Table of Contents
- Legends
- Millennium
- Invasion
- The 1990s
- Zero Hour
- Underworld Unleashed
- Final Night
- DC One Million
- Our Worlds at War/Joker's Last Laugh
- The 2000s
- Identity Crisis
- Infinite Crisis
- 52/One Year Later
- Countdown to Final Crisis
- Final Crisis
- Blackest Night
- Brightest Day/Flashpoint
- New 52 Vol. 1
- New 52 Vol. 2 - Zero Month
- New 52 Vol. 3 - Death of the Family
- New 52 Vol. 4 - Trinity War
- New 52 Vol. 5 - Forever Evil
- New 52 Vol. 6 - Futures End
- DC You
- DC Rebirth
- Dark Nights: Metal
- Year of the Villain/Heroes in Crisis/Event Leviathan
- Infinite Frontier
- Dawn of DC
- Pre-Crisis (Recommended Reading)
Post comments, questions,
corrections, and
suggestions here;
"Changelog" to learn more about recent changes. Updated entries are marked here as "New!" Last updated 2/9/25.
Blackest Night
James Robinson's Cry for Justice takes place for the most part sometime after Battle for the Cowl and Supergirl: Who is Superwoman?, but before Blackest Night, except for the epilogue, which takes place after Blackest Night but doesn't spoil anything. Since Cry for Justice mostly involves the fallout from Final Crisis, some of which was later mitigated by Blackest Night, the Justice League collection is placed here, though Cry for Justice and Blackest Night were published simultaneously and don't reference one another, though other collections (including Justice League: Team History) reference both.
- Blackest Night (review)
- Blackest Night: Green Lantern (review)
- Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps (review)
- Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (review)
- Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1 (review)
- Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2 (review)
- Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns (review)
Secret Six: Danse Macabre contains Suicide Squad #67, a Blackest Night "resurrected" title; the rest of those issues are collected in Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns.
Superman/Batman: Night and Day takes place mostly before the events of Final Crisis (out of continuity, even), except for the final story that follows the Solomon Grundy collection and takes place during Blackest Night. Night and Day offers some additional explanation of the events of Superman/Batman: Search for Kryptonite. Superman/Batman: Big Noise was published about this time, but takes place just after Our Worlds at War (loosely, and with little tie to continuity).
Green Arrow: Five Stages takes place mostly just before Cry for Justice, except for a final Blackest Night tie-in issue also found in Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns.
The Outsiders appear with Alfred in Batgirl Rising, placing it before the events of Outsiders: The Hunt. The Hunt itself takes place somewhat incongruously during the events of both Battle for the Cowl and Blackest Night.
New Krypton Vol. 4 contains one issue from Codename Patriot, but then jumps to after the events of that story. The second Mon-El trade takes place before and after Justice League: Team History. Titans: Fractured leads in to JLA: Team History; the end of Team History parallels the end of Justice Society: Axis of Evil.
The New Krypton/Batman Reborn World's Finest miniseries takes place generally after Codename Patriot but before the end of Superman: New Krypton Vol. 4, Mon-El: Man of Valor, and Nightwing/Flamebird Vol. 2, and between the first and second Red Robin trades.
The Justice Society appears in Nightwing and Flamebird Vol. 2, after the events of Justice Society: Bad Seed. Supergirl: Death and the Family takes place around this point, before the events of Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton. Though Justice Society: Bad Seed was published concurrent with Blackest Night, the Justice Society title does not catch up with Blackest Night until after Justice Society: Axis of Evil.
Strange Adventures continues the story of Adam Strange and Captain Comet from Rann/Thanagar: Holy War. The characters next appear in REBELS: Strange Companions, at about the same time as Green Lantern: Agent Orange (the lead-in to Blackest Night). Strange Companions is placed here because it leads directly in to REBELS: Son and the Stars, which crosses over with Blackest Night.
Last Stand of New Krypton makes brief reference to a scene at the end of REBELS: Strange Companions; REBELS: Sons of Brainiac takes place after Last Stand of New Krypton Vol. 2. Outsiders: Road to Hell follows the end of the New Krypton storyline.
Batman: Life After Death shares a scene with Batman: Arkham Reborn; the latter part of Arkham Reborn directly follows Life After Death. The books are generally unrelated to the larger Grant Morrison-written "Batman Reborn" arc, so they're placed here before the Batman vs. Robin collection.
Red Robin: Collision takes place after Blackest Night: Batman (in Rise of the Black Lanterns Vol. 1), crosses over with the new Batgirl series, and takes place at about the same time as both Arkham Reborn and Justice League: Cry for Justice. Batman vs. Robin takes place around the same time as Collision and mentions revelations made by Tim Drake in Collision. Song of the Sirens picks up from events of Batman: Life After Death, and also follows from the Catwoman crossover issue in Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns.
Parts of Teen Titans: Child's Play take place before the Oracle: The Cure miniseries, but the final chapters take place during Blackest Night. The Ravager: Fresh Hell collection takes place alongside the Teen Titans story and shares some issues in common.
Doom Patrol: We Who are About to Die contains a Blackest Night crossover story. Doom Patrol: Brotherhood picks up just after the previous volume. Question: Pipeline includes characters from the Doom Patrol trade.
Blue Beetle: Black and Blue collects Blue Beetle co-feature backup stories from the issues of Booster Gold that are collected in The Tomorrow Memory. Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes appears in Teen Titans: The Hunt for Raven before the events of Justice League: Generation Lost.
Brightest Day/Flashpoint
Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns takes place after Brightest Day Vol. 1; the second story in Revolt takes place just before the events of Rage of the Red Lanterns.
Justice Society: Axis of Evil takes place mainly before Blackest Night, but the final pages span the events of Blackest Night to just before Justice League: Dark Things. JSA All-Stars: Constellations ends concurrent to the events of Blackest Night, and references events in JSA: Axis of Evil. The Magog trade takes place in the middle of Constellations; the two trades (minorly) overlap. Magog appears in the Shield trade, and Shield would appear in the Magog series shortly after the issues in the Magog collection. Power Girl: Aliens and Apes takes place after Blackest Night, JSA: The Bad Seed, and Constellations. JSA All-Stars: Glory Days takes place closer to the DC New 52 relaunch, but is generally unrelated to other series and placed here.
JLA: Dark Things is a JLA/JSA crossover, and ties in to Brightest Day.
Titans: Villains for Hire is a Brightest Day tie-in and follows the events of Justice League: Rise and Fall. Though not stated explicitly, it appears both Cheshire and Dwarfstar appear in Secret Six: Cats in the Cradle prior to their appearances in Titans: Villains for Hire. Dwarfstar appears next in Secret Six: The Reptile Brain.
Birds of Prey: End Run takes place simultaneously with Justice League: Dark Things. Batgirl: The Flood occurs after the Birds of Prey re-form in End Run.
The first volume of Superman: Grounded appears to take place prior to the Return of Bruce Wayne. Both the first volume of Black Ring and Supergirl: Bizarrogirl take place concurrent with Grounded Vol. 1.
The events of Justice League: Omega occur before Justice Society: Supertown. Supertown takes place during the events of Superman: Grounded. Monument Point is the last pre-DC New 52 Justice Society of America collection.
Batman: Rules of Engagement through Batman vs. the Undead are collections of the Batman Confidential series; like Legends of the Dark Knight, these are stories set early in Batman's career and are largely apocryphal or outside continuity. These books are included here only because a very minor and vague mention of the events of Rules of Engagement is made in the "The Return" section of Batman and Robin Must Die; this timeline does not suggest following Batman Confidential is necessary for a full reading experience.
Red Robin: The Hit List takes place both before Time and the Batman and also after Return of Bruce Wayne and Bruce Wayne: The Road Home; there is essentially no way to read Red Robin and the other titles without one spoiling the other in some way. This timeline places Red Robin: Hit List before the rest of these books, but an alternate reading would place Red Robin after Bruce Wayne: Road Home. The make-up of the Justice League in Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne places that volume after Dark Things.
Time Masters: Vanishing Point takes place concurrent to The Return of Bruce Wayne, though the ties are tenuous; the end of Time Masters: Vanishing Point leads in to the Flashpoint crossover.
The beginning of Batman: Eye of the Beholder takes place before the beginning of Batman, Inc. Gotham Shall Be Judged takes place between the first and second story in Eye of the Beholder. Birds of Prey: Death of Oracle takes place before Batgirl: The Lesson. The beginning of Batman, Inc. also takes place before Batgirl: The Lesson, but a later issue of Batgirl leads in to a later issue of Batman Inc.; essentially there is no way to read these two books without (minor) spoilers for one another. Death of Oracle also follows from Secret Six: Cats in the Cradle. Squire appears in Batman: Knight & Squire before Batgirl: The Lesson. Batman: Eye of the Beholder, Batman, Inc. Birds of Prey: Death of Oracle, and Batgirl: The Lesson are the final collections of these series before the DC New 52 relaunch.
These Batman books represent their titles' final collections before the DC New 52 relaunch. Batman and Robin: Dark Knight, White Knight references the beginning of Batman Incorporated. Batman: Black Mirror is a Detective Comics collection; it takes place at about the same time as Batgirl: The Lesson (minor references in Lesson).
Gotham City Sirens: Strange Fruit and Division span from Return of Bruce Wayne/Road Home to around the events of Batman: Gotham Shall Be Judged. These are the last collections of Gotham City Sirens before the DC New 52 Relaunch.
Though generally unrelated to other titles, the issues in Titans: Family Reunion were published at about this time. This is the last Titans trade before the DC New 52 relaunch.
Flash: Dastardly Death of the Rogues takes place after Brightest Day Vol. 1 and Red Robin: The Hit List, but references both the Return of Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman: Odyssey.
Green Lantern: Brightest Day takes place after Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns and Batman: Bruce Wayne -- The Road Home, and concurrent with Emerald Warriors and The Weaponer; essentially these three Green Lantern-family books take place at the same time and interconnect. A character (with a Red Lantern ring) next appears in REBELS: Sons of Brainiac after Green Lantern: Brightest Day. Sons of Brainiac takes place after Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton Vol. 2.
Justice League: Generation Lost begins at the same time as Brightest Day Vol. 1. Power Girl: Bomb Squad and Booster Gold: Past Imperfect both reflects the events of Generation Lost Vol. 1.
Superman follows from the end of Grounded to Return of Doomsday, and then to Black Ring Vol. 2 and Reign of Doomsday (which share an issue). Grounded Vol. 2 takes place concurrent to the Superboy/Kid Flash race in Superboy: Smallville Attacks. Return of Doomsday begins in a Steel one-shot and follows to Outsiders, Justice League, a Superman/Batman annual, and Superboy; the crossover issues are collected in the titles above and Superboy: Smallville Attacks, as well as in Return of Doomsday. These are the last pre-DC New 52 collections of Superman, Outsiders, and Justice League of America.
Teen Titans: Team Building crosses over with Red Robin: Seven Days of Death. Superboy: Smallville Attacks shares an issue with Superman: Return of Doomsday. The Teen Titans: Prime of Life, Red Robin, and Superboy collections are the final pre-DC New 52 volumes of these series.
Secret Six: The Reptile Brain and Black Ring cross-over, and each book collects their own and the other's issue. Darkest House completes Secret Six. The second volumes of Superman: Grounded and The Black Ring take place after Wonder Woman: Odyssey and REBELS: Sons of Brainiac respectively, placing these books after the first volume of Brightest Day and Green Lantern: Brightest Day. Superman proceeds from Grounded to Return of Doomsday and then to the second volume of Black Ring and Reign of Doomsday. Reign of Doomsday is the final Superman collection before the DC New 52 relaunch.
Brightest Day Vol. 2 specifically shares a scene with Green Arrow: Into the Woods.
Batman Bruce Wayne appears in Justice League: Generation Lost Vol. 2 after the events of Brightest Day Vol. 2. Power Girl: Old Friends takes place during the events of Generation Lost Vol. 2. This is the last pre-DC New 52 Power Girl collection.
The events of Wonder Woman: Odyssey take place after Wonder Woman's appearance in Justice League: Generation Lost Vol. 2. This is the final pre-DC New 52 Wonder Woman collection.
Green Arrow: Salvation shows the events of the end of Brightest Day Vol. 3 from Green Arrow's perspective. War of the Green Lanterns takes place specifically after Brightest Day Vol. 3; the Aftermath volume follows War of the Green Lanterns. These are the last pre-DC New 52 collections for Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors, and Green Arrow.
The Brightest Day-era Zatanna series stretched from just after the beginning of Brightest Day through to the DC New 52 relaunch. The series is largely unconnected to ongoing continuity (the Justice League that appears at the beginning of Maid of Magic is from the Final Crisis era) and appears on the timeline mainly by popular request.
One story from Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes takes place after Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds; the rest of the stories take place between early Legion adventures published in the 1950s. Superman/Batman: Worship mostly takes place in an inexact time between Identity Crisis and Final Crisis, except the Legion appear at the end prior to Legion of Super-Heroes: The Choice. Choice makes vague references to Flashpoint. Superman/Batman: Sorcerer Kings and Legion: When Evil Calls are the final pre-DC New 52 collections of those series.
- Flash: The Road to Flashpoint (review)
- Flashpoint (review)
- Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Batman (review)
- Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Wonder Woman (review)
- Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Superman (review)
- Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Green Lantern (review)
- Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring the Flash (review)
Flash: Road to Flashpoint leads directly into the beginning of Flashpoint itself. The "Deadman" story in the Flashpoint: Batman collection takes place before the "Lois Lane" story in the Flashpoint: Wonder Woman collection; that "Lois Lane" story takes place before the Flashpoint: Superman collection. These Flashpoint collections effectively end the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths DC Universe prior to the DC New 52 relaunch.
New 52 Vol. 1
In August 2011, following Flashpoint, DC Comics relaunched their continuity with 52 new #1 issues, called the New 52. The relaunch poses significant changes to most (but not all) DC Comics continuity. For example, recent Batman and Green Lantern events have taken place, but Superman's continuity is entirely different. Justice League: Origin takes place five years before the new "present," detailing the first meeting of the Justice League, and replaces JLA: Year One, Legends, and the original Justice League International, among others. Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel technically takes place before Justice League: Origins, but DC specifically published Origins as the first book to be read in the New 52.
A number of DC New 52 titles reference Green Arrow Oliver Queen's company Q-Core, introduced in Green Arrow: The Midas Touch.
The Flash appears in Captain Atom: Evolution after the start of the New 52 Flash series. Static Shock: Supercharged takes place during or just after Captain Atom: Evolution; Supercharged also references Hawkman and the Teen Titans, and Static appears in Hawkman: Darkness Rising and Teen Titans: It's Our Right to Fight. The Hawkman book, without specifics, references the alien threat also found in Superman, Stormwatch, and related titles.
Supergirl appears in Superboy: Incubation after the events of her own collection, and then in Superman: What Price Tomorrow? The Superboy collection takes place concurrent with Teen Titans: It's Our Right to Fight.
