Mid-2006 Collected Editions DC Comics Trade Paperbacks Predictions List


Welcome to the Collected Editions mid-2006 DC Comics Trade Predictions! If you've been watching Collected Editions, you saw our beginning of the year predictions, and now with the year half-over (or, at least, half-solicited), it's time to look at what's coming up next.

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Earlier, we talked about one of the things we thought we'd see in 2006 were trades ending at DC's One Year Later point, so that DC's trades could be more organized and regular across the board (the regularity of Teen Titans and JSA, let's say, versus the Superman titles). Well, for the end of 2006, I think one of the main things to look for us renewed numbering among DC trades. Let's consider, what are some of the foremost trades that aren't numbered? Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash. Of those, both Wonder Woman and the Flash are about to start over (with numbered trades, we're betting), and already on Amazon, the Superman and Batman trades are listed as Superman 1, Batman 1, and so on. Consumers, we're betting, like numbered trades, because it's easy to figure out where to start when you're looking at them in the bookstore. There's a great chance we'll see more trades take up numbers as we go.

And now, without further ado ...

All-Star Batman and Superman - paperbacks of each of these are confirmed via Amazon; I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of these paperbacks are collected in Absolute editions.

Aquaman - Sword of Atlantis: Once and Future (#40-45) - long enough has passed that I'm pretty sure you'll never see an Arcudi or Pfeifer trade of Aquaman. Instead, expect DC to collect the first storyline of Sword of Atlantis, possibly before the year is up.

Batgirl: Destruction's Daughter (#65-73) - Frankly, if there weren't a new Batgirl trade solicited on Amazon, I wouldn't believe it. This title is cancelled as of One Year Later, and the buzz for Andersen Gabrych's run has been good, but not astronomic. Still, I'd be glad to see DC finish out the series.

Batman: Face the Face (#651-654, Detective Comics #817-820) - Collected Editions is pleased to note that we correctly predicted the second Batman: Red Hood volume, to be released by DC in June. Next up for Batman is undoubtedly Face the Face; Detective Comics will get a City of Crime trade, but issues #815 and #816 are strictly fill-in. I wouldn't be surprised if Face the Face is the "Batman 1" currently solicited on Amazon.

Gotham Knights - After Batman: Hush Returns, I think we can safely say farewell to Gotham Knights. There's little chance that the remaining issues, which stood away from Infinite Crisis, will be collected. As a comic that took up many of the roots of Batman: Shadow of the Bat, while injecting the title with a addictive super-hero, character-driven flavor, Gotham Knights was fun while it lasted.

Birds of Prey - Happily, the "Between Dark and Dawn" trade that we predicted at the beginning of the year is now a reality; unfortunately, there are still sixteen issues left un-collected before Birds of Prey jumps One Year Later. Quite of a few of those issues tied in to Infinite Crisis, so we would hope that DC would collect them — but they might skip over them, too. Let's hope for at least issues 76-83 collected before the end of 2006, and keep our fingers crossed.

Catwoman - So far, there's been no Catwoman trade in 2006; I'm sure we'll see at least one before the end of the year. However, given that there's nine issues of Catwoman before War Games, and sixteen issues after — and that the Wild Ride trade ended the "cartoony" art style on Catwoman — it's just as likely that DC could skip the Paul Gulacy-drawn issues all together, and jump in with the Will Pfeifer-penned One Year Later issues. Which would be a shame for the completists among us.

DC: The New Frontier - I think an Absolute edition of this was rumored at a recent convention. I still think it's a lock.

Firestorm: The Nuclear Man - Despite a clear push in Infinite Crisis, we still haven't seen a trade of the new Firestorm series. My best is we'll definitely see a trade of the post-One Year Later storyline, or otherwise this series is on its way out.

Flash - The post-Geoff Johns Flash finale issues didn't get much attention; my bet is that we'll see a trade, likely before the end of the year, of the first storyline of the new series. Likely this'll be numbered "1", too.

Gotham Central - The forthcoming Unresolved Targets is a real treat. On one hand, with all the other trades coming out, I'd wonder if we'll see another Gotham Central trade in 2006; on the other hand, DC's been churning out the Sandman Mystery Theatre trades pretty quick, so you never know. The tie between Gotham Central and Infinite Crisis certainly helps. Regardless, we continue to think that the next trade will contain mostly Greg Rucka Gotham Central stories, that is, issues #11, 16-18, and 23-25.

Green Arrow: Into the Light (#52-59) - Collected Editions was pleasantly surprised by the gigantic Green Arrow trade that just came out — have you seen Moving Targets? It's massive! Issues 52-59 of Green Arrow are distinct Identity Crisis/Infinite Crisis crossovers; I think this trade is very likely before the end of the year.

Green Lantern: Hal (#7-9) - A new Green Lantern trade is already solicited on Amazon, with the unlikely name of "Hal." But with Green Lantern: No Fear collecting issues one through six, a Green Lantern trade that only goes up to One Year Later would be a very small trade, indeed. The second trade is very likely before the end of the year; this one bears watching.

