Assorted odds and ends

 ·  1 comment

A belated congratulations to Postmodern Barney, Progressive Ruin, Fanboy Rampage, Polite Dissent, Brian Hibb's Savage Critic, and Monitor Duty, among others, for making Augie De Blieck's Pipeline list of comic blogs around the Internet. These are all blogs that Collected Editions enjoys (and some of them have even been nice enough to link over here), so check them out.

And Collected Editions is new and small, but one of these days, one of these days, we too will appear on a list of comics blogs. And from there, the world!


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By now, I'm sure everyone's noticed the press release on the DC Comics site regarding Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Absolute Edition's release in November, or as I like to call it, Absolute Crisis (doesn't that just have a better ring to it? You know, Absolute Crisis, Infinite Crisis ...). But I also thought an idea on the DC message boards was interesting (now I can't find the link) that the companion book in the Absolute Crisis slipcover should have contained all the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover issues. Now, I don't know exactly how many of those crossover issues there were, but I think this is a fantastic idea for a trade paperback or a series of trade paperbacks, especially with all the current Infinite Crisis hype. Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Crossovers. Hey, DC — you listening?

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Frequent low-price leader Discount Comic Book Service launched their new trade paperback-only website today, In-Stock Trades. It did take me a little while to realize, however, that this site is only current trade paperbacks; no pre-orders to be found. It's unfortunate, because In-Stock Trades offers free shipping over $50, and since DCBS's prices are often so low, except for their high shipping prices, I thought this was a step toward free shipping on both sites. But it seems not to be the case.

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And even as I read at Comics Should Be Good and elsewhere that DC has an advertisement for All-Star Batman and Robin in the back of their comics where Frank Miller promises "lots of babes," I still have a hard time believing it, mainly because I just don't want to acknowledge that DC put something so seemingly mindless in the back of their comics. Plenty of other venues have taken them to take for this one, so I'll leave it at that, but really: shouldn't the selling point of Batman be ... Batman?

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That's it for now. A review of Majestic: Strange New Visitor is on its way, as well as some price comparisons in a little while. Also, don't forget that tomorrow sees the release of the first trade paperbacks since the DC logo change. Will they have the new logo or the old? I'll try to post with pictures tomorrow.

Comments ( 1 )

  1. AnonymousJune 02, 2005

    In stock trades doesn't ship outside of the states either, where am i supposed to get cheap trades in England? is ok I guess but they don't stock everything and thery're a month or two behind the direct market.


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