- Batman Vol. 1: Court of Owls (review)
- Batman and Robin Vol. 1: Born to Kill (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 1: Traps and Trapezes (review)
- Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Trouble in Mind (review)
- Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology (review)
- Batwing Vol. 1: The Lost Kingdom (review)
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1: Redemption (review)
Batman: Court of Owls takes place shortly after Bruce Wayne's return to Gotham as suggested at the end of Batman: Gates of Gotham. The book takes place concurrent to the first DC New 52 Nightwing volume. The Batgirl trade takes place during Bruce Wayne's crusade to revitalize Gotham, as shown in Court of Owls; the Batgirl collection takes place specifically before the Nightwing collection. The first DC New 52 Batwoman and Batwing trades each make reference to Batman, Incorporated. Red Hood and the Outlaws takes place after the Batwing collection. The Bat-titles next cross over in "Night of the Owls."
The Animal Man volume takes place concurrent with the first DC New 52 Swamp Thing volume.
The first volumes of Frankenstein and OMAC cross over with one other, showing the same events from two perspectives. Frankenstein appears in an issue of Men of War. The OMAC volume mentions the DC Universe Presents Challengers of the Unknown story.
Deadman and Madame Xanadu appear in Hawk and Dove, and Dove next appears in Justice League Dark.
Justice League International cameos Green Arrow, Frankenstein, Hawk and Dove, Captain Atom, Hawkman, and Blue Beetle, and Batman appears.
The Blackhawks appear in Mind Games, as well as in Deathstroke: Legacy and Voodoo: What Lies Beneath. Blackhawks: Great Leap Forward takes place after the formation of the Justice League International. The Huntress: Crossbow at the Crossroads miniseries takes place after the events of Mr. Terrific.
Deathstroke appears in flashback in Resurrection Man, and Madame Xanadu from Justice League Dark appears in cameo.
I, Vampire and Justice League Dark take place at the same time and cross-over with their next volumes. Batman appears in I, Vampire and those events are mentioned in Detective Comics: Faces of Death.
The first DC New 52 Stormwatch volume takes place after Justice League International: The Signal Masters; members of the JLI cameo. Events in the Superman and Stormwatch books interrelate; the Superman book begins before the Stormwatch book, but the end of the Stormwatch book takes place before the end of the Superman book. Grifter takes place specifically after Stormwatch: The Dark Side and makes reference to events coming up in Superman; Green Arrow also guest-stars. Superman, Stormwatch, Grifter, Demon Knights, Voodoo, and Savage Hawkman all deal with a certain alien threat. The DC Universe Presents Deadman story is generally unrelated to Deadman's other appearances, while the Challengers story is referenced in the OMAC collection; the DC Universe Presents trade is placed after the Superman trade because the Superman and Challengers stories share a minor supporting character.
The "Culling" crossover connects Legion Lost, Superboy, and Teen Titans with their second volumes. The Black Razers appear in Legion Lost, first introduced in the Blackhawks collection; they also appear in Voodoo. A member of Stormwatch also appears in Legion Lost.
The first volumes of the New 52 Green Lantern books take place about the same time. The Sinestro Corpsman Arkillo and the Red Lantern Bleez appear in Green Lantern: New Guardians at about the same time as Hal Jordan encounters the Sinestro Corps in Green Lantern: Sinestro, and concurrent with the Red Lanterns collection respectively. Green Lantern: Sinestro takes place immediately after the events of War of Green Lanterns and the War Aftermath books. Green Lantern Corps features a character from Stormwatch. New Guardians's Kyle Rayner also appears in Voodoo; Voodoo takes place after the events of Grifter.
The first DC New 52 Detective Comics collection, Faces of Death, includes references to Catwoman and to Green Arrow Oliver Queen's Q-Core, and takes place specifically after the first volume of I, Vampire. Suicide Squad: Kicked in the Teeth takes place after Detective Comics: Faces of Death and Green Arrow: The Midas Touch, and references the events of Stormwatch: The Dark Side.
All-Star Western, Aquaman, Firestorm, and Wonder Woman are generally unconnected to other events in the DC New 52 Universe at this time.
New 52 Vol. 2 - Zero Month
The Action Comics: Bulletproof collection takes place five years before current events in the DC Universe.
The Batwoman and Batman, Inc. collections are generally unrelated to the other Batman collections at this time. Batwoman appears in Batgirl: Knightfall Descends after the events of Batwoman Vol. 1. The Zero Month issue of Batwoman appears in the third collection, listed later in this category.
- Batman Vol. 2: The City of Owls (review)
- Batman: Night of the Owls (review)
- All-Star Western Vol. 2: The War of Lords and Owls
- Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 1: Knight Terrors (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall Descends (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 2: Night of the Owls (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: Scare Tactics (review)
- Birds of Prey Vol. 2: Your Kiss Might Kill (review)
- Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2: Cycle of Violence (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 2: Dollhouse (review)
All of these trades contain Night of the Owls tie-in issues; the same issues are also found in the Night of the Owls collection. Catwoman: Dollhouse reflects events of Detective Comics: Faces of Death. Birds of Prey: Your Kiss Might Kill has ties to Teen Titans: The Culling. Dark Knight: Knight Terrors includes appearances by the Justice League, Nightwing, Red Robin, Batgirl, and the Birds of Prey; despite that Knight Terrors is a Vol. 1 New 52 collection, it includes a "Night of the Owls" crossover issue. The Dark Knight "Night of the Owls" tie-in issue takes place toward the end of the crossover, after Birds of Prey, but other events in Dark Knight Vol. 1 take place before Batgirl Vol. 2 and Detective Comics Vol. 2, so it has been moved up in the reading order; an alternate "Night of the Owls"-centric reading is to read Knight Terrors after Birds of Prey. Dark Knight Vol. 2: Cycle of Violence is generally unconnected to ongoing events and so it's placed here as well. An additional Night of the Owls tie-in, Batman and Robin Vol. 2: Pearl, also contains significant Death of the Family material, and is placed later in the timeline. Events in a backup story in All-Star Western Vol. 2 later factor into a Phantom Stranger story.
The end of Voodoo leads in to the middle of the second Grifter book. Events in Grifter and Superman: Secrets and Lies take place simultaneously and each book contains minor spoilers for the other (very, very minor). Red Hood and the Outlaws: The Starfire includes a "Night of the Owls" tie-in issue and also deals with events in the Superman book
Events in Justice League: The Villain's Journey are reflected in Justice League International: Breakdown. Villain's Journey references Night of the Owls and events in Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Blood. Captain Atom Vol. 2: Genesis is generally unrelated to the Justice League trade, but takes place before the end of Villain's Journey; Captain Atom appears next in Fury of Firestorm Vol. 3 and Legion Lost Vol. 2.
The issues in Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Guts were published at about this time, Batwoman Vol. 3 and Wonder Woman Vol. 3 each include their titles' Zero Month issue, and Wonder Woman appears in Batwoman Vol. 3: World's Finest. Batwoman Vol. 3 takes place after the "Night of the Owls" event.
Events in Justice League International: Breakdown take place in the middle of Blue Beetle: Blue Diamond. Justice League International crosses over with Fury of Firestorm. Batwing appears in Justice League International and the team appears in Batwing: Shadow of Ancients before the end of the Justice League International trade. The Batwing trade includes a Night of the Owls tie-in issue. Justice League International reflects the end of Justice League Vol. 2: Villain's Journey.
The Green Lantern Corps: Alpha War collection contains some issues that are technically part of the "Rise of the Third Army" crossover that takes place in the next volume of the Green Lantern titles; however, if you read Green Lantern: Revenge of Black Hand prior to the Green Lantern Corps collection, spoilers are minimal. Green Lantern: New Guardians: Beyond Hope crosses over with Blue Beetle: Blue Diamond. Red Lanterns: Death of the Red Lanterns and Stormwatch: Enemies of the Earth cross over. Minor elements in Stormwatch: Enemies of the Earth place it during Batman: Night of the Owls, and before the end of Justice League International: Breakdown, though the book is placed after Justice League International to avoid a spoiler about the membership.
Most of the issues collected in Culling: Rise of the Ravagers are also collected in the second Superboy, Teen Titans, and Legion Lost collections, except for the Teen Titans Annual #1. After the Culling crossover, events in the Superboy and Teen Titans collections still intersect, with the Superboy issues taking place slightly before the Titans issues. The second and final Legion Lost collection includes Superboy and the Ravagers after the events of Superboy Vol. 3 and Ravagers Vol. 1, so that trade is placed later in the timeline. Titans: Culling connects to Birds of Prey: Your Kiss Might Kill and contains a DC Universe Presents issue.
The Earth 2 and Worlds' Finest series don't tie into the ongoing DC Universe at this point, but Worlds' Finest will reflect events of in the Batman titles with the next trade. DC Universe Presents: Vandal Savage includes a Zero Month issue that ties into Earth 2; that story is collected later in Earth 2 Vol. 2: Tower of Fate, but was published at the same time as issues in Earth 2 Vol. 1 and so is not considered a spoiler. DC Universe Presents Vol. 2 also includes issues collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling.
The Swamp Thing and Animal Man books begin to intersect; they will cross over with "Rotworld" in their next volumes. The Animal Man trade takes place slightly later than the Swamp Thing trade, but because it spoils Swamp Thing's new look, the Swamp Thing trade is placed first. The Animal Man trade references events in Flash: Move Forward. Frankenstein: Secrets of the Dead follows the events of Animal Man: The Hunt, and includes a "Rotworld: Secrets of the Dead" prelude story that leads into the next Animal Man and Swamp Thing collections.
Legion: Secret Origin provides an updated origin for the Legion in the New 52. Legion of Super-Heroes: Dominators remains unrelated to the ongoing DC Universe.
The Aquaman, Dial H, Flash, Supergirl titles are generally separate from the greater DC Universe with these volumes. Aquaman crosses over with Justice League with their next volumes. The Flash book continues directly into Flash Vol. 3: Gorilla Warfare, which is referenced in Justice League Vol. 3, so a reader could as easily read Flash Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 as one volume. With its next volume Supergirl crosses over with Superboy and Superman.
New 52 Vol. 3 - Death of the Family
The Batman "Death of the Family" crossover ties in to a number of Batman-family books. The tie-in issues are collected all together in the Joker: Death of the Family volume, and also in their individual series collections. The "Requiem" event also begins in the Batman books following the events of Batman Inc. Vol. 2: Gotham's Most Wanted. Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3 crosses over with Teen Titans Vol. 3 in their "Death of the Family" tie-in.
- Batman, Incorporated Vol. 2: Gotham's Most Wanted (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: Emperor Penguin (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 3: Death of the Family (review)
- Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 3: Mad (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 3: Death of the Family (review)
- Talon Vol. 1: Scourge of the Owls (review)
- Batwing Vol. 3: Enemy of the State
The third Detective Comics, Dark Knight, Nightwing, and Batgirl collections and the second Worlds' Finest collection all tie in with Death of the Family and deal with the "Requiem" fallout from Batman, Inc. Vol. 2. Nightwing Vol. 3 mentions events in Detective Comics Vol. 3. Talon appears to encounter the Bat-family in Talon Vol. 1 after the events of "Death of the Family." A character from Batgirl Vol. 3 continues into Suicide Squad Vol. 4. See also Teen Titans Vol. 3 and Worlds' Finest Vol. 2. Batwing Vol. 3 is not connected to current events in the Bat-books but was published about this time.
The third Demon Knights, All-Star Western, and Catwoman books, and the first Team 7 and Sword of Sorcery collections are part of a loose thematic event (not actually a "crossover") that regards Eclipso's Black Diamond (also called "The Black Diamond Probability"). Demon Knights, All-Star Western, and Team 7 all take place at various times in the past; the Catwoman trade corresponds with "Death of the Family" and "Requiem."
Amethyst appears in Justice League Dark after the beginning of the Sword of Sorcery trade. Most of the issues in Justice League Dark Vol. 2 should properly place this collection with other Vol. 2s, but the Justice League Dark Annual that ends the collection specifically takes place after the first issue of Swords of Sorcery, which is a Vol. 3-era collection. I, Vampire crosses over with Justice League Dark, so that Vol. 2 is also placed with the Vol. 3s; I, Vampire Vol. 3 follows right after. Stormwatch appears in the I, Vampire Vol. 2 collection. Steve Trevor appears in Justice League Dark after the events of Justice League Vol. 2: The Villain's Journey. Sword of Sorcey, Justice League Dark Vol. 2, and I, Vampire Vol. 3 all contain Zero Month issues.
The Animal Man and Swamp Thing series join in the "Rotworld" crossover.
Swamp Thing "meets" John Constantine (after the "Rotworld" alternate reality) in Justice League Dark Vol. 3 before Constantine appears in Swamp Thing Vol. 4: Seeder. The Phantom Stranger appears in Justice League Dark Vol. 3 before the Justice League Dark appears in Phantom Stranger Vol. 1. The Spectre next appears in Constantine after Phantom Stranger Vol. 1. Raven also appears in the Phantom Stranger collection before Teen Titans Vol. 3. Teen Titans crosses over with Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3; both books precede "Requiem." The Titans trade alludes to events in the Birds trade. Events regarding a former Team 7 member in the Teen Titans trade continue into the third Suicide Squad volume.
Aquaman Vol. 3 and Justice League Vol. 3 cross-over with "Throne of Atlantis"; many chapters are collected in both volumes but Aquaman Vol. 3 alone contains the prologue. The DC Universe Presents Vol. 3: Black Lightning and Blue Devil book and the Shazam book are listed before Justice League: Throne of Atlantis because the characters cameo in that volume. DC Universe Presents Vol. 3 contains two Red Hood and the Outlaws issues that take place after Red Hood Vol. 2 and were published about this time, though they are also collected later in Red Hood Vol. 5; it also includes a Beowulf issue that follows from the end of Sword of Sorcery and is also included in that collection. The events of Flash Vol. 3: Gorilla Warfare are referenced to explain the Flash's absence from the Justice League story. Dial H Vol. 2: Exchange takes place simultaneous with the end of Flash: Gorilla Warfare.
The Green Lantern crossovers "Rise of the Third Army" and "Wrath of the First Lantern" are collected in their own volumes, and then also in the individual Vol. 3s of Green Lantern, Corps, New Guardians, and Red Lanterns. Some events continue directly from Green Lantern Vol. 3 to Green Lantern Corps. Vol. 3. These stories take place during Green Lantern's absence from the Justice League during the "Throne of Atlantis" story.
Resurrection Man Vol. 2 crosses over with Suicide Squad Vol. 2. The Zero Month issue of Suicide Squad Vol. 2 follows the end of Team 7.
Action Comics Vol. 3 takes place roughly five years before the current Superman storyline; the events of At the End of Days are referenced later in other books. Action Comics joins the current timeline after this trade. The "H'el on Earth" crossover event between Superman, Superboy, and Supergirl is collected in its own trade, and then also each series' individual issues are collected in their own trade. The Teen Titans appear in Superboy Vol. 3 between the pages of Teen Titans Vol. 3: Death of the Family. Superboy appears in Ravagers Vol. 1 and Legion Lost Vol. 2 between the pages of Superboy: Lost.
