DC increases Final Crisis hardcover price


DC Comics has officially increased the price of the Final Crisis hardcover from $24.99 to $29.99. Amazon.com now shows $29.99 as the price, and presumably they'll be contacting customers about the change; no word yet on how comic book retailers will handle the switch.

According to DC, the hardcover will have a new cover image by J.G. Jones showing "the penultimate scene of the series" (which sounds like a spoiler to me, but what do I know?).

Here's the official press release, via Comic Book Resources:
Official Press Release

DC Comics has expanded the contents of the FINAL CRISIS HC, collecting the explosive event written by Grant Morrison.

Now running 352 pages, this title will include FINAL CRISIS #1-7, FINAL CRISIS: SUBMIT #1 and FINAL CRISIS: SUPERMAN BEYOND #1-2, all written by Morrison, along with a new cover by J.G. Jones depicting the penultimate scene of the series.

The FINAL CRISIS HC (FEB090203) is advance-solicited in the February Previews and is scheduled to arrive in stores on June 10 with a price of $29.99 U.S. Because of these changes, this title will be made returnable at a later date.
What do you think of the Final Crisis price increase?

Comments ( 5 )

  1. I hope for your sake that doesn't mean the last image in the second last issue or something like that.

  2. David Lloyd did something like that for his graphic novel, Kickback, which I thought worked really well. I'm okay with the price increase; for 350 pages thirty American dollars is a pretty good deal. (Though it's interesting that only in comics do we count value in terms of dollars versus page count. You don't get that for novels and such.)

  3. I don't mind the price increase at all. I was thrilled that DC decided to include the other issues. This follows Morrison's wishes and will make this a much more enjoyable hardcover. And for the amount of pages that we are getting, the price is really not that bad.

  4. I'm excited to get this. The price increase is justified for me since I would have gotten the Final Crisis companion for just Superman Beyond anyway.

  5. DCBS usually sends a notification email that the amount has changed and your order will be adjusted (that's what they did when the FAKER TPB went up from $9.99 to $14.99).

    As for the price increase, I think it's totally reasonable.


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