New DC logo [not] on this week's trades


UPDATED: Dorian of postmodern barney fame rightly pointed out that the new edition of Batman: Tales of the Demon is the first trade paperback to sport the new DC logo. Apparently, the image I was looking at was of the old version, now updated.

So there you have it, folks: The new editions of Batman: Tales of the Demon is the first to sport the new the new DC logo. Personally, I'm not crazy about how it looks — that bright blue seems somewhat shiny on that dark cover, and overall the logo appears a little small. But I do think the logo looks good on this week's new comics, so we'll see how it translates and grows in the coming months.

OLD POST: If you're looking for the DC logo on today's new trades, stop. This just in: None of the DC trades released today — most notably, Batman: War Games Act Two, New Teen Titans: Who is Donna Troy?, and a new Batman Archives — sport the new logo. Maybe the trades were designed too early for the new logo ... who knows? But keep an eye out — it'll be interesting to see which one gets the new treatment.

Comments ( 4 )

  1. The "corrected" edition of "Tales of the Demons" shipped this week, and it had the new logo on it.

  2. AnonymousJune 06, 2005

    Could I ask a question?...

    The "corrected" edition of Tales of the Demon? I've been thinking of getting this trade (never read the old Ras Al Ghul stuff), what was wrong with the first version? Thanks.

  3. I was wondering that, too. Let me see if I can get Dorian to give us an answer.

  4. I haven't noticed any siginificant differences between the two editions, but I'll take a closer look tomorrow at work.

    My suspicion is that the "corrections" are just the new logo and the "featuring the character from the movie" comment.


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