Superboy appears in the first Ravagers collection after the events of Superboy Vol. 3. Superboy and the Ravagers subsequently appear in the Legion Lost trade before Ravagers Vol. 2; the Legion Lost and Firestorm share events relating to Captain Atom.
Worlds' Finest Vol. 2 reflects events of Supergirl Vol. 3. Earth 2 Vol. 2: Tower of Fate contains a DC Universe Presents Zero Month story also collected in DC Universe Presents Vol. 2. The Worlds' Finest and Earth 2 series begin to connect in their later volumes.
New 52 Vol. 4 - Trinity War
The beginning of Wonder Woman Vol. 4: War takes place before the beginning of Superman Vol. 4 and is referenced in that volume. Superman Vol. 4 and Action Comics Vol. 4 take place between the pages of one another; Superman Vol. 4 begins before the main story of Action Comics Vol. 4, but Action Comics Vol. 4's end leads in to the end of the Superman book. The "Psi-War" storyline also affects Superboy Vol. 4.
- Justice League: Trinity War (review)
- Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol. 1: The Curse (review)
- Justice League of America Vol. 1: World's Most Dangerous (review)
- Justice League Vol. 4: The Grid (review)
- Constantine Vol. 1: The Spark and the Flame (review)
- Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger Vol. 2: Breach of Faith (review)
The Trinity War crossover between Justice League, Justice League Dark, and Justice League of America (plus Pandora, Phantom Stranger, and Constantine tie-ins) is collected in its own volume and also the individual pieces appear in individual volumes. The Justice League Dark Vol. 4 collection includes Forever Evil tie-ins and is placed later in the timeline. Justice League: The Grid makes minor reference to events in Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King, which is placed after Forever Evil. Justice League Vol. 4 and Justice League of America Vol. 1 each contain spoilers for the other regarding new members of the League; there is no perfect way to read these two titles except interspersed, but in general we recommend Justice League of America Vol. 1 first (even though its Trinity War issues take place after the ones collected in Justice League Vol. 4). Part of Catwoman Vol. 4 (placed later) takes place between the pages of Justice League of America Vol. 1.
Because Savage Hawkman Vol. 2 (and, later in this list, Deathstroke Vol. 2) are large trades encompassing events that are otherwise included in other titles third and fourth volumes, they are placed late in this list. The end of Savage Hawkman Vol. 2 takes place after events in Justice League of America Vol. 1 (though a villain from Savage Hawkman appears in Justice League of America after the events of Savage Hawkman); the Green Arrow Vols. 2 and 3 take place before Justice League of America Vol. 1, but cross-over with Hawkman Vol. 2. Green Arrow Vol. 4: The Kill Machine takes place after the early events of Justice League of America Vol. 1 but before Trinity War. Deathstroke Vol. 2 also crosses over with Hawkman Vol. 2.
Stories in Deathstroke Vol. 2 continue from Team 7 Vol. 1. The final issues of Team 7, Ravagers, and Deathstroke cross over, in that order. Though Stormwatch Vol. 3 includes a Zero Month issue, it is placed here because a minor Wildstorm character first appears in Deathstroke Vol 2. (which is placed late here because it's a big trade spanning multiple "eras") next appears in Stormwatch Vol. 3.
A character from GI Combat next appears in Suicide Squad Vol. 3. The third Suicide Squad volume is a "Death of the Family" tie-in. The plight of a former Team 7 member continues from Teen Titans Vol. 3 to Suicide Squad Vol. 3, and then to Birds of Prey Vol. 4 and Vol. 5.
New 52 Vol. 5 - Forever Evil
The Batman: Zero Year books take place in the past, but a variety of trades at this time contain Zero Year tie-in issues. One such, Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Rebuild, also involves events that take place just before Forever Evil; therefore, the Green Lantern Vol. 4 books are placed before Forever Evil and Batman: Zero Year is placed before the Green Lantern books. The DC Comics: Zero Year collection includes the tie-ins from the other books (all collected individually); depending on the reader's tolerance for spoilers and reading ahead, this collection can be read here or the individual issues can be read in their own books.
Events in the Green Lantern titles are mostly unrelated to other titles at this time, but a reference in Forever Evil places them just before Forever Evil (events in these titles are also referenced in Flash Vol. 5: History Lessons, among other places). Green Lantern Vol. 4: Dark Days includes a Villains Month tie-in issue, but again it's unrelated to the events of Forever Evil and continuity otherwise puts these books ahead of that miniseries event. Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Rebuild includes a Batman: Zero Year tie-in issue. Green Lantern: Lights Out collects the main crossover between the titles, but events in the trades all generally take place at the same time and an optimal reading order is to read each issue from the same month one right after the other.
Comments made by the Scarecrow in Swamp Thing Vol. 4: Seeder can be interpreted as foreshadowing the events of Forever Evil, though this could be coincidental. Events in Swamp Thing are unrelated to Forever Evil; there's some suggestion that the Swamp Thing that appears in Forever Evil Blight is a duplicate and not Swamp Thing himself. The trade is placed in this era because it includes a Villains Month issue, though again this does not tie in to Forever Evil specifically. The events of Swamp Thing Vol. 5 are referenced in Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea of Storms, but that book appears after (and crosses over with) Swamp Thing Vol. 6. Animal Man appears in Swamp Thing Vol. 5 during the events of Animal Man Vols. 4-5, though this is not reflected in the Animal Man books.
Superman Unchained's ties to continuity are light, even contradictory in regards to Sam Lane and etc., and due to its erratic publication schedule DC released the book beginning around Superman Vol. 4 and ending around Superman Vol. 6. That said, the book takes place after the New 52 Clark Kent leaves the Daily Planet and begins working as a blogger, and before events related to Lex Luthor in the Action Comics #23.3 Villains Month issue and Forever Evil.
Forever Evil picks up almost immediately from the end of Trinity War. The Forever Evil and tie-in titles interconnect in many places. Rogues Revolution is generally before ARGUS because ARGUS references a scene in Rogues. The plan to save the Justice League generally continues from ARGUS to Justice League of America Vol. 2 and then to Justice League Vol. 5 (and then back to Forever Evil). In the DC Comics Villains' Month that took place simultaneous to Forever Evil #1, some issues cross-over with Forever Evil and some are independent; at least one, the Black Adam issue, continues directly into Forever Evil and is not collected anywhere else (the uncollected Scarecrow book leads in to Arkham War, and the uncollected Grodd issue leads into Rogues Rebellion); therefore the Villains' Omnibus is placed before Forever Evil.
Aquaman: Death of a King ends after the events of Forever Evil and makes minor reference to that story. Though Justice League Vol. 4: The Grid reflects events of Death of a King, there's some contradiction in Aquaman's roles in Trinity War/Forever Evil versus Death of a King.
Arkham War takes place during and after the events of Forever Evil and the Justice League books. After the events of Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 1: Knight Terrors, Bane next appears in Detective Comics Vol. 4: The Wrath, Talon Vol. 2, and a story in The New 52 Villains Omnibus, before Arkham War; he also appears in Batwoman Vol. 4, but that appearance seems to be out of continuity in comparison. Batwoman Vol. 4: This Blood is Thick takes place before the events of Birds of Prey: Cruelest Cut and the changes in Batman and Batwoman's relationship are reflected in Detective Comics: Wrath, though the ties between Batwoman and these series are not strong. Detective Comics: Wrath must be placed later because of ties to Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift and others, but readers may want to consider the Bane story from that book before Talon Vol. 2. The Talon book crosses over with Birds of Prey Vol. 4, which also follows from events in Teen Titans Vol. 3 and Suicide Squad Vol. 3. Batgirl's appearance in Birds of Prey Vol. 4 takes place between the pages of Batgirl Vol. 3.
Suicide Squad Vol. 4 takes place before Forever Evil except for the Villains Month issues collected at the end, which take place during Forever Evil. Suicide Squad Vol. 5 specifically takes place during the events of Forever Evil.
The Forever Evil: Blight crossover is collected in its own volume as well as in the individual collections of Justice League Dark (which also contains the JLD Trinity War issues), Constantine, Phantom Stranger, and Pandora, the latter of which are the final collections of the series. The events of Blight are not greatly emphasized in the other Forever Evil titles and tie-ins, though the effects are felt among the involved titles.
Katana Vol. 1: Soultaker intersects minorly with Justice League of America Vol. 1: World's Most Dangerous and Catwoman Vol. 4: Gotham Underground. Events of Katana Vol. 1 are referenced in Green Arrow Vol. 5: The Outsiders War.
- Batwoman Vol. 5: Webs (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 4: Second City (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 4: Wanted (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 4: Gotham Underground (review)
- Batman and Robin Vol. 4: Requiem for Damian (review)
- Batman and Robin Vol. 5: The Big Burn (review)
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 4: League of Assassins (review)
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 5: The Big Picture (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 5: Setting Son (review)
Nightwing Vol. 4 takes place before Batgirl Vol. 4, and both precede the events of Batman and Robin Vol. 4: Requiem for Damian. Events in Catwoman Vol. 4 tie to Justice League of America Vol. 1, but the collection also includes a Villains Month issue published simultaneous with Forever Evil. The Batman and Robin volume would seem to take place before or be unrelated to the events of Trinity War/Forever Evil (as regards Catwoman and Frankenstein), but it's placed here because it follows Batgirl Vol. 4, and Batgirl Vol. 4 includes both a Zero Year issue and a Villains' Month tie-in that specifically takes place during Forever Evil. Batgirl Vol. 4 has a minor reference to events in Suicide Squad Vol. 4. Batwoman Vol. 5 includes a Zero Year tie-in issue. Batman and Robin Vol. 5 is also unrelated to the other titles but the issues were published at about this time, and the story introduces characters mentioned (barely) in Batman Eternal. Red Hood Vols. 4 and 5 take place after the events of Batman and Robin Vol. 4. Nightwing Vol. 5 also takes place after the events of Batman and Robin Vol. 4; events in the Nightwing trade occur before and after Forever Evil.
The issues in Movement Vol. 1 were published about this time. The book is mostly unrelated to other titles at this time, but a character first introduced in the Batgirl series appears and Batgirl guest-stars in Movement Vol. 2 before the events of Batgirl Vol. 5: Deadline.
Flash Vol. 4: Reverse contains Villains Month (unrelated to Forever Evil) and Zero Year tie-in issues. Flash Vol. 5: History Lessons has no significant continuity notes (though reflects Hal Jordan's new status quo) and is placed here; the next volume specifically involves Forever Evil and Futures End. Teen Titans Vol. 4 takes place after the events of Flash Vol. 4 and also after Superboy Vol. 3 and the "H'el on Earth" crossover. The events of Teen Titans Vol. 4 take place just before the events of Forever Evil.
The "Superman: Krypton Returns" crossover is collected in its own volume and also in Superboy Vol. 4, Supergirl Vol. 4, and Superman Vol. 5, though the Krypton Returns collection is the only place to find Action Comics Annual #2 (part one of "Krypton Returns"). Superman Vol. 5 is placed later in the timeline because it includes not only a "Krypton Returns" issue but also a "Doomed" issue. Part of Superboy Vol. 4 takes place during Superman Vol. 4: Psi-War; the book also includes the Teen Titans Annual #2 that takes place after Forever Evil and is also collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5.
Villains that first appear in Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Power Couple then appear in Action Comics Vol. 5: What Lies Beneath, though the connection isn't explained until Action Comics Vol. 6: Superdoom. The first chapter of Action Comics Vol. 6: Superdoom actually takes place between the pages of the end of Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1. Action Comics Vol. 5 also includes a Batman: Zero Year tie in. Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Hot in the City makes minor reference to events in Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1.
Wonder Woman Vol. 5 is generally unrelated to ongoing events at this time, but it does contain a Villains Month issue (no tie to Forever Evil), and the book takes place after at least the beginning of Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1.
The issues in Batman/Superman Vol. 1: Cross World were published about this time, but the story takes place in the "five years earlier" period of the post-Flashpoint Action Comics Vol. 1 and Batman: Zero Year. The volume contains the Justice League #23.1: Darkseid Villains Month issue, though the events are unrelated to Forever Evil. Events in this book have basic ties to Earth 2 and are referenced in later Batman/Superman books and in later volumes of Batman and Robin.
Earth 2 Vol. 3: Battle Cry includes a Villains Month issue that ties in to Worlds' Finest. The events of Earth 2 Vol. 3: Battle Cry and Earth 2 Vol. 4: The Dark Age affect Worlds' Finest Vol. 4: First Contact, which crosses over with Batman/Superman Vol. 2: Game Over. The events of "Krypton Returns" are reflected in Batman/Superman Vol. 2: Game Over.
New 52 Vol. 6 - Futures End
The first issue of Aquaman and the Others Vol. 1 was published just before the start of Futures End and very mildly foreshadows that book. Aquaman and the Others Vol. 2 also hints at Futures End, but is placed afterward because of the Futures End/Five Years Later tie-in issues.
The new line-up of the Justice League is reflected in Batman and Robin and Superman: Doomed, among other places. The end of the book is incongruous with the events of the Green Lantern books at this time.
The Green Lantern Vol. 5 books take place all at roughly the same time, and some collections also contain issues from the others. Though this timeline recommends Corps, Green Lanterns, and then Red Lanterns, there's really no way to read these trades individually without one spoiling another, and the best recommendation is to read them interspersed issue-by-issue or to map what crosses over with what. Further, Red Lanterns Vol. 5 takes place interspersed with Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton, and those events all take place at the same time as and are affected by Superman: Doomed. The Supergirl book is placed later in this timeline because of Doomed, but readers may want to read Supergirl with Red Lanterns depending on their character of interest. Events in the Red Lanterns book are also minorly referenced in Batgirl Vol. 5: Deadline, a "Gothopia" crossover book. Sinestro Vol. 1 follows from the events of Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5. Green Lantern: New Guardians is unconnected to these books with Vol. 5, but participates in the "Godhead" crossover with Vol. 6. Stormwatch Vol. 4: Reset is mostly unrelated to other titles but there's a minor mention of the events of Green Lantern Vol. 5: Test of Wills at the end.
Action Comics Vol. 6, Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 2, Batman/Superman Vol. 3, and Superman Vol. 5 all contain "Doomed" crossover issues; Supergirl Vol. 5 does not include a "Doomed" branded issue, but it is affected by the events of "Doomed" (and the Superman books reflect the "Red Daughter of Krypton" storyline). Certain "Doomed" issues can only be found in the Superman: Doomed volume. Superman Vol. 5 begins with a "Krypton Returns" issue and ends with a "Doomed" issue, and the issues in-between lead into "Doomed," so one might want to read parts of Superman Vol. 5 before "Doomed." A villain from Superman Vol. 5 continues into Superboy Vol. 5. Starfire from Red Hood and the Outlaws appears in Superman Vol. 5 before the events of Red Hood Vol. 6, and a storyline teased in both of those volumes continues into Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 7. Supergirl Vol. 5 intersects with both "Doomed" and Red Lanterns Vol. 5; there is no way to read these books without one spoiling the other without reading them issue-by-issue. The Supergirl volume ends right before the Supergirl issues collected in Superman: Doomed, so one can read right from Supergirl Vol. 5 to Superman: Doomed. The Supergirl Vol. 6 collection is placed later because of its ties to the Red Hood books.
