It's DC Comics's December 2018 trade paperback and hardcover solicitations. In the list of books I never thought I'd see ever, the Batman: Troika paperback is solicited this month -- yes, we knew it was coming, but "Troika"'s one of those key long-wanted, never-collected stories, and to see it officially solicited now is really a marvel.
Of course, for some that will be overshadowed by the Dark Nights: Metal paperback, not so much a wonder in and of itself except that it starts to put the series now in its Scott Snyder-designated reading order. Also notable in this list is the New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 4, correcting a five-year-old mistake as this series finally gets with what readers wanted in the first place. There is also a paperback-first edition of Tom King and Mitch Gerad's Mister Miracle, the format of which had surprised some people but I really am pulling for a deluxe combo edition of King's Mister Miracle and Omega Men (extra points if it's printed so one book reads one way and then you have to flip it over and start from the back for the other one).
Let's not overlook too the run that nearly no one remembers by two comics legends, Wonder Woman by Walter Simonson and Jerry Ordway (I'm still scratching my head how I missed this the first time), plus the Marv Wolfman Deathstroke reprints still seem to be going strong. So not a bad month altogether, and that's without even mentioning the Reverse Flash spotlight book and the next dedicated Kyle Rayner collection.
Let's take a swim in the pool of solicitations, shall we?
• Absolute Swamp Thing by Alan Moore Vol. 1 HC
Assuredly if there's a run that deserves Absolute treatment, it's this one. This is said to be three volumes, and this first volume collects issues #20-34 ("Loose Ends," "Anatomy Lesson," and so on), plus the Annual #2. That's all of the first and second Saga of the Swamp Thing Alan Moore collections, so if that mapping stands, the second Absolute should be issues #35-50 and the third should be #51-64. I'd be curious to hear to what extent and how noticeable the recoloring of this edition is, and if anyone can discern the reasons.
• Adam Strange: The Silver Age Vol. 1 TP
Showcase #17-19 and Mystery in Space #53-79.
• Batman by Neal Adams Book Two TP
A new paperback printing of the previously released hardcover and paperback. Batman #219, Detective Comics #395, #397, #400, #402, #404 and #407-408, and Brave and the Bold #86 and #96. This begins Neal Adams' collaboration with Dennis O'Neil.
• Batman in the Brave and the Bold: The Bronze Age Vol. 2 TP
Brave and the Bold #92-109, with Teen Titans, Flash, Metal Men, Wonder Woman Diana Prince, Green Arrow, and Black Canary among others (including Phantom Stranger and Green Lantern, if the cover is to be believed).
• Batman: Shaman New Edition TP
Previously this was solicited as Legends of the Dark Knight #1-15, and seemed like the start of a new comprehensive collection of the Legends of the Dark Knight series, kind of like DC is doing for Shadow of the Bat. But this solicitation just lists Legends #1-5, which would indeed just be "Shaman" by Dennis O'Neil. That's unfortunate, I think; I don't think there's much market for a new edition of "Shaman," but I do think a Legends of the Dark Knight collections series that started with O'Neil's "Shaman," Grant Morrison and Klaus Janson's "Gothic," and Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy's "Prey" would sell. We'll see if there's more to come.
• Batman: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 7 HC
Collects Batman #55-66, Detective #154-173, and stories from World's Finest #43-52, including appearances by Catwoman and Penguin, the origin of the Red Hood (at the time), and the first appearances of Deadshot and Killer Moth.
• Batman: Troika TP
Wonderfully, the final chapter of the "Knightfall" saga, never before collected and then finally included in the recent Knightfall omnibuses, now comes to trade. This is Batman #515, Shadow of the Bat #35, Detective #682, and Robin #14, plus Nightwing: Alfred's Return and Vengeance of Bane II. "Troika" was small in terms of Bat-events, but debuted in full Batman's post-"Knightfall" costume and offered some wrap-up for the mega-story. Finally we have the collection (in January).
• Batwoman Vol. 3: Fall of the House of Kane TP
Collects issues #12-18, the end of the Marguerite Bennett series.
• Dark Days: The Road to Metal TP
We'll talk about paperback Metal collections with new contents in a second. Paperback Metal collections with the same contents include Dark Days: The Road to Metal, with Forge, Casting, Final Crisis #6-7, Return of Bruce Wayne #1, and Batman #38-39 and Nightwing #17, though now the solicitations correctly identify these as the New 52 Batman and the current series Nightwing.
• Dark Nights: Metal TP
You'll recall the to-do when the Metal hardcovers were first announced, that Batman: Lost and Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt weren't collected with the Metal series proper (Lost, yeah; Wild Hunt, unless you've got all the "Dark Knights Rising" stories in there, I'm not sure). I figured they'd just fix the order for the (inevitable) omnibus, but it would seem now we've got some value added with those issues included in the paperback. Due in late January.
