Absolute Justice, Batman: Battle for the Cowl, and more DC Comics Fall 2009 collections


DC Comics collected editions for Fall 2009 are beginning to trickle out. Among the first releases:

* Absolute Justice - As I've been predicting for a while, here's the Alex Ross mini-series in Absolute format. Look for Absolute All-Star Superman coming not too long from now.

* Superman: Red Son Deluxe - The lauded early 2000s mini-series, apparently in DC's larger-size deluxe format.

* Batman: Battle for the Cowl hardcover - Already solicited as the first issues hit the stands. Yay!

* Green Lantern: Agent Orange hardcover - Sloooowly on our way to Blackest Night.

* Batman: Cacophony - Has this come and gone already? Is it late? Looks like it's getting hardcover treatment.

What's on your to-buy list?

Comments ( 4 )

  1. Cacophony #3 is out this week. Don't think there were any delays. It was just terrible. Featured Joker offering up his behind as payment for getting busted out of jail as just one of the horrible scenes in the series.

  2. Well he is the Joker, why wouldn't he make tasteless jokes?

  3. Only book I'm getting for sure is Agent Orange. Maybe Battle for the Cowl, depending on what the general consensus is. I read the first volume of Justice at the library and, frankly, I thought it was rather boring.

    I already have Red Son, but the cover art to the deluxe edition is gorgeous. I wish Dave Johnson made more comics.

  4. And I actually enjoyed the first volume of Justice. After that, though, the story fell totally flat for me.

    As much as I enjoyed Red Son, I'm taking a pass on all of these.


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