to see if any other trades follow suit.

Comments ( 11 )

  1. I'm more curious how they're going to collect the books after this one. Because the even numbers will have one story and the uneven another at the start of Greg Rucka his run on Wonder Woman. Unless I'm totally wrong, what could be the case since I haven't read any news about Rebirth since WonderCon to prevent spoilers.

    1. Fair question. Since Rucka's present-time and flashback issues are coming out in the same month, we can at least expect each side to be collected at about the same time. Whether those are called Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4, and 1 goes with 3 and 2 goes with 4, or whether each volume will have a little of one and a little of the other remains to be seen.

  2. AnonymousJune 07, 2016

    I'm still hoping the Rebirth one-shot will also be included in the first volume of Rucka's new run. As for the "Year One" arc drawn by Nicola Scott, which will be published in the first six even-numbered issues of the new series, I'd prefer to see it collected separately, maybe as a "Volume 0".

    1. Double-dip on the "Rebirth" one-shot? I'm not sure if many would find that better or worse.

    2. I'm sure there are more people interested in Rucka's run then Finch's. If this turns out to be correct then I think DC is justified in double dipping on this occasion

  3. That's very...interesting. I guess that makes sense since the "Insert Title" Rebirth 1's are like bridges to get to the actual issue 1s, but something in my just wants all rebirths to be with rebirths.

  4. Interesting...but smart move.

    1. It pads out the final volume of Finch/New 52 run.
    2. It's a great teaser for what's to come. I read the WW Rebirth issue and it is solid in setting up the new status quo for the character.
    3.I think it can stand on it's own enough where it doesn't matter if it was collected with Finch or Rucka's new work.

  5. Having read WW Rebirth this week, it is *very* clearly a lead-in to the new series. I wasn't reading Finch's run so I don't know how it fits with that but it is almost certainly going to be an essential piece of Rucka's new run. DC would be insane to orphan it from the rest of the run.

  6. I too have read the WW Rebirth issue and without reading the previous WW run I thought it was a good introduction to Rucka's run than ending Finches run.

  7. AnonymousJune 11, 2016

    This probably a solicit error...

    1. I might ordinarily agree with you but this wasn't in the solicits, it was a special update to the release notes, and those tend to be the corrections to the solicits errors, not the solicit errors themselves. We'll see.


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