• Deathstroke, the Terminator Vol. 5: World Tour TP
Collects issues #26-34. So glad these classic Deathstroke collections are still coming out. The last one was a short one, just issues #21-25 and an annual, so nine issues is a good look.
• Detective Comics: Before Batman (Vols. 1 and 2) HC
Previously announced as two hardcover "omnibus" volumes (only collecting thirteen issues each, though you can tell me if those are "oversized" issues), this has now been changed to two hardcovers in one slipcase. The solicitation says "Please note that these stories will be scanned directly from original copies of these issues"; I'll be curious to hear what results in terms of quality.
• DMZ Book Five TP
Issues #60-72 by Brian Wood, the last issues of the series. This is the paperback of the deluxe hardcovers.
• Flash Rogues: Reverse-Flash TP
This is clever, in the spirit of the Batman: Arkham villain spotlight collections; first Captain Cold, now "Reverse-Flash" (I always thought it was "Reverse Flash," no dash).
Said to collect Flash (first series) #139 (first appearance) and #283 (important appearance some years before "Trial of the Flash"), Flash #197 (this is listed in the solicitation as if it's part of that first Flash series, but I'm almost positive this is from the late Geoff Johns era of the Wally West series after Crisis on Infinite Earths, being the origin of Hunter "Zoom" Zolomon), Flash #8 (the solicitation says "2012," but I'm also sure this is issue #8 from the 2010 second Geoff Johns series starring Barry Allen after Final Crisis and Flash: Rebirth, the issue being published in 2011), Flash: Reverse Flash #23.2 (from the New 52 series by Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul, being that era's Reverse-Flash Daniel West), Batman #21 (the brutal Rebirth fight between Batman and Eobard Thwane at the start of the "Button" crossover) and Flash #25 (the Rebirth origin by Joshua Williamson).
So that's a good swath of representation for the various Reverse Flashes over the years and probably a good primer for the audience of this kind of thing.
• Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner Vol. 3 TP
Said to collect issues #66-75 and Annual #4 of the Ron Marz run. Most of this has actually already been collected before, except for the "Year One" annual, in the Green Lantern: Baptism of Fire collection, with appearances by Flash Wally West, Batman, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, and Darkstars Donna Troy and John Stewart, and an Underworld Unleashed tie in. Darryl Banks and Paul Pelletier are both pretty great on the art.
Next book would have a crossover with Chuck Dixon's Connor Hawke Green Arrow (let's hope DC would include those issues), and Final Night tie-ins (and, of course, a pretty important aftermath). Given that DC seems to be trying to collect all Kyle Rayner appearances with this series, I wonder if Final Night proper might be included, and/or the Parallax: Final Night special since it impacted this series and was written by Marz.
• Green Lanterns Vol. 8: Ghosts of the Past TP
Issues #44-49, stories by Tim Seeley and Aaron Gillespie. Dan Jurgens takes over Green Lanterns with issue #50 and the book ends with issue #57, so I'd assume DC will finish it off with the ninth volume.
• Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7: Darkstars Rising TP
Issues #42-50, the final issues by Robert Venditti. I have enjoyed Venditti's run very much, and I'm especially eager to see him use the Darkstars in this volume, though I'm not so much for the "murderous Darkstars." Hoping for some familiar faces to cameo -- no spoilers!
• Harley Quinn: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book Three HC
Collects issues #28-42; it was previously #28-40, but that maps more exactly to Harley Quinn Vol. 5: Vote Harley and Harley Quinn Vol. 6 (at some point also this was said to include the Paul Dini backups and Harley Quinn: Be Careful What You Wish For, but neither of those are in Harley Vols. 5 or 6 and now seem to be rightly excluded here). These finish Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's and Frank Tieri's run; next (if produced) would be a couple issues by Christopher Sebela and then into the new Sam Humphries run.
• Hellblazer Vol. 20: Systems of Control TP
Issues #230-238 by Andy Diggle and the Hellblazer: All His Engines graphic novel by Mike Carey and Leonardo Manco.
• Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four: The Complete Collection TP
Issues #1-12 and the annual by Tom Taylor and Brian Buccellato.
• Justice League of America: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 3 HC
Collects Justice League of America #147-181, including Elongated Man, Red Tornado, the Justice Society, and the Seven Soldiers of Victory.
• Lobo by Keith Giffen and Alan Grant Vol. 2 TP
Collects Lobo: Infanticide #1-4, Lobo: Death and Taxes #1-4, Authority/Lobo: Jingle Hell, Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre. Also Lobo #58 is here, an issue from the ongoing series by Giffen and Grant, which suggests the ongoing series just by Grant won't be being collected -- I was hoping that it would be, as it did indeed include crossover tie-ins and such.
• Mister Miracle TP
Collecting Tom King and Mitch Gerads twelve-issue series. Some online are surprised this isn't hardcover, but then again we don't have a hardcover of Omega Men, either. Maybe we need a two-fer omnibus?