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge - As predicted, this trade is confirmed.

Hawkman - At the beginning of 2006, Hawman #28-49 remained to be collected. Now we have the forthcoming Hawkman: Rise of Golden Eagle, which takes a big chunk out of the middle of that with issues #37-45. It's highly likely now that we won't see another Hawkman trade at all, but that DC will jump straight to collecting issues of the new Hawkgirl series.

Infinite Crisis - A hardcover of Infinite Crisis has already been solicited, and a paperback surely won't be too far behind. It remains to be seen how DC might collect the various crossover miniseries specials, however, perhaps along with the lead story from the Infinite Crisis Secret Files. It could be, however, that we'll see the OMAC Project special with the first Checkmate collection, the Day of Vengeance special with the first Shadowpact collection, the Rann-Thanagar War special with the Ion collection, and the Villains United special with the Secret Six collection. Keep watching.

JLA - Collected Editions correctly predicted the JLA: World Without a JLA trade soon to be released; as you know, that series has now been cancelled. Just as DC wants numbered trades, I'd wonder if the JLA trades nearing number twenty seemed to be off-putting to new readers. It's a sure thing that Brad Meltzer's Justice League of America series will be collected, likely with at least one hardcover volume.

JLA Classified: The Hypothetical Woman (#16-21) - Despite JLA Classified #1-3's disappearance, New Maps of Hell is soon to be released. Look for collections of "The Hypothetical Woman" and "Game of Chance" in late 2006 or 2007.

Justice League Elite: Volume Two (#5-12) - That there's been no word on the next volume of Justice League Elite is disheartening ... keep you fingers crossed for a release sometime in 2006.

JSA: Lost and Found (#76-82) - Remember, you heard JSA: Black Vengeance predicted here first! Another JSA trade is already listed on Amazon; Collected Editions expectation is that this'll collect all the issues up to One Year Later.

JSA Classified - We'll see the first arc of JSA Classified played out in the upcoming Power Girl trade. A collection of the Injustice Society story after that remains to be seen, as the storyline after that is a crossover with JLA Classified (and what a trade that'll make!).

Legion of Super-Heroes - The second trade of this series is already confirmed, and a third — featuring One Year Later and the addition of Supergirl — is a certainty for 2007.

Manhunter: Trial by Fire (#6-14) - Manhunter has survived not being cancelled before One Year Late, but from a trade perspective, the first trade was very short, and there's fourteen issues, six through nineteen, between the end of the first trade and One Year Later. Either DC's going to release another Manhunter trade in 2006, or this series, too, will jump to One Year Later without the issues in the middle; let's hope not. If we don't see another trade of this title by the end of 2006, I'd fear for the series' longevity.

Nightwing: The Devil You Know (#112-117) - DC's choice to jump the Nightwing trades forward — skipping the end of Chuck Dixon's run and most of Devin Grayson's — was a big surprise, and a disappointing one. Now, a second 2006 Nightwing trade is solicited on Amazon, likely collecting the Nightwing issues up to One Year Later. A collection of Bruce Jones' initial Nightwing issues is also a certainty for 2007.

Outsiders - This title has suffered from a somewhat wonky trade schedule; in 2005, we just saw one trade, albeit a massive one; in 2006, so far, we've seen three Outsiders issues collected in the Teen Titans crossover trade, Insiders, and five issues collected in Crisis Intervention, which also includes pages from other DC titles. The good news is that the Outsiders trades are caught up to One Year Later, and that there are undoubtedly many more Outsiders trades down the line. The bad news is, the chances of seeing another Outsiders trade in 2006 is uncertain. And if the next Outsiders trade doesn't contain the two Peter Tomasi-penned fill-in issues, #26-27, chances are we won't see them collected at all.

Robin - A new Robin trade, To Kill a Bird, is already solicited, collecting issues #134-139. That leaves seven issues before Adam Beechen takes over. It's hard to say whether DC will collect these Bill Willingham-written, Infinite Crisis-crossing stories, or whether they'll jump to the new material. The longer before this is solicited, the more likely it'll jump.

Superman/Batman: Vengeance (#20-25) - Amazon lists both the Superman/Batman #4 and #5 trades, but as #5 is listed as a paperback, this is more likely the paperback of Absolute Power. Whether Vengeance will include Sam Loeb's #26, and how DC will collect Mark Verheiden's issues after Jeph Loeb departs, remains to be seen. Look for this one in 2006.

Supergirl - A second Supergirl trade is already solicited on Amazon, and this will undoubtedly collect the first Greg Rucka storyline. Sometime in 2006 is likely.

Superman: Up, Up and Away (Superman #650-653, Action Comics #837-840) - Amazon Canada has an interesting listing for Superman, namely Superman 1, Superman 2, and Superman 3. Of those, on Amazon US, Superman 1 is listed as Infinite Crisis (Superman) and Superman 2 is listed as Superman: Up, Up, and Away. I think it's very likely that we'll see both collections of the This is Your Life Superman storyline (including Adventures of Superman #648) and the Kurt Busiek/Geoff Johns storyline. That would make about six Superman trades in the year of Superman Returns — not bad, I must say.