Action Comics Vol. 7 takes place specifically in the aftermath of Superman: Doomed; based on Superman's appearance, Action Comics Vol. 7 comes before Superman Vol. 6: Men of Tomorrow. Batman/Superman Vol. 4 takes place after the events of both Doomed and Superman Vol. 6: Men of Tomorrow. Batman/Superman Vol. 4 and Lobo Vol. 1 take place simultaneous to one another, but Lobo contains more specific spoilers for Batman/Superman: Siege, so the Lobo book is placed second.
A villain from Superman Vol. 5 continues into Superboy Vol. 5. Teen Titans Vol. 5 and Superboy Vol. 5 take place simultaneous to one another, though the Teen Titans book ends before the end of the Superboy book. Superboy Vol. 5 includes a Futures End tie-in issue.
Similar to the Green Lantern Vol. 5 books, a very minor mention of the events of the Green Lantern Vol. 6 books in Supergirl Vol. 6: Crucible would put them ahead of all the "Doomed" titles; however, the tiniest of spoilers for a change to Beast Boy's status puts the "Godhead" books at least after the final volume of the first New 52 Teen Titans series, before the second. By and large these so-called spoilers are largely inconsequential and "Godhead" could also be read just after the Vol. 5 Green Lantern books. Similarly the reader may want to move ahead the Supergirl or "Doomed" books or move later the "Godhead" books depending on your character of interest. The Green Lantern: Godhead crossover (involving the Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Red Lanterns, and Sinestro books) is otherwise unrelated to other books at this time. The crossover trade is also placed here because it contains the Green Lantern/New Gods special not collected elsewhere. The end of Justice League Vol. 6: Injustice League takes place an indeterminate time around the end of Green Lantern Vol. 6: The Life Equation.
A new character takes the Batwing mantle before Batman Eternal.
Batman Vol. 6: The Graveyard Shift collects stories published both before and during Batman Eternal; reading Batman Vol. 6 before Batman Eternal is important, for instance, for developments with the character Harper Row, but latter issues of Batman Vol. 6 also spoil plot points as late as Batman Eternal Vol. 2. Early issues of Graveyard Shift involving Harper Row also continue into Detective Comics Vol. 4: The Wrath, and The Wrath too takes place specifically before Batman Eternal. For those reasons, there is no way to read Batman Vol. 6, Detective Comics Vol. 4, and Batman Eternal Vols. 1-2 that does not involve some confusion or spoilers; this timeline recommends the above order mainly again for the progression of Harper Row. Events in Batman Vol. 6 and Detective Vol. 4 are referenced in Batman: Dark Knight Vol. 4: Clay.
Batman Eternal follows the events of Forever Evil: Arkham War, as well as Forever Evil and Nightwing Vol. 5: Setting Son.
Batgirl appears in Movement Vol. 2 ahead of Batgirl Vol. 5: Deadline.
Though Detective Comics Vol. 5: Gothtopia takes place before Batman Eternal, Batgirl Vol. 5 -- which ties into Gothtopia -- takes place after the beginning of Batman Eternal, placing these collections here. The end of the main story in Batgirl Vol. 5: Deadline takes place before the end of the main story in Birds of Prey Vol. 5: Soul Crisis (and the books take place somewhat simultaneously). However, the Futures End tie-in at the end of Birds of Prey leads in to the Futures End tie-in at the end of Batgirl; in this way, each book unavoidably spoils the other.
Dark Knight Vol. 4: Clay takes place after the events of Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift and Detective Comics Vol. 5: Gothtopia. Clayface specifically continues from Dark Knight Vol. 4 to Batwoman Vol. 6: The Unknowns; the Batwoman book contains a Futures End tie-in issue.
The events of Wonder Woman Vol. 6 seem to take place before Batman and Robin Vol. 6, which themselves take place before Wonder Woman Vol. 7: War-Torn.
Detective Comics Vol. 6: Icarus takes place during the events of Batman Eternal Vol. 1, seemingly before Batman Eternal Vol. 2.
- Batman Eternal Vol. 2 (review)
- Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 6: Keeper of The Castle (review)
- Justice League Dark Vol. 5: Paradise Lost (review)
- Batman and Robin Vol. 6: The Hunt for Robin (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 1: The Batgirl of Burnside (review)
- Batman Eternal Vol. 3 (review)
- Gotham by Midnight Vol. 1: We Do Not Sleep (review)
Parts of Grayson Vol. 1 take place during/after the events of Batman Eternal Vol. 2. Catwoman Vol. 6 spins out of events in Batman Eternal Vol. 2. Frankenstein moves from Justice League Dark Vol. 5 to Batman and Robin Vol. 6; the Batman and Robin book takes place before Batman Eternal Vol. 3 and is referenced in Batman Eternal, even though the events don't quite match up. Batgirl of Burnside takes place between Batman Eternal Vols. 2 and 3. Gotham by Midnight follows Batman Eternal Vol. 3.
Batman and Robin Vol. 7 and Batman Vol. 7: Endgame were published at the same time but the events are incongruous with one another; Batman: Endgame, being the more definitive, is placed last. Bruce and Damian Wayne ostensibly move from Batman and Robin Vol. 7 to Gotham Academy Vol. 1 before the events of Batman Vol. 7: Endgame. Arkham Manor takes place before Batman: Endgame but is placed after because of spoilers. The Joker: Endgame collection includes the Detective Comics, Gotham Academy, Arkham Manor, and Batgirl specials, which take place after these collections. Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky takes place before Batman Vol. 7: Endgame, except that the Detective Comics collection includes the Detective Comics: Endgame special, so that trade is placed after Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (but before the Joker: Endgame collection, because events in Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky lead in to the special).
The New 52 Harley Quinn series does not have strong continuity ties, but these issues were published at about this time, and Harley Quinn Vol. 2 contains a Futures End issue. Harley Quinn and Power Girl takes place between the panels of Harley Quinn Vol. 2 and reflects Power Girl’s Worlds Finest status quo.
New Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Pure Insanity is mostly unrelated to other titles at the time, but does make minor mention of the events of Batman: Endgame. Deathstroke Vol. 1: Gods of War follows the events of New Suicide Squad Vol. 1. A character appears almost simultaneously in Deathstroke Vol. 1 and Red Hood Vol. 7. Red Hood Jason Todd appears in Supergirl Vol. 6 around the events of Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 7.
Swamp Thing Vol. 6: The Sureen crosses over with Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea of Storms; though each book in some part spoils the other, there is significantly more Swamp Thing material involved than Aquaman. Aquaman Vol. 5 also reflects events in Swamp Thing Vol. 5: The Killing Field. Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom and Swamp Thing Vol. 7 Season's End are unrelated but were published about this time. Aquaman Vol. 6 makes a very minor reference to a Justice League battle in Justice League Vol. 6: Injustice League. Wonder Woman Vol. 7: War-Torn takes place specifically after the Swamp Thing/Aquaman crossover, Superman: Doomed, and Justice League Vol. 6: Injustice League.
Flash Vols. 6 and 7 take place after the events of Justice League Vol. 6: Injustice League, and Flash Vol. 6 contains a Futures End tie-in issue.
The events of Multiversity receive a brief mention in Convergence.
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1 (review)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 2 (review)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: The Complete Collection (review)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three: The Complete Collection (review)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four: The Complete Collection (review)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five: The Complete Collection (review)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Zero: The Complete Collection (review)
Characters from Injustice appear in Convergence during/after the events of Injustice 2 and then continue to reappear in the DCU. The Injustice universe will later be established as one of the undiscovered worlds from Multiversity.
Characters from Futures End appear in Convergence (but Earth 2: World's End leads directly into Convergence).
Though the continuity ties in Justice League 3000/3001 are light, the second volume makes a minor reference to the events of New 52: Futures End (the books share writer Keith Giffen) and also reference Giffen's Justice League International work throughout.
- Earth 2 Vol. 5: The Kryptonian (review)
- Worlds' Finest Vol. 5: Homeward Bound (review)
- Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (review)
- Earth 2: World's End Vol. 1 (review)
- Earth 2: World's End Vol. 2 (review)
- Earth 2 Vol. 6: Collision (review)
- Worlds' Finest Vol. 6: The Secret History of Superman and Batman
- Constantine Vol. 3: The Voice in the Fire (review)
- Constantine Vol. 4: The Apocalypse Road (review)
Earth 2 Vol. 5: The Kryptonian leads directly into Earth 2: World's End. Worlds' Finest Vol. 5: Homeward Bound takes place at the same time as The Kryptonian, and has ramifications for Teen Titans: Blinded by the Light. Earth 2: World's End leads directly into Convergence. Earth 2 Vol. 6: Collision takes place during World's End; Constantine: Voice in the Fire is unrelated to the other books but was published at about this time; Constantine: The Apocalypse Road takes place during World's End, though it contradicts events in the weekly book.
- Convergence (review)
- Convergence: Flashpoint Book One (review)
- Convergence: Flashpoint Book Two (review)
- Convergence: Zero Hour Book One (review)
- Convergence: Zero Hour Book Two (review)
- Convergence: Crisis Book One (review)
- Convergence: Crisis Book Two (review)
- Convergence: Infinite Earths Book One (review)
- Convergence: Infinite Earths Book Two (review)
Convergence would seem to take place around the events of Red Lanterns Vol. 5: Atrocities, though it was published at this time after the Red Lanterns series ended with Vol. 6, and also followed the end of the Earth 2 series.
DC You
The "DC You" era spanned about one year between what's considered the end of the New 52 and the start of DC Rebirth. Many DC You trades, especially toward the latter half of the year, contained "previews" of the related title's Rebirth special (really the entire special). This timeline's custom is to place books based on the latest-most issues collected within, but to do so as regards the Rebirth specials in the DC You books would be to essentially eliminate the latter half of the DC You section and significantly affect the DC You reading order. For those reasons, the Rebirth specials are being overlooked within the DC You trades and readers should be advised those specials may contain spoilers for other titles if you choose to read them within the DC You books. Though the Earth 2: Society books spanned through Rebirth, they began here following Convergence and are self-contained. Characters from Earth 2: Society would later appear in Rebirth titles and beyond.
Justice League of America: Power and Glory was published about this time, but involves Batman and Green Lantern Hal Jordan, among others, from earlier in the New 52 era. The events are later referenced in Superman: The Final Days of Superman and in the Rebirth Justice League title.
Wonder Woman Vol. 8: A Twist of Fate makes reference to the events of Deathstroke Vol. 2: God Killer. Wonder Woman gains and loses a new costume in the span of Wonder Woman Vol. 8, but the new costume is reflected in other titles at least through the end of Superman: Savage Dawn.
The DCYou Bizarro miniseries is mostly out of continuity, as is more or less the early Harley Quinn series, but the Bizarro characters cameo in Harley Quinn Vol. 4. These trades finish out the New 52 Harley Quinn series ahead of Rebirth.
The first chapter of "Before Truth" takes place before the DC You events of the Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman books.
Aquaman also gains and loses a new costume in Aquaman Vol. 7: Exiled, though his new costume appears in most of his other DC You appearances, sometimes otherwise ignoring Aquaman's "exiled" status. Superman and Wonder Woman appear here after the events of Wonder Woman Vol. 8 and Superman Vol. 1; a note in an issue of Aquaman claims Batman Bruce Wayne's appearance takes place before Batman Vol. 7: Endgame, but that really can't be rectified in continuity, nor Green Lantern Hal Jordan's presence at this time. The DC You Aquaman appears among other places in Batman/Superman Vol. 5, Detective Comics Vol. 8, Martian Manhunter Vol. 1, and Cyborg Vol. 1, which took place at about this time.
Superman appears in Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy after the events of Superman Vol. 1: Before Truth, and actually after a sequence in Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts. That book, however, takes place both before and after Clark Kent's visit to Gotham in Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy, and also after events in Grayson Vol. 3: Nemesis, so for that reason Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts is placed later (the book also corresponds with various other "Truth" titles). Essentially events in the Super- and Bat-titles are taking place simultaneously and there's no full way to read the books without spoilers without switching between books issue-to-issue. This reading order seeks to present the biggest events in their own titles, e.g. putting the debut of the new Batman in Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy before that character's appearance in Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts. Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy does end on a cliffhanger from which Batman Vol. 9: Bloom picks up, but for the purposes of this timeline we assume the Robin War and other events happened toward the end of Superheavy before Bloom.
- Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity (review)
- We Are Robin Vol. 1: The Vigilante Business (review)
- Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 1: Open For Business (review)
- Titans Hunt (review)
- Robin, Son of Batman Vol. 1: Year of Blood (review)
- Grayson Vol. 3: Nemesis (review)
- Black Canary Vol. 1: Kicking and Screaming (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 7: Inheritance (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 2: Family Business (review)
Stories in Grayson Vol. 3: Nemesis and Batgirl Vol. 2: Family Business take place before and after one another; each spoils the other, but for purposes of maintaining the most important events, Grayson Vol. 3 is listed first. The Gotham Academy gang's encounter with Damian Wayne in Calamity takes place before their appearance in Batgirl Vol. 2: Family Business. We Are Robin Vol. 1: The Vigilante Business takes place in some respects concurrent to Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy; a reference to We Are Robin in Red Hood/Arsenal puts the latter book after the former, and the appearance of Red Hood/Arsenal and Robin, Son of Batman characters in Grayson Vol. 3 put those books before Grayson and Batgirl Vol. 2. As mentioned before, events in Grayson Vol. 3 take place both before and after events in Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts, but the books are ordered as such according to the main events. The events of Catwoman Vol. 7: Inheritance take place before Batgirl Vol. 2: Family Business. Black Canary's new status as a bandleader is also reflected in Batgirl Vol. 2. Titans Hunt takes place after Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 1, before Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 2, and seemingly before the events of Grayson Vol. 3.
Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Dark Truth and Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts take place in the middle of Superman: Action Comics Vol. 8: Truth. There's not really a way to read any of these books that doesn't spoil the other except issue-by-issue. Most of Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Dark Truth does seem to take place before Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts, however. Superman's trip to Gotham in Batman/Superman Vol. 5 take place before and after the events of Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy. Superman encounters Lex Luthor for the first time in the "Truth" era in Batman/Superman Vol. 5, before Superman speaks to Lex again in Grayson Vol. 3: Nemesis; however, Dick Grayson appears later in Batman/Superman Vol. 5 after the events of Grayson Vol. 3, and for major events involving Dick Grayson, Nemesis should be read first.
Superman appears in Doomed sometime after the early events of "Truth." Characters from Doomed continue into Teen Titans.
Superman: Lois and Clark follows from Convergence and takes place after the beginning of the Superman: Truth storyline.
The Martian Manhunter volume includes Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash in their DC You-era costumes, seemingly during the events of Truth.
The New Suicide Squad team appears in Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Dark Truth before the events of New Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Monsters. Deathstroke Vol. 3: Suicide Run takes place after Robin: Son of Batman Vol. 1 and seemingly before the events of New Suicide Squad Vol. 4.
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 2 and Grayson Vol. 4: A Ghost in the Tomb includes Robin War tie-in issues, and the Grayson title is the most affected by Robin War. Detective Comics Vol. 8 also includes a Robin War tie-in and seems to take place after Superman meets the new Batman in Batman/Superman Vol. 5. Detective Comics Vol. 9: Gordon at War takes place generally after Detective Comics Vol. 8 and before the events of Batman Vol. 9: Bloom. Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 2 reflects the events of Titans Hunt.
Batgirl Vol. 3: Mindfields and Black Canary Vol. 2: New Killer Star take place simultaneous to one another, though some details -- like the exact whereabouts of Vixen Mari McCable -- don't quite line up book to book. Both Batgirl and Black Canary contain some spoilers for the other, but of these Batgirl Vol. 3 is spoiled more, so that book is listed first.
The events of the DC You Omega Men miniseries, Green Lantern Vol. 7, and Sinestro Vols. 3-4 take place at about the same time. Lobo appears in Green Lantern Vol. 7 before crossing over with Sinestro through the end of the series. The DC You Superman and Wonder Woman appear in Sinestro Vol. 4 before Superman: Savage Dawn.
Superman: Savage Dawn takes place before the end of Batman Vol. 9: Bloom. Aquaman and Green Lantern Hal Jordan each appear here in their DC You costumes.
Superman: Savage Dawn will mark the final appearance of Aquaman's DC You costume on the timeline, placing Aquaman Vol. 8: Out of Darkness here. The book has no other overt continuity ties.
A character continues from Telos to Green Lantern Vol. 8. The DC You Batman appears in Green Lantern Vol. 8 and Batman Vol. 9: Bloom.
Catwoman Vol. 8 precedes Batman Vol. 9. The events of Batman Vol. 10: Epilogue would seem to generally follow Batman Vol. 9: Bloom, though Batman's new costume is not reflected in some other titles. Batman and Robin Eternal takes place generally before Batman Vol. 9: Bloom except for the epilogue. Grayson Vol. 5: Spiral's End specifically takes place after Batman and Robin Eternal and reflects those events. Robin, Son of Batman Vol. 2 takes place after Batman Vol. 9: Bloom.
The events of Wonder Woman Vol. 9: Resurrection don't have strong continuity ties, except that references to Superman seem to put this between Savage Dawn and Final Days of Superman.
Justice League: The Darkseid War takes place somewhat out of continuity, incongruous with the DC You events of Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern, among others, but the end leads directly into Superman: The Final Days of Superman and DC Universe: Rebirth, and that story is reflected there. Power of the Gods takes place between the first and second chapters of Justice League Vol. 8: The Darkseid War Part 2.
Flash Vol. 8 had no major continuity notes but takes place in the DC You era. Flash Vol. 9 follows Captain Cold sometime after his last appearance in Justice League: The Darkseid War.
Superman Vol. 2: Return to Glory contains three issues that take place before Superman: Savage Dawn, but the rest of the book is Savage Dawn and Final Days of Superman tie-ins. Batman/Superman Vol. 6: Universe's Finest includes Final Days tie-ins, but also two (continuity-light) stories, including some issues exclusive to the collection. Action Comics Last Rites contains only Savage Dawn and Final Days issues; Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 5: A Savage End contains an Annual exclusive to the collection, and also unpublished issues that take place between Savage Dawn and Final Days, which were also included in the Savage Dawn collection. Final Days takes place after the events of Batman Vol. 9: Bloom.
As mentioned previously, the continuity ties in Justice League 3000/3001 are light, but the books reference some post-Crisis Justice League events and other series by Keith Giffen. Events of these books are also referenced in the Rebirth era.
DC Rebirth
Flash Vol. 1: Lighting Strikes Twice begins immediately after the events of DC Universe: Rebirth.
The Rebirth Supergirl Vol. 1 seems to take place before Superman's Rebirth "resurrection" is known to the world. Superman Vol. 1: Son of Superman and Action Comics Vol. 1: Path of Doom take place at the same time and somewhat contradict one another, as will be the case with many Rebirth Superman-family books. Based on, of all things, when Superman shaves off his beard, Action Comics Vol. 1: Path of Doom would seem to take place between the pages early in Superman Vol. 1; Superman is also placed first because it includes the Superman: Rebirth special. At the same time, the presence and reactions of Wonder Woman in these books would suggest Action Comics Vol. 1 takes place first, though Wonder Woman's presence in the two books is ultimately contradictory and irreconcilable. It's not that either of these books spoil the other, but rather that whichever you read first, the other won't match.
- Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro’s Law (review)
- Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet (review)
- Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies (review)
- Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Year One (review)
- Justice League Vol. 1: The Extinction Machine (review)
- Aquaman Vol. 1: The Drowning (review)
- New Super-Man Vol. 1: Made in China (review)
Characters reference the events of Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet in Justice League Vol. 1: The Extinction Machine; Green Lanterns Vol. 1 seems to take place shortly after the beginning of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 (after the Rebirth special). Also Wonder Woman appears in her new costume in Justice League Vol. 1 after Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies; Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Year One follows from The Lies but takes place in the past. The relationship between Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman in Justice League Vol. 1 only kind of matches the first volumes of Superman and Action Comics, and similarly it takes a little while for the relationships in Justice League and Trinity (placed later) to match up. Aquaman Vol. 1 would seem to follow Justice League Vol. 1 since Aquaman and the Rebirth Superman are acquainted. New Super-Man is mostly unrelated to other events but a brief scene puts this after the events of Justice League Vol. 1.
The early Rebirth Harley Quinn series has no major continuity notes and can be read at any point; it is mainly on the timeline because Harley series previous and future are also on the timeline. Harley Quinn Vol. 5 is the last volume of the series to include Rebirth branding ahead of Dark Nights: Metal.
- Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham (review)
- All Star Batman Vol. 1: My Own Worst Enemy (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 1: Rise of The Batmen (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 1: Better Than Batman (review)
- Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Who is Oracle? (review)
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1: Dark Trinity (review)
- Batman: Night of the Monster Men (review)
Batman Vol. 1 takes place after Justice League Vol. 1, and All-Star Batman began publication roughly during the middle of the first Batman trade. Nightwing's presence in Detective Comics Vol. 1 spoils the fact that Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing again in Nightwing Vol. 1, but the first Nightwing book contains considerable spoilers for Detective Comics Vol. 1, so Nightwing is placed after Detective. Moreover, Nightwing Vol. 1 takes place both before and after the Batman: Night of the Monster Men crossover, but spoilers there are more mild. Essentially there's no way to read the first volumes of Detective Comics and Nightwing and the Night of the Monster Men crossover without one book spoiling another. Nightwing Vol. 1 also spoils the reformation of the Titans in Titans Vol. 1 The events of Batgirl Vol. 1 take place during the events of Nightwing Vol. 1, and the events of Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 1 take place after Batgirl Vol. 1 and after Nightwing: Rebirth. The Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1 also takes place after the events of Detective Comics Vol. 1.
A minor scene in Justice League Vol. 2: Outbreak places some events during Batman and Nightwing's argument in Nightwing Vol. 1. That argument begins and resolves in the Nightwing book, so Justice League Vol. 2 essentially takes place concurrent with Nightwing Vol. 1. An equally minor mention suggests Justice League Vol. 2 takes place after the events of Aquaman Vol. 2: Black Manta Rising are resolved.
Deathstroke gains a new costume in the Rebirth Deathstroke Vol. 1 before the events of Titans Vol. 1: The Return of Wally West. The Rebirth Titans Vol. 1 follows DC Universe: Rebirth and Flash Vol. 1, and takes place after Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing again in Nightwing Vol. 1. Deathstroke Vol. 2 references Wally West's return as of Titans Vol. 1 (Deathstroke Vol. 2 and Titans Vol. 1 would seem to happen at the same time even as they don't quite match up). Deathstroke Vol. 2 also references Superman's role in Aquaman Vol. 1-2.
Flash Vol. 2 references Barry Allen's relationships as of Justice League Vol. 2, even if the titles don't totally match. The book also mentions the events of Titans Vol. 1. Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall, though not labeled as a Rebirth book, has a chapter that takes place specifically after the events of Detective Comics Vol. 1; the Raven miniseries also takes place after the events of Detective Comics Vol. 1. Flash Vol. 2 and Teen Titans Vol. 1 each spoil events regarding Kid Flash in the other title, but of these Flash Vol. 2 was published first and contains the more important events. Deathstroke Vol. 3 and Nightwing Vol. 2 follow the events of Teen Titans Vol. 1, and Nightwing also references Detective Comics and others. Batgirl Vol. 2 takes place after the events of Nightwing Vol. 2.
Again, the sequence of Action Comics vs. Superman is malleable, but here the "Super-Monster" story in Superman Vol. 2 references events in Action Comics Vol. 2. Trinity Vol. 1 takes place after Wonder Woman Vol. 1 and also Detective Comics Vol. 1; the "World's Smallest" story in Superman Vol. 2 also takes place after Detective Comics Vol. 1. Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death takes place in a nebulous continuity between DC You and Rebirth, but ended about this time and is referenced in Trinity Vol. 1. Superwoman Vol. 1 takes place after Action Comics Vol. 1, but both before and after events in Action Comics Vol. 2; basically the only way to read Action Comics Vol. 2 and Superwoman Vol. 1 without one spoiling the other is to read them interspersed issue-by-issue.
The third volume of Green Lanterns takes place specifically after Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, so Green Lanterns Vol. 2 is placed here. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps generally runs parallel to Green Lanterns.
The Rebirth Suicide Squad comes together in Suicide Squad Vol. 1; Amanda Waller cameos in Batman Vol. 2 ahead of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, and Suicide Squad Vol. 2 leads in to Justice League vs. Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad Vol. 3, Justice League Vol. 3, and Flash Vol. 3, and the new Justice League of America series each follow the events of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad.
The third volumes of Superman and Action Comics lead in to Superman Reborn. Superwoman Vol. 2 takes place (loosely) during and after the events of Superman Reborn.
Superman appears in Titans Vol. 2: Made in Manhattan before and after the events of Superman Reborn. References in the beginning of Aquaman Vol. 3 put it occurring just after the beginning of Titans Vol. 2.
The issues collected in Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane come before and after Batman/Flash: The Button. Green Lanterns Vol. 3 follows the events of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad; one story is said to take place during Batman Vol. 3 and another seems to take place during Suicide Squad Vol. 3. Events in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3 are reflected in the next volume of Green Lanterns, suggesting the third volumes take place at the same time. Flash Vol. 4: Running Scared follows The Button.
Catwoman's appearance in Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 2 seems to take place at least after the end of Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane; also a reference to Nightwing's relationship status seems to put it before Nightwing Vol. 3 (the Birds of Prey book spans Nightwing Vol. 2 to Nightwing Vol. 4 in publication dates). Nightwing Vol. 3 appears to take place after the establishment of Titans Tower in Titans Vol. 2 but before Aqualad joins the Teen Titans in Teen Titans Vol. 2.
A line of dialogue in an issue of Detective Comics Vol. 3 (removed for the collection) sets Detective Comics Vol. 3 after the events of All Star Batman Vol. 2.
These Batman books are generally unrelated but were published about the same time. The Rebirth Batwoman series stemmed from Detective Comics and teases a future storyline for that title.
Death of Hawkman brings the story of the New 52 Hawkman Katar Hol to a close ahead of Dark Nights: Metal. The Dark Days: Forge and Casting specials were published at about this time in the run-up to Dark Nights: Metal, reintroducing the Carter Hall Hawkman.
- Trinity Vol. 2: Dead Space (review)
- Super Sons Vol. 1: When I Grow Up (review)
- Superman Vol. 4: Black Dawn (review)
- New Super-Man Vol. 2: Coming to America (review)
- Supergirl Vol. 2: Escape from the Phantom Zone (review)
- Suicide Squad Vol. 4: Earthlings on Fire (review)
- Superman: Action Comics Vol. 4: The New World (review)
Trinity Vol. 2 states it takes place after Superman Reborn but before Action Comics Vol. 4 (though those latter ties are minimal). Super Sons Vol. 1 and Superman Vol. 4 both contain minor spoilers for one another (and are slightly incongruent), but Super Sons Vol. 1 specifically takes place first so it's placed as first in this reading list. Superman Vol. 4 and Action Comics Vol. 4 both take place in the aftermath of Superman Reborn and deal with similar issues of Hamilton County/Metropolis, but these too are slightly incongruent. Superman encounters the New Super-Man in New Super-Man Vol. 2 (after the events of Superman Vol. 3: Multiplicity and Superman Reborn) and Supergirl in Supergirl Vol. 2 before the events of Action Comics Vol. 4. Suicide Squad Vol. 4 and Action Comics Vol. 4 take place at the same time and also have spoilers for one another.
Teen Titans Vol. 2 takes place before and after Lazarus Contract, but the latter parts also take place after the start of Deathstroke Vol. 4: Defiance. Flash Vol. 5 takes place after the events of Lazarus Contract. The Titans lineup in Teen Titans Vol. 2 is reflected in Super Sons Vol. 2. Titans Vol. 3 reflects the events of Aquaman Vol. 3; Tempest and the Titans next appear in Aquaman Vol. 4.
Wonder Woman Vol. 3 takes place in the present, while Wonder Woman Vol. 4 takes place in the past (the issues were published interspersed). Wonder Woman Vol. 5 follows the events of Vol. 3 and the issues were published at about this time. Justice League Vol. 4 references the events of Trinity Vol. 2 in one of its stories. Tempest and the Titans appear in Aquaman Vol. 4 after Titans Vol. 3. Mera's appearance in Justice League Vol. 4 takes place between the pages of Aquaman: Underworld (Vol. 4). Justice League Vol. 5: Legacy also takes place during the events of Aquaman: Underworld. From this point forward, Aquaman appears in other titles with a beard and updated costume, reflecting his appearance in Underworld, even though some events could not take place concurrent with Underworld and its aftermath. Justice League Vol. 5 references events in the Wonder Woman title.
Nightwing's relationship changes in Nightwing Vol. 4 are (in part) reflected in Batgirl Vol. 3. The issues in Nightwing Vol. 4 and New Super-Man Vol. 3 were released about the same time and share a minor villain in common. A villain also seems to go from Supergirl Vol. 2 to Nightwing Vol. 4 and then Supergirl Vol. 3; New Super-Man appears in Supergirl around the events of New Super-Man Vols. 2 and 3. Supergirl Vol. 4 follows Supergirl Vol. 3, with a minor reference to Aquaman Vol. 4: Underworld.
