Monday Talkback for 12-25-17


Season's greetings! If you've had enough of family and friends and have turned to the internet for a little peace and quiet, we've got a Collected Editions open thread for your enjoyment.

Let's hear it: Favorite gifts of the season? Things you're looking forward to next year? How's life treating you?

Best wishes and and thanks for reading Collected Editions.

(And if your gifting isn't done or you've got a gift certificate to spend, please click through to these comic book listings and help support our site!)

Comments ( 5 )

  1. My girlfriend surprised me with a new Kindle Fire!! My old Kindle gave out so this was a great surprise.

    I am looking forward to collecting trades again. I am extremely disappointed with DC/Vertigo with the cancellation of The Unwritten Deluxe Editions. They have reprinted Batman: Year One, DK Returns and Killing Joke, but they can’t collect The Unwritten and Sandman Mystery Theatre?!

    Life is going fine. Working two jobs so I’m generally tired.

    How about you?

    1. For books like Sandman Mystery Theatre, unfortunately I get interested in them and then the collections series gets cancelled, and then by the time they start back up again (I thought SMT was starting up again but maybe I'm wrong), then I've moved on to other things.

    2. I understand why they were cancelled, low sales and all. But good god, finish the damn trades. I’m sure Hellblazer isn’t selling like hot cakes. Guess I’m gonna try the custom binding.

      Quick question, Orion by Walt Simonson, worry it?

  2. My sandman mystery theatre collection is an utter mess now. Was selling off the old ones as the new versions came out. Now I’m left with a half and half and weird numbering. Wish they would continue those spectre trades as well


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