Teen Titans - A fifth (regular) Teen Titans trade is already solicited for 2006, likely containing issues #29-33, and featuring the Red Hood, and Infinite Crisis crossovers. But five is issues is somewhat small for a trade; it remains to be seen whether the Teen Titans trade, like the Outsiders trade, will contain the Simone/Liefield fill-in issues, #27-28. Personally, I hope so. And continuing trades in 2007 are a sure thing.

Wonder Woman: The Storm (#218, 221-226) - Personally, I was surprised at the brevity of the newest Wonder Woman trade, Land of the Dead, even if it does contain the Flash crossover issue. One would hope that DC will do readers the justice of finishing out the trade collections of Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman run, rather than jumping straight to the new series — especially given the Infinite Crisis crossovers contained within. We'll be watching closely for this in 2006.

A couple of miniseries that Collected Editions were watching, including The Question, Vigilante, Dr. Fate, and Rose and the Thorn, have not so far been listed for 2006, and our opinion is, chances are you can bid them good-bye. 'Tis a shame. On the other hand, there's quite a bit coming in 2006 that we're excited about, including the new Superman trades, and quite a few titles that bear watching for the dreaded "jump." Keep your eyes on Collected Editions, send tips if you hear them, and we'll be sure to let you know the latest news.

One more thing: The Collected Editions blog reached its one-year anniversary in February, and we'd just like to take this opportunity to say thanks to everyone who's stopped by. Whether you're a regular poster, a lurker, or you were kind enough to mention us on your blog, thank you! Collected Editions is glad there's a place to go on the web to be excited about trades, and we're glad there are others who are out there excited, too. So do us a favor: leave a comment to this post. You can comment on the predictions if you want, or just say "here," but we'd just like to see who's listening. So come on, all you lurkers and quiet folk! Drop us a comment, and we'll keep doing the best we can to bring you the latest news news on TPBs.

Comments ( 7 )

  1. My thoughts on the remaining DC trades in 2006:
    Manhunter - I predict 2 trades in 2006.
    Nightwing - I'm hoping it's the Dixon issues.

  2. i was hoping for the Question
    and the Rose&Thorn trades for 2006,:( .
    but the fact that Manhunter might be getting a new trade is good news,that title needs all the exposure it can get.

  3. Hopefully 52 will translate to Question trades, including the recent mini.

    An Absolute version of New Frontier will both delight and piss me off, as I've already bought the two trades. If they decide to collect only the first half of All-Star Superman, I'm going to stubbornly wait for the Absolute version, even if it never comes out.

    Infinite Crisis is such a mess artistically, and requires so much knowledge of what's going on in other books, you have to wonder how it'll read as a hardcover.

    Up Up and Away is a given collection-wise, so I've decided to wait for it instead of picking up the monthlies. Looking forward to this!

    Other trades I want: Birds of Prey (Dark and Dawn was great; it's been more than a year since I've read about Canary, Oracle and Huntress, and I've really missed them), Gotham Central.

  4. I like your idea of the IC miniseries specials being included in the first TPBs of Checkmate, Shadowpact, Ion, and Secret Six. I've been buying those issues despite thinking they might become redundant in an IC collection, but the "Countdown to IC" story being included in the OMAC trade seems a good precedent for the OMAC special introducing the first Checkmate arc.

    I skipped the Rose & Thorn series, hoping it would be collected. Fingers still crossed, however hopeless.

    I'm definitely looking forward to trades of both 8-issue stories in the current Batman and Superman titles. I also hope DC is not discouraged to collect "This Is Your Life, Superman" just because it would be a thin volume with only three issues' worth -- maybe they'll find something else to put with it.

    And with Pete Woods getting ultimate exposure drawing the Up, Up, and Away story, I'd be surprised if his pre-OYL arc with Will Pfeifer in Catwoman #44-52 is not collected.

    Loeb & Lee's 12-part Hush was easily divisible into 5- and 7-issue sub-stories that suited two HC (then SC) collections, but I think All Star Superman will be worth waiting for a single 12-issue collection because, judging from the first two issues, it will likely be the greatest Superman story ever writtten.

  5. Congratulations for your first year. Keep up the good work ;)

  6. First off, to "nobody": I may be remembering this wrong, but if "This is Your Life, Superman" is the story I'm thinking of, then it's being collected along with the Infinite Crisis Secret Files special in the Infinite Crisis: Superman trade.

    Here's one that no amount of speculation could predict and that at this point is basically impossible but still really, really wanted by myself: an Aztek: The Ultimate Man trade...

  7. It's not quite in main DC continuity (though it's neither Vertigo nor Wildstorm), but I'd also expect a "Sgt. Rock: The Prophecy" trade by the end of 2006 or in early 2007.


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