Collected Editions

First DC Absolute Universe Collections Announced

The first collections of DC’s best-selling Absolute comics are beginning to show up online.

No contents listed yet, but Scott Snyder’s Absolute Batman “The Zoo” storyline goes to issue #6, and six issues is about standard for a DC Comics collection.

Absolute Wonder Woman’s first arc, by Kelly Thompson, goes to issue #5, and then issues #6–7 have a guest artist, so it remains to be seen if that one collects five issues or seven.

Most surprising is that both of these collections are listed as paperback, whereas you might expect books that have been selling this well to be collected in hardcover first. Possible reasons:

  • The solicitations might change to hardcover later.
  • For such high profile books, paperback release might be more budget-friendly for the casual reader audience.
  • Paperback releases of the first six issues often lead to a hardcover or Deluxe-size release of the first 12 issues.

No listing for Jason Aaron’s Absolute Superman yet, but one imagines it’ll also be in August 2025.

Will you be picking up the Absolute paperbacks or waiting for larger size hardcovers?


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