• The New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 4 HC
A new fourth New Teen Titans Omnibus (who's have thought years ago that we'd ever see this?). This collects through and then after the new New Teen Titans Vol. 10 paperback (issues #10-31 of the second series, annuals #1-2, and a story from Omega Men #34).
• Nightwing: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book Three HC
Issues #29-43, interestingly enough -- so this is Tim Seeley's final volume, Nightwing Vol. 5: Raptor's Revenge, and then Nightwing Vol. 6: The Untouchable with stories by Sam Humphries, Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, and Mike Moreci. I was expecting that this series of oversized Rebirth collections would end after the first team, so after Seeley; we know now Benjamin Percy is on the series from #44-51 and Scott Lobdell is after that, so let's see if there's a next one for this.
• The Sandman Vol. 4: Season of Mists 30th Anniversary Edition TP
Issues #21-28 with a new introduction by Patton Oswalt.
• Scooby-Doo Team-Up Vol. 6 TP
Issues #31-36, with the Atom, the Legion of Super-Heroes, Birds of Prey, and Yogi Bear. Every monthly DC solicitation, I always look to see who's appearing in the book this month; good on Sholly Fisch.
• Shade, the Changing Woman TP
Collects the six-issue Young Animal miniseries.
• Supergirl Vol. 5: The Hunt for Reactron TP
Previously this had been said to collect Supergirl #45-46 and Action Comics #881-882 by Stering Gates with Greg Rucka, but that's been expanded to include Supergirl #44-50 and the Annual #1 of that era. That's better, as now this is more fully -- more or less -- Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives and Supergirl: Death and the Family (Friends had issue #43, but that was included in the Vol. 4 of these larger collections, and issue #44 was in a different Superman collection but is now placed here). The extent to which these books weave in and out of the "New Krypton" story probably make for confusing reading at times, but surely Sterling Gates deserves to have the last best Supergirl run collected.
• Superman: Kryptonite Deluxe Edition HC
A new deluxe-size collection of the stories from Superman Confidential #1-5 and #11 by Darwyn Cooke and Tim Sale.
• Sweet Tooth Book Three TP
Issues #26-40.
• Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang Omnibus HC
Issues #0-35, #23.1, and Secret Origins #6, collecting the entirety of Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's (and friends) New 52 run.
• Wonder Woman by Walter Simonson and Jerry Ordway TP
On announcement of this book, about everyone I've talked to said, "Wait, when did Walt Simonson and Jerry Ordway do a Wonder Woman run?" But sure enough, between the end of Phil Jimenez's run (newly to be collected) and the start of Greg Rucka's run (they haven't finished the re-collection, I know), there were two comics legends for six issues ("Game of the Gods"). And apparently they cut Diana's hair. I'll be curious to check out this previously missed piece.
Are you Team Metal or Team Troika?
I am a little disappointed with the reverse flash collection. They didn't include the issue where Eobard masquerades as Barry, the issues leading up to his death or Geoff Johns convoluted reboot of his origins issue. I know this might sound like I am nit picking, but it feels like this collection is going to be rather thin.
ReplyDeleteIt is the same with the captain cold and penguin collections. Some of the stories are good, but I feel like they could have added three or 4 more stories to make them meatier. They both just looked so thin and it felt like dc didn't put much effort collecting stories. Just my opinion, don't want to start a fight.
Yeah, I'm also disappointed that 'Legends of the Dark Knight' isn't getting a decent trading worthy of the series. I guess it's not surprising, given that Gothic and a few of the other stories are still in print. But I suspect the reason it won't happen is likely because DC's catalogue is already filled with those LOTDK digital collections from a few years back, which would only cause ordering confusion (eg. it took 2 years to get the Deathstroke: The Terminator trades back on track after confusing Vol.3 with the new 52 run).
ReplyDeleteHopefully they'll include DC Comics Presents #85 in one of the Swamp Thing Absolutes. It was written by Moore and drawn by Veitch, starts ST and Superman, and it's referenced later in the series.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting on a Metal collection that includes the preludes. That Road to trade is still just padded nonsense. Maybe for the Absolute Edition.
ReplyDeleteNot much of interest in this group of solicits - I got the KF omnibii, so Troika, while cool, is not for me. I am excited for Mister Miracle, though - loved Vision and Omega Men
So, still no new Golden Age Superman Omnibus solicitation? Just going to stop at volume 5, but keep going with Batman it looks like. Very disappointed in DC yet again.
ReplyDeleteRe: Rucka WW recollect, the last bit of hope I have is that they finish it off around when his Black Label Diana series drops. Otherwise i’m Pretty resigned to trying to find the end of the run in the older TPBs
ReplyDelete“Previously announced as two hardcover "omnibus" volumes (only collecting thirteen issues each, though you can tell me if those are "oversized" issues)”
ReplyDeleteComics back then were 64 pages, and no ads (except house ads on the inside covers). So 13 issues = 832 pages.