- Green Lanterns Vol. 4: The First Ring (review)
- Green Lanterns Vol. 5: Out of Time (review)
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Fracture (review)
- Superman Vol. 5: Hopes and Fears (review)
- Superman: Action Comics – The Oz Effect: The Deluxe Edition (review)
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3: Bizarro Reborn (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: A Lonely Place of Living (review)
- Batwoman Vol. 2: Wonderland (review)
Green Lanterns Vol. 4 takes place before the events of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4; the issues in Green Lanterns Vol. 5 were published between this time and the release of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5, but the story continues from the previous volume and is otherwise unrelated to other events, so it's placed here. A character continues from Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps to Superman Vol. 5: Hopes and Fears. Action Comics: The Oz Effect is not referenced in Superman Vol. 5 and would seem to take place afterward; the issues in Detective Comics Vol. 5 were published at the same time as Oz Effect and the books share a character in common. The cast of Detective Comics appear in Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3 before the events of Detective Comics Vol. 5; developments in Red Hood are reflected in Batman: Preludes to the Wedding. The Rebirth Batwoman Vol. 2 is unrelated but it's placed here since it's a spin-off of Detective Comics.
Justice League of America Vol. 3, published at about this time, is not generally related to other titles but does include a reference to the events of Batman/Flash: The Button. Suicide Squad Vol. 5 is unrelated but shares characters in common with Justice League of America and was published at about the same time.
The Rebirth Green Arrow Vols. 4 and 5 were published about this time and lead directly into Dark Nights: Metal. The next issue of Green Arrow appears in the Dark Nights: Metal: The Resistance collection.
Dark Nights: Metal
The issues collected in Justice League Vol. 6 and Suicide Squad Vol. 6 follow the issues collected in Dark Nights: Metal: The Resistance; the Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps crossover issue in Resistance comes from between the issues collected in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5. The Hal Jordan volume very slightly reflects the epilogue of Metal, while the Justice League and Suicide Squad books are unrelated but were published about this time (while Metal was still going on); the Justice League titles will reflect the events of Metal after the next volume. Green Lanterns Vol. 6 is unrelated but runs parallel to Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps.
The issues in the Justice League of America and Wonder Woman collections were published at about this time. Justice League of America Vol. 4 takes place during Dark Nights: Metal and Wonder Woman Vol. 6 refers to the events of Dark Nights: Metal. Aquaman’s brief appearance in Wonder Woman Vol. 6 book is incongruous with his status at this time. Wonder Woman Vol. 7 follows Vol. 6; much later, the new Young Justice Vol. 1 sets a scene before the events of Wonder Woman Vol. 7. A character moves from Wonder Woman to Justice League Odyssey after these volumes.
Aquaman Vol. 5, the Mera collection, and Aquaman Vol. 6 essentially tell one long story (with Aquaman: Underworld [Vol. 4]). The end of Aquaman Vol. 6: Kingslayer reflects the events of Dark Nights: Metal. The story takes place at an indeterminate point but generally before the events of Man of Steel by Brian Michael Bendis.
The initial Rebirth Titans run ends with Titans Vol. 4 and the team makeup at the end of that book is next seen in Justice League: No Justice. Flash Vol. 6 takes place between the pages of Titans Vol. 4, after the team breaks up and before it re-forms. The issues in both Flash Vol. 6 and Flash Vol. 7 were published about this time; a villain from Flash Vol. 7 moves to Damage Vol. 1.
Notes within Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 3, Damage Vol. 1, and Batman Vol. 6 suggest that Poison Ivy appears in the three titles in this order. The Birds of Prey volume spans from before Detective Comics Vol. 5: A Lonely Place of Living to the present. Batman Vol. 6 is generally unrelated to Metal (but bears the post-Metal trade dress), but Damage, part of the New Age of Heroes line, specifically takes place after Metal. Damage Vol. 1 and Suicide Squad Vol. 7 reflect the same scene (though with slight differences). Huntress's appearance in Nightwing Vol. 5 would seem to take place after Nightwing's appearance in Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 3. Detective Comics Vol. 6 takes place at least after Birds of Prey Vol. 3.
Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Return of Kid Flash takes place both before and after the Super Sons of Tomorrow crossover; though the end of Teen Titans Vol. 3 coincides with No Justice, some of the events take place before Justice League Vol. 7: Justice Lost, so Teen Titans Vol. 3 is placed before that book. Super Sons of Tomorrow and Teen Titans Vol. 3 contain minor spoilers for one another, but the material to be spoiled in Super Sons is greater so it's placed first. Green Arrow Vol. 6 makes minor reference to the first story in Teen Titans Vol. 3. The issues in Deathstroke Vol. 5 were published about this time and are somewhat parallel to Teen Titans Vol. 3 in terms of Kid Flash. The issues in Batman vs. Deathstroke follow the previous volume even though the events take place in the past.
Super Sons Vol. 3 mentions the conflict that predicates Silencer Vol. 1, part of the post-Metal "New Age of Heroes" line. Nightwing Vol. 6 includes a minor mention of Silencer.
A group first appearing in Sideways also appears in Unexpected. Hawkman appears in Unexpected sometime during/after the events of Hawkman Vol. 1. A character in Unexpected is referenced in Wonder Woman Vol. 9; at publication time, Artemis’ appearance in Wonder Woman Vol. 9 was incongruent with her status in the Red Hood and the Outlaws title. Hawkman Vol. 2 follows the events of Vol. 1.
- Superwoman Vol. 3: The Midnight Hour (review)
- Green Lanterns Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking (review) * New! *
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6: Zod's Will (review) * New! *
- Green Lanterns Vol. 8: Ghosts of the Past (review) * New! *
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7: Darkstars Rising (review) * New! *
- Green Lanterns Vol. 9: Evil's Might (review) * New! *
Superwoman Vol. 3 follows Dark Nights: Metal: Dark Knights Rising; all of these collections occur before Superman’s post-Action #1000 costume change. A character from Superwoman next appears in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7, and Zod appears in a later Superman volume after Hal Jordan Vol. 6. Green Lanterns Vol. 9 specifically follows Hal Jordan Vol. 7.
Superman Vol. 6: Imperius Lex and Action Comics Vol. 5: Booster Shot take place around the same time, and reference and mildly spoil one another. The events of Superman Vol. 6 take place before the final story in Action Comics Vol. 5, however, so they're presented in this order. Though Action Comics Vol. 5 collects issues #993-999, prior to Action Comics #1000, Action Comics Vol. 5 is listed afterward because it also collects the Action Comics Special that reflects Superman's post-#1000 costume. Action Comics #1000 includes a story that cameos Silencer and Sideways. Superman Vol. 6 contains issues before and after the Super Sons of Tomorrow crossover.
Both New Challengers and Terrifics Vol. 1 are generally unrelated to other titles but were published about this time and spin-off from Dark Nights: Metal. New Challengers reflects Superman's costume after Action Comics #1000. Some characters from Terrifics cameo in Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality.
The events of the DC/Young Animal: Milk Wars crossover take place prior to Justice League of America Vol. 5: Deadly Fable. Justice League of America Vol. 5 and Justice League Vol. 7 take place somewhat concurrently; the Justice League of America appears in Justice League Vol. 7 before the end of Justice League of America Vol. 5, but Justice League Vol. 7 ends after the events of Justice League of America Vol. 5. Justice League: No Justice takes place after these two books (or between the pages just before the final sequence in Justice League Vol. 7). No Justice takes place after Action Comics #1000. All of these books take place after and reference Metal.
The Bendis Man of Steel miniseries reflects the League's new headquarters after the "New Justice" Justice League Vol. 1, and Wonder Woman Vol. 8 includes the League’s new lineup.
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 8: On the Outside (review)
- Batman: Preludes to the Wedding (review)
- Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats (review)
- Nightwing Vol. 7: The Bleeding Edge (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 4: Strange Loop (review)
- Batwoman Vol. 3: Fall of the House of Kane (review)
Detective Comics Vol. 8 appears to take place before Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding, but also takes place after Justice League: No Justice. Batman: Preludes to the Wedding doesn't totally line up with Batman Vol. 7, but takes place before the second story in that book. Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats takes place in the immediate aftermath of Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding. The issues in Nightwing Vol. 7 were published at about the same time as the issues in Batgirl Vol. 4. Both Batgirl Vol. 4 and Batwoman Vol. 3 take place after Batman Vol. 7 but before Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days. Batwoman Vol. 3 also mainly takes place after the events of Detective Comics Vol. 6, possibly before Detective Comics Vol. 7.
Flash Vol. 8: Flash War mentions the events of Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality; some events also take place during the "Gift" storyline in Batman Vol. 7. Flash War also takes place after the beginning of Titans Vol. 5: The Spark, but that book is placed later since its last issue follows Heroes in Crisis. Teen Titans Vol. 1: Full Throttle takes place before the events of Flash Vol. 8: Flash War. Red Hood's new costume debuts in Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1, before the events of Teen Titans Vol. 1 and just before the events of Heroes in Crisis. However, because Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1 contains Heroes in Crisis spoilers, it is placed later in this list, and essentially Teen Titans and Heroes in Crisis (slightly) spoil Red Hood's status in Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1.
Detective Comics Vol. 9: Deface the Face takes place after the first story in Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days, before the second. Batgirl Vol. 5 reflects the events of Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days, and Nightwing: Knight Terrors follows developments in Batman Vol. 8 and Batgirl Vol. 5. Batman Vol. 9: Tyrant Wing follows Batman Vol. 8 and Nightwing: Knight Terrors. Detective Comics Vol. 1: Mythology takes place after Teen Titans Vol. 1: Full Throttle.
Superman Vol. 1: The Unity Saga: Phantom Earth takes place at the same time, but slightly before, Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: Invisible Mafia. Supergirl Vol. 1 takes place at the same time as the Superman books, and the next volume crosses over with Superman Vol. 2. The Action Comics volume reflects events in Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding and Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days.
- Silencer Vol. 2: Hell-Iday Road (review) * New! *
- Sideways Vol. 2: Rifts and Revelations (review) * New! *
The second volumes of Silencer and Sideways were published about this time. The “New Age of Heroes” books are unrelated to one another but each contain mentions of Leviathan, commensurate with Action Comics Vol. 1 and etc.
A small scene in Immortal Men reflects both the Justice League's new status and Batman's costume after Batman Vol. 8.
Year of the Villain/Heroes in Crisis/Event Leviathan
- Aquaman/Suicide Squad: Sink Atlantis (review)
- Justice League Vol. 2: Graveyard of Gods (review)
- Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth (review)
- Aquaman Vol. 1: Unspoken Water (review)
- Justice League Dark Vol. 1: The Last Age of Magic (review)
- Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour (review)
- Suicide Squad Vol. 8: Constriction (review)
- Curse of Brimstone Vol. 2: Ashes (review)
The new Justice League Dark appears to have formed as of Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality, but later issues of Justice League Dark Vol. 1: The Last Age of Magic take place after Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth. Aquaman/Suicide Squad: Sink Atlantis precedes Drowned Earth, and Suicide Squad Vol. 8 takes place at the same time, with minor reference to Justice League Dark. Captain Cold appears in Suicide Squad Vol. 8 after the events of Flash Vol. 6: Cold Day in Hell. Batman appears in the first story in Suicide Squad Vol. 8 before Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days. Curse of Brimstone Vol. 2, though not specifically related, was published about this time and foreshadows events in Justice League Dark Vol. 2. The Drowned Earth collection contains some issues that take place between the pages of Justice League Vol. 2: Graveyard of the Gods; a Titans issue collected in Drowned Earth references Heroes in Crisis, placing the entirety of this sequence after Heroes in Crisis. Aquaman Vol. 1: Unspoken Water follows Drowned Earth.
The first and second Wonder Woman volumes of this era contain no major continuity notes, but follow the issues in Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark crossover. The third volume appears later in this category and contains Year of the Villain material.
Though Harley Quinn Vol. 6: Angry Bird does not contain specific continuity notes, it generally references Harley’s time in the Suicide Squad. Harley vs. Apokolips and Justice League Odyssey are not specifically related, but were published about this time and each reflect Darkseid’s absence from Apokolips. Harley Quinn Vol. 2 follows from the previous.
Flash Vol. 9 guest-stars the Justice League Dark; Flash Vol. 10 catches up to Heroes in Crisis and then continues into Heroes in Crisis: The Price and Other Stories (crossover with Batman). Green Arrow Vol. 7: Citizen's Arrest and Green Arrow Vol. 8: The End of the Road also follow Justice League: No Justice and Heroes in Crisis, and overlap and continue into Heroes in Crisis: The Price and Other Stories. The Flash series picks up with Vol. 11 after The Price; the Wonder Comics Young Justice Vol. 1 follows the Flash annual in The Price/Flash Vol. 11.
Wonder Twins Vol. 1 precedes Young Justice Vol. 1. Batman: Universe takes place at an undetermined time, but introduces a character who next appears in Young Justice. The issues in Batman/Flash: The Price were published in the middle of Batman Vol. 10: Knightmares, but the stories are not connected.
Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1 takes place after the events of Batwoman Vol. 3. and during the events of Heroes in Crisis. Teen Titans Vol. 2: Turn It Up follows Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1. Deathstroke: Arkham takes place concurrent to Teen Titans Vol. 2, but is placed ahead due to minor spoilers (the book also reflects the events of Drowned Earth). The Teen Titans/Deathstroke: Terminus Agenda crossover follows both of these respective trades. Titans Vol. 5: The Spark mostly takes place after Justice League: No Justice, but the end coincides with both Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days and Heroes in Crisis. Damage Vol. 2 makes very minor reference to the events of Heroes in Crisis; Batman wears his post-Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days costume, though slightly mis-colored.
Titans Vol. 6 leads in to the Justice League Annual collected in Justice League Vol. 3. Issues in The Green Lantern Vol. 1 were published about this time and also make minor reference to the events of the Justice League Annual. The second volume of The Green Lantern follows from the first; appearances of characters like Green Arrow and etc. do not necessarily match current events.
The Batman Who Laughs character follows generally from Justice League Vol. 3 to the miniseries. Batgirl Vol. 6 includes an issue that leads in to The Batman Who Laughs miniseries.
- Justice League Vol. 4: The Sixth Dimension (review)
- Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2: Prince of Gotham (review)
- Batman Vol. 11: The Fall and the Fallen (review)
- Justice League Dark Vol. 2: Lords of Order (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: Arkham Knight (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 2: Far From Gotham (review)
Justice League Vol. 4 takes place concurrent to the events of the Year of the Villain one-shot special and inaugurates the Year of the Villain event. Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2 takes place before Catwoman Vol. 2: Far From Gotham. The events of Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2 seem somewhat incongruent with Event Leviathan. Batman Vol. 11 reflects events in Red Hood: Outlaw. Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2, Justice League Dark Vol. 2, and Catwoman Vol. 2 contain Year of the Villain: The Offer issues. Issues in Detective Comics Vol. 2: Arkham Knight were published at about the same time as Justice League Dark Vol. 2 and mildly reference the team's roster.
Harley Quinn Vol. 3 and Nightwing: Burnback both contain Year of the Villain: The Offer issues.
- Terrifics Vol. 2: Tom Strong and the Terrifics (review) * New! *
- Terrifics Vol. 3: The God Game (review) * New! *
Issues collected in Terrifics Vol. 2 span from after Dark Nights: Metal to now. A representative from the planet Bgztl appears in Superman Vol. 2 after Terrifics Vol. 2. The Terrifics Vol. 3 collection includes a Year of the Villain: The Offer issue.
Though Action Comics Vol. 2: Leviathan Rising and Superman: The Unity Saga Vol. 2 occur somewhat at the same time, Action Comics seems prior to the events of Superman (and of Superman: The Unity Saga Vol. 1). Superman Vol. 2 ties in to Year of the Villain.
Event Leviathan follows the events of Action Comics Vol. 2: Leviathan Rising. Silencer Vol. 3 takes place just before Event Leviathan.
Detective Comics Vol. 3, Batman Vol. 12, and Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy all contain Year of the Villain: The Offer issues. The events of Batman Vol. 12: City of Bane Part One are not immediately reflected in other titles (namely Batman/Superman Vol. 1), though Batman Vol. 12 precedes the other books in terms of Year of the Villain. Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy makes mild reference to the “City of Bane” storyline, as does Action Comics Vol. 3. Gotham City Monsters explicitly takes place during “City of Bane” and reflects the events of Event Leviathan and recent Justice League titles.
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 2 is presented as Lex Luthor's final "offer" sequentially, though other titles may follow due to other timeline factors. Justice League Odyssey Vol. 2 takes place during the Justice League Annual #1 (collected in Justice League Vol. 3: Hawkworld) and Justice League Odyssey Vol. 3 references the same. The characters in Justice League Odyssey Vol. 3 next appear, incongruously, in Superman Vol. 3: The Truth Revealed.
Events in Naomi Season One take place during Action Comics Vol. 2, and lead in to Action Comics Vol. 3; Naomi encounters the Wonder Twins in Action Comics. The Action Comics volume and Superman Vol. 3 take place during and after Event Leviathan, and Action Comics Vol. 3 contains a Year of the Villain: The Offer issue. The Lois Lane: Enemy of the People miniseries takes place around Event Leviathan, and generally between Action Comics Vol. 3 and Superman Vol. 3 based on various interactions. Superman Vol. 3 leads in to Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 1. Action Comics Vol. 3 makes a mild reference to “City of Bane,” among other events.
Action Comics Vol. 4 technically takes place before Superman Vol. 3, but the issues were published about the same time and Action Comics Vol. 4 seems meant to add to, not spoil, Superman Vol. 3’s events. Young Justice Vol. 3 coincides with Action Comics Vol. 4 and characters continue into Action Comics Vol. 5. The Green Lantern Season Two has no major continuity notes, but the final volume references both Far Sector and Young Justice characters ahead of the post-Dark Nights: Death Metal/Infinite Frontier Green Lantern series.
Batman/Superman Vol. 1 and Superman Vol. 3 each contain spoilers for one another, but Superman Vol. 3 is placed first due to the greater importance of its events. Equally Superman Vol. 3, Batman/Superman Vol. 1, and Supergirl Vol. 3 spoil one another and can be read by whichever title takes precedence. Supergirl Vol. 3 spans Event Leviathan through Year of the Villain. Batman/Superman Vol. 1 takes place before Batman Vols. 12 and 13 in terms of Batman’s own timeline, but after Batman Vol. 12 in terms of Year of the Villain. The Shazam title doesn’t directly intersect with Infected despite characters in common, but the issues were published during this time. Hawkman Vol. 3 leads in to Batman/Superman and Year of the Villain: The Infected.
Detective Comics Vol. 4 and Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 reflects the events of Batman Vol. 13: City of Bane Vol. 2, and Batgirl Vol. 8 references both Batman/Superman Vol. 1 and Batman Vol. 13. These comics take place during the Year of the Villain: Doom Rising arc.
Teen Titans Vol. 3 references the events of Flash Vol. 12. Though the timeline doesn’t make much sense (requiring Kid Flash to be in two places at once, letting alone the Justice League appearing in their own books and also Justice League Vol. 5: Justice/Doom War at the same time), it would seem that the events of Teen Titans Vol. 3 take place between Flash Vol. 12 and Flash Vol. 13, as regards the Flash family’s powers. All these books contain Year of the Villain: Doom Rising material.
Though Doomsday Clock doesn’t take place in the main continuity, it was published about this time and events are referenced in the Justice/Doom War and later.
- Aquaman Vol. 3: Manta vs. Machine (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 3: Friend or Foe? (review)
- Deathstroke: RIP (review)
- Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Loveless (review)
- Justice League Dark Vol. 3: The Witching War (review)
- Nightwing: The Gray Son Legacy (review)
- Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 3: Generation Outlaw (review)
- Terrifics Vol. 4: The Tomorrow War (review)
Aquaman Vol. 3, Catwoman Vol. 3, Deathstroke: RIP, Justice League Dark Vol. 3, Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 3, Nightwing: The Gray Son Legacy, Terrifics Vol. 4 and Wonder Woman Vol. 3 all reflect the events of the Year of the Villain: Doom Rising arc. A number of characters, including members of the Justice League, are seemingly in more than one place at the same time when the Doom sigil appears in the sky.
Harley Quinn Vol. 4 contains the Harley Quinn’s Villain of the Year special. Together, Justice League Vol. 5, Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen, and Flash Forward close out the Year of the Villain event ahead of Dark Nights: Death Metal. Justice League Vol. 5 makes minor reference to Event Leviathan, Doomsday Clock, Terrifics Vol. 4, and Young Justice Vol. 2.
- Hawkman Vol. 4: Hawks Eternal (review) * New! *
Hawkman Vol. 4 takes place immediately after Hawkman Vol. 3, but presumably after Hawkwoman’s cameos in Justice/Doom War. The appearance of a super-team here does not wholly match continuity but is generally solved following Justice/Doom War and then Dark Nights: Death Metal, even though these issues were published before Death Metal.
Wonder Woman Vol. 4 spans from Event Leviathan to after the events of Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen, placing the title here. The main story from Wonder Woman #750 appears in Wonder Woman Vol. 4, and then the backup stories all appear in the Wonder Woman #750 deluxe collection. Wonder Woman: Lords & Liars has no major continuity notes, but follows Wonder Woman Vol. 4 and precedes Wonder Woman’s events in Dark Nights: Death Metal.
Justice League Vol. 6 takes place in an undetermined time after Justice League Vol. 5 (which continues into Dark Nights: Death Metal), but references the events of Batman: City of Bane and Superman Vol. 3: The Truth Revealed, as well as the Flash titles, Wonder Woman Vol. 3, and Aquaman Vols. 3 and 4. Justice League Vol. 7 also references Superman Vol. 3.
The stories in James Tynion’s Batman Vol. 1 were published at about this time. The Batman: 80 Years of the Bat Family collection includes the Robin, Catwoman, and Joker 80th anniversary specials, each of which contain stories that correspond to the modern Teen Titans and Catwoman titles and the aforementioned Batman volume respectively. Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 3 seems to take place before the events of Dark Designs/Joker War.
The Flash encounters the new Suicide Squad in Flash Vol. 14 between the pages of Suicide Squad: Bad Blood.
Action Comics Vol. 5 follows swiftly from the end of Action Comics Vol. 4. The events of Superman Vol. 4: Mythological and Who Killed Jimmy Olsen would seem to precede Action Comics. Events in Action Comics Vol. 5 would seem to precede Teen Titans Vol. 4. The Teen Titans book contains spoilers for Suicide Squad: Bad Blood. KGBeast appears in Nightwing: The Joker War after the events of Teen Titans Vol. 4. The status of certain Titans do not quite sync up between Nightwing: Joker War, Teen Titans Vol. 4, and Justice League Odyssey Vol. 4, but should reconcile after Dark Nights: Death Metal and Future State.
Flash Vol. 15 follows the events of Action Comics Vol. 4 and Young Justice Vol. 3, and take place concurrently with Dark Nights: Death Metal.
- Batman Vol. 2: The Joker War (review)
- Joker War Saga
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: The Joker War (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics #1027 Deluxe Edition (review)
- Harley Quinn Vol. 5: Hollywood or Die (review)
- Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 4: Unspoken Truths (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 4: Come Home, Alley Cat (review)
- Batgirl Vol. 8: The Joker War (review)
- Nightwing: The Joker War (review)
Most of the Joker War volumes spoil one another, and there's really no way to read it without spoilers unless you follow it issue by issue or read the The Joker War Saga volume (which is the only place to find the Batman: Joker War Zone issue). Batman Vol. 2 at least spoils the events of Nightwing: The Joker War, as do to an extent Batgirl Vol. 8 and Red Hood Vol. 4. The Batgirl book also contains slight spoilers for the upcoming Batman Vol. 3. The Nightwing book is positioned last because Batgirl and Red Hood follow from their own books into that one, though events in the Nightwing book begin before all the others. A story from Detective Comics #1027 is included in Detective Comics Vol. 5.
Detective Comics Vol. 6 follows from the events of Teen Titans Vol. 4. Batman Vol. 3 and Detective Vol. 6 are the final volumes of these titles before Future State.
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 4 leads directly into Dark Nights: Death Metal.
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 states that it continues in to Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes.
Dark Nights: Death Metal itself spans all the tie-in books. The tie-ins are listed sequentially, but an interspersed reading order is recommended.
The end of the Metal Men book specifically takes place during Death Metal. The Batman/Superman book follows Metal Men, but various issues span Joker War, Event Leviathan, and other recent events.
Though not wholly within continuity, both Generations and Other History allude to Future State. Justice League: Endless Winter contains various issues published just before Future State, including Justice League issues that followed the Justice League: Death Metal tie-in.
Infinite Frontier
The Future State books present a potential future for the DCU in the wake of Dark Nights: Death Metal; some books intersect with current continuity. Various of the Future State books reference one another, including a story in the Future State: Justice League book that continues into the Future State: Suicide Squad book.
Wonder Woman follows from the first chapter of Infinite Frontier to Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Afterworlds.
The events of the first chapter of Infinite Frontier factor immediately in to Batman Vol. 4: The Cowardly Lot and Joker Vol. 1. Batman Vol. 4 also references the events of Detective Comics Vol. 1. Catwoman Vol. 5 and Harley Quinn Vol. 1 take place during the events of Batman Vol. 4, with the Harley book following the events of Catwoman. Next Batman: Second Son spans the events of Batman Vol. 4, and Grifter appears in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 1 following his appearances in the Batman book and Next Batman: Second Son.
Batman/Superman: Archive of Worlds has minor ties to the Infinite Frontier book.
Certain appearances of the Infinite Frontier-era Justice League will follow this point, including in Blue & Gold and the first Infinite Frontier Green Lantern volume.
The Infinite Frontier Suicide Squad Vol. 1 follows the Crime Syndicate miniseries. and also begins concurrent to the Infinite Frontier special. The King Shark book takes place after Suicide Squad Vol. 1 and its events get minor reference later on. Swamp Thing Vol. 1 takes place before Suicide Squad Vol. 1, and those books cross over with Swamp Thing Vol. 2. The first volumes of Suicide Squad and Teen Titans Academy also cross over and each book contains spoilers for the other. Crush & Lobo spins off from the first volume of Titans Academy.
The first story in Flash Vol. 16 takes place before Justice League: Endless Winter, Dark Nights: Death Metal, and Infinite Frontier; the second story follows Infinite Crisis, Justice League Vol. 1, and Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1.
A minor villain travels from Nightwing Vol. 1 to Robin Vol. 1. Some instances, like Robin Damian Wayne’s text to Nightwing in the Nightwing book, don’t quite line up.
Superman and the Authority takes place, with some shoehorning, between the pages toward the end of Action Comics Vol. 1: Warworld Rising. Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 1 follows or is concurrent to Action Comics Vol. 1, though events don’t entirely match up. Son of Kal-El Vol. 1 reflects, among other things, the events of Justice League Vol. 1 and Robin Vol. 1.
Shazam!: To Hell and Back follows, among others, the first volumes of Teen Titans Academy, Green Lantern, and Superman: Son of Kal-El, and Flash Vol. 16.
Aquaman: The Becoming takes place after Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1. The Black Manta miniseries seems to take place before the end of Aquaman: The Becoming. Nubia appears in Black Manta following the events of Infinite Frontier.
The events of Justice League Vol. 2 follow Checkmate.
Events in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 seem to take place alongside Wonder Girl: Homecoming. Wonder Woman appears in Justice League Dark: The Great Wickedness following Wonder Woman Vol. 2.
Various aspects and locations in Joker Vol. 2 seem to place it before the events of Fear State. Batman: Fear State Saga is the recommended main book for reading Fear State, as it contains the bookend Alpha and Omega specials (Batman Vol. 5: Fear State contains just the Batman issues involved). Detective Comics: Fear State is not directly related to the main Fear State story, though the backup stories do follow Justice League Dark: Great Wickedness and lead into Task Force Z. Stories in Urban Legends Vol. 2 follow Batman: Secret Files.
The lead story in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 3, though not connected to ongoing events, is said to take place after Justice League Vol. 2/Justice League Dark: The Great Wickedness (the second story in the Batman: Urban Legends volume does not seem to be in continuity). That Batman: Urban Legends stories are collected somewhat out of sequence accounts for the interspersing of Fear State and other Bat-events with other books on the timeline in this era. Justice League Vol. 3 and Justice League vs. Legion of Super-Heroes take place before Trial of the Amazons. Naomi: Season Two would seem to take place after Justice League vs. Legion.
Catwoman Vol. 6: Fear State and Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Keepsake connect and lead in to the later Batman issues in the event. By the interconnected nature of these stories, many hold spoilers for the others. A story in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 4 leads in to Arkham City, and a character from Arkham City subsequently appears in Harley Quinn Vol. 2. Robins: Being Robin seems largely out of continuity, but was published about this time and takes place at least after Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into the Light.
Green Lantern Vol. 2 takes place before the events of Trial of the Amazons.
Many of the books related to Trial of the Amazons were published at the same time and contain spoilers for one another. The final chapter of Nubia and the Amazons is the second part of Trial of the Amazons, but the majority of Nubia and the Amazons takes place before Trial. Stories in Tales of the Amazons take place both before and after Trial of the Amazons.
Task Force Z Vol. 1 references ongoing events in Suicide Squad. A character from Flash Vol. 17 appears next in the crossover between Suicide Squad Vol. 2 and The Swamp Thing Vol. 2. Flash also appears in Teen Titans Academy Vol. 2, and Titans, Suicide Squad, and Flash all come together in War for Earth-3. The War book takes place after Flash Vol. 17, but between issues in Suicide Squad and Teen Titans Academy (so both books may contain spoilers for War for Earth-3 and vice versa). Cheetah appears in Suicide Squad before Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 1 per an editor’s note, though the appearances are not quite congruent.
Nightwing Vol. 2 follows slightly from developments in Flash Vol. 17. Nightwing and Superman: Son of Kal-El crossover in their second volumes. The issues in Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2 were published about this time.
- Batman Vol. 6: Abyss (review)
- Ghost-Maker/Clownhunter by James Tynion IV (review)
- Catwoman Vol. 1: Dangerous Liaisons (review)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: Arkham Rising (review)
- Batman: Shadows of the Bat: The Tower (review)
- Batman: Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham (review)
- Batgirls Vol. 1 (review)
- I Am Batman Vol. 2: Welcome to New York (review)
- Robin Vol. 2: I Am Robin (review)
- Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 1: King of the Super-Villains (review)
- Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 2: Year One (review)
- Batman: Shadow War (review)
Batman Vol. 6, Detective Comics Vol. 3, Robin Vol. 2, and Deathstroke Inc. all take place at the same time and reference one another; this is the recommended reading order, though there’s not quite a way to read each one separately without spoiling the others slightly. Batman, Deathstroke, and Robin end before the Shadow War crossover. The final annual collected in Ghost-Maker/Clownhunter follows the events of Batman Vol. 6: Abyss. Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 2 is unrelated to ongoing events but the issues were published at about this time. The Shadow War crossover follows significantly from Brian Michael Bendis’ Checkmate and Justice League Vol. 2. Batman: Shadows of the Bat: The Tower takes place between the pages of Batman Vol. 6; Catwoman Vol. 1 seems to take place during Batman Vol. 6. House of Gotham is unrelated except for collecting the backup stories in the same issues as The Tower. The first story in Batgirls Vol. 1 takes place concurrent to Nightwing: Fear State but after the Fear State story in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 2 and after I Am Batman Vol. 1; later issues take place concurrent with the beginning of The Tower. I Am Batman Vol. 2 is generally unrelated but was published at about this time.
Robin Vol. 3 contains the Robin issues from Shadow War and then continue afterward, about the same time as the last issue of Batman Vol. 6. The Connor Hawke story from DC Pride: The New Generation takes place before Robin #15. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Vol. 1 shares a scene with Robin Vol. 3; the Monkey Prince trade is unrelated but the issues were released about now and storylines among these books will cary over to Lazarus Planet. Multiversity: Teen Justice also follows DC Pride and those characters appear occasionally, including in Future State and Dark Crisis: World Without the Justice League.
As a backup to the Joker title, the Punchline book spans almost the whole Infinite Frontier era. Harley Quinn Vol. 3 and Joker Vol. 3 follow the events of Punchline. A character appears in Detective Comics Vol. 4 before Task Force Z Vol. 2, which also follows Joker Vol. 3. The Poison Ivy title began about this time; it coincides with the Harley Quinn volume in the Dawn of DC era.
Superman Jon Kent and Nightwing appear in the other’s respective third volumes, though it is not necessarily a crossover. An issue of the Wonder Woman collection follows the events of Action Comics Vol. 3.
The Black Adam volume takes place ahead of Dark Crisis; the proposed second volume (never published) would take place parallel to and after Dark Crisis.
Batman Vol. 1: Failsafe begins parallel to Catwoman Vol. 2, but the Catwoman volume is placed later due to ties to other titles. Batgirls Vol. 2 also leads in to events in Catwoman Vol. 2, and a note places this before Failsafe. Batman: The Knight was written by Chip Zdarsky ahead of Batman Vol. 1: Failsafe. Tim Drake, Robin Vol. 1 follows from the beginning of Failsafe. The “Arkham Academy” story in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 5 takes place after Batman: Fear State and was published about this time; the issues in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 6 were also published about this time.
Justice League Incarnate follows from the Infinite Frontier book and leads directly into Dark Crisis and its related titles.
Both Flashpoint Beyond and Flash Vol. 18 take place during/after the events of Dark Crisis. Flash Vol. 18 spans from War for Earth-3 to Dark Crisis and after, and references a scene from Flashpoint Beyond.
The Superman: Kal-El Returns book takes place both before and after Dark Crisis; aspects of Aquamen take place after the start of Dark Crisis. Harley Quinn Vol. 4 takes place concurrent to Dark Crisis. I Am Batman Vol. 3 takes place during Dark Crisis and GCPD: The Blue Wall follows the events of that book. Nightwing Vol. 4 follows the events of Dark Crisis.
Harley Quinn moves into a new home in Harley Quinn Vol. 5 ahead of the events of Joker: Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 1. Batwoman appears in Tim Drake, Robin Vol. 2 after Harley Quinn Vol. 5. Punchline appears in Joker: Man Who Stopped Laughing before Punchline: The Gotham Game. The middle-to-end of Catwoman Vol. 2 intersects with Punchline: The Gotham Game; Batgirls Vol. 3 takes place after the Batgirls’ appearance in Catwoman Vol. 2.
Flash: The One-Minute War takes place after Dark Crisis but before the title joins Dawn of DC.
Batman vs. Robin and Monkey Prince Vol. 2 each take place before and after the events of Lazarus Planet; they’re placed in a recommended reading order, but the only way to avoid spoilers is to read them interspersed. New Champion of Shazam primarily takes place before Lazarus Planet except for a single story at the end (also collected in Lazarus Planet proper); thus the books contain minor spoilers for one another. Wonder Woman Vol. 4 begins before Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods and continues after it; the miniseries takes place interspersed with the Wonder Woman issues.
Dawn of DC
As is often the case, events in the first Dawn of DC volumes of Action Comics and Superman take place interspersed and each book contains some spoilers for the other, but in general it seems the Super Family-team in Action Comics is already established before the events of Superman Vol. 1. Superman: Lois and Clark: Doom Rising is set in the past and has no major continuity notes, except that it was originally published as backups in the same issues as in Action Comics Vol. 1. The Action Comics volume contains minor spoilers for Steelworks, which takes place at about this time after the events of Action Vol. 1 and Superman Vol. 1.
Events in Catwoman Vol. 3 are specifically referenced in Batman Vol. 2, placing the Batman title second. These books next cross-over in Gotham War after their Knight Terrors tie-ins.
Nightwing Vol. 5 ends just before and leads in to Titans Vol. 1. The Nightwing volume ends before Knight Terrors, though the Knight Terrors: Nightwing tie-in is generally unrelated to the series. Cyborg: Homecoming takes place around the events of Titans Vol. 1. Green Arrow Vol. 1: Reunion specifically references events in Nightwing Vol. 5. The end of Green Arrow Vol. 1 takes place parallel to Titans: Beast World, but without spoilers; the collection is placed here because the Green Arrow story in Knight Terrors: Dark Knightmares specifically takes place early in Green Arrow Vol. 1.
Knight Terrors takes place specifically after Superman Vol. 1: Supercorp and Batman Vol. 2: The Bat-Man of Gotham. Knight Terrors: Dark Knightmares reflects events in Batman, Catwoman, Detective Comics, and Green Arrow.
The Power Girl, Action Comics, and Green Lantern volumes contain Knight Terrors tie-in issues, also collected in Knight Terrors: Knightmare League. The initial story in Green Lantern: War Journal appeared as backups to the first issues in the Green Lantern Vol. 1 volume.
The Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn books take place roughly in parallel. The characters’ Knight Terrors stories in Knocturnal Creatures follow the events of each collection. The Joker story in Knocturnal Creatures takes place during Joker: Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 2, but spoilers are minor and that volume must be placed later, after Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War.
- Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War * New! *
- Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 2 * New! *
- Batman Vol. 3: The Joker Year One * New! *
Batman appears in Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War immediately after the events of Knight Terrors. The second volume of Joker: Man Who Stopped Laughing spans from Knight Terrors through to after Gotham War. Batman Vol. 3 follows Joker: Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 2.
- Batman-Santa Claus: Silent Knight (review) * New! *
When Batman-Santa Claus: Silent Knight takes place is somewhat unclear, but reference is made to the events of Knight Terrors.
- Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Outlaw (review) * New! *
- Amazons Attack * New! *
- Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Megadeath (review) * New! *
- Tales of the Titans * New! *
Reference is made at the end of Knight Terrors to early events in Wonder Woman Vol. 1; Knight Terrors seems to take place at the beginning of Wonder Woman Vol. 1 before Wonder Woman gets involved. Amazons Attack, Birds of Prey Vol. 1, and Tales of the Titans all take place during or after Wonder Woman Vol. 1, though events don’t always match exactly.
Pre-Crisis (Recommended Reading)
Elements of the Justice League and Justice Society's pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths meetings, the death of Red Tornado, the return of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, the fate of the Sandman's partner Sandy, and other episodes from the Crisis on Multiple Earths collections are still partially in continuity post-Crisis (prior to the New 52). Zatanna's Search and the Green Lantern/Green Arrow collection, also both still partially in post-Crisis continuity, take place between the pages of the Crisis on Multiple Earths collections.
The events of Aquaman: Death of the Prince take place at about the same time as the latter issues of Crisis on Multiple Earths Vol. 4.
Power Girl appears pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths in stories collected in the first Power Girl trade paperback (which includes post-Crisis stories, and appears on the timeline just before Infinite Crisis), and then in Justice Society Vol. 1 and Crisis on Multiple Earths Vol. 4. These appearances are somewhat out of continuity post-Crisis (and are invalid in the New 52), but are referenced in Infinite Crisis and late in the JSA series, among other places.
The pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Huntress first appears in a story collected in Darknight Daughter, and then Darknight Daughter and Justice Society Vol. 2 take place at the same time and material from each inevitably spoils the other; these should be read together. This pre-Crisis Earth 2 Huntress, Helena Wayne (not to be confused with the New 52 Helena Wayne), is referenced post-Crisis in Infinite Crisis, Supergirl: Candor, and Justice Society of America stories.
The Fourth World characters appear with the Justice League after the events of the Fourth World books and some (uncollected) revival series; characters and elements of Jack Kirby's original Fourth World series remain somewhat in continuity in Final Crisis and other stories. The Earth-2 Huntress also appears here following Justice Society Vol. 2, and Firestorm appears here after the classic Firestorm: The Nuclear Man collection.
Though out of continuity after Crisis on Infinite Earths, this timeline recommends Jack Kirby's OMAC as useful reading, if not before the countdown to Infinite Crisis, than at least before the Countdown to Final Crisis, as many elements from OMAC are referenced without good explanation (see Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape, at least, plus earlier stories).
Batman and Ra's al Ghul's pre-Crisis encounters do not remain entirely in continuity after Crisis on Infinite Earths, but some aspects do carry over, especially as regards the Son of the Demon story after Infinite Crisis; parts of these stories even remain valid into the New 52.
Many of these early stories of the Teen Titans are still in post-Crisis-to-Flashpoint continuity (see Booster Gold: Day of Death, among many others) despite taking place prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths. The New Teen Titans cross over with Batman and the Outsiders prior to the "Judas Contract" storyline, collected in the New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 2. Terror of Trigon takes place shortly before Crisis on Infinite Earths.
The original Infinity Inc. title -- some of which is out of continuity but other parts of which are referenced in Sandman, JSA, and elsewhere -- began at about this time.
After Infinite Crisis, the adventures of the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Legion of Super-Heroes returned to continuity, include the Great Darkness Saga and Curse storylines.
The Green Lantern: In Brightest Day collection contains stories that range from the early Silver Age through Green Lantern: New Dawn; some of these are reprinted in the Tales of the Green Lantern Corps trades, but the early Sinestro and Guy Gardner stories can only be found here. The next Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Volume appears earlier in this list just before the Legends crossover.
The Trial of the Flash storyline ends just before Flash Barry Allen's appearance in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Many but not all of the DC characters' timelines are restarted after Crisis on Infinite Earths, leading to the origin books at the beginning of this timeline. The Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Edition Vol. 1 contains stories that take place before and during the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
The Swamp Thing books are only loosely tied in to the DC Universe, but Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 4 contains a branded Crisis on Infinite Earths tie-in; a later issue of Swamp Thing ties in to DC's Invasion crossover event.
Changelog (6/27/2016)
Moved Superman Vol. 5: Under Fire to correspond with Superman: Doomed books.
Moved Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King from Trinity War to after Forever Evil to reconcile a mention of the events of Forever Evil in that book.
Moved Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift and Detective Comics Vol. 4: The Wrath to before Batman Eternal Vol. 1 to align the timeline of Harper Row, even as all three books contain some spoilers for one another.
Titles Added:
Arkham Manor
Batgirl Vol. 1: The Batgirl of Burnside
Batman Eternal Vol. 2
Batman Eternal Vol. 3
Batman Vol. 7: Endgame
Batman and Robin Vol. 5: The Big Burn
Batman and Robin Vol. 6: The Hunt for Robin
Batman and Robin Vol. 7: Robin Rises
Batman/Superman Vol. 1: Cross World
Batman/Superman Vol. 2: Game Over
Batman/Superman Vol. 3: Second Chance
Batman/Superman Vol. 4: Siege
Batwing Vol. 3: Enemy of the State
Catwoman Vol. 6: Keeper of The Castle
Constantine Vol. 3: The Voice in the Fire
Constantine Vol. 4: The Apocalypse Road
Convergence: Crisis Book One
Convergence: Crisis Book Two
Convergence: Flashpoint Book One
Convergence: Flashpoint Book Two
Convergence: Infinite Earths Book One
Convergence: Infinite Earths Book Two
Convergence: Zero Hour Book One
Convergence: Zero Hour Book Two
DC Universe Presents Vol. 2: Vandal Savage
Earth 2 Vol. 2: The Tower of Fate
Earth 2 Vol. 5: The Kryptonian
Earth 2 Vol. 6: Collision
Earth 2: World's End Vol. 1
Earth 2: World's End Vol. 2
Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy
Gotham by Midnight Vol. 1: We Do Not Sleep
Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral
Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5: Uprising
Green Lantern Vol. 5: Test of Wills
Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. 5: Godkillers
Joker: Endgame
Justice League Dark Vol. 5: Paradise Lost
Justice League Vol. 6: Injustice League
Lobo Vol. 1: Targets
New 52: Futures End Vol. 1
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 4: League of Assassins
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 5: The Big Picture
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 6: Lost and Found
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 7: Last Call
Red Lanterns Vol. 5: Atrocities
Sinestro Vol. 1: The Demon Within
Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton
Supergirl Vol. 6: Crucible
Superman Vol. 6: The Men of Tomorrow
Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 2: War and Peace
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 6: Superdoom
Superman: Doomed
Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light
Worlds' Finest Vol. 5: Homeward Bound
Worlds' Finest Vol. 6: The Secret History of Superman and Batman
Changelog (10/25/2016)
Clarified connection between Teen Titans Vol. 2: Culling and DC Universe Presents Vol. 2: Vandal Savage.
DC Universe Presents Vol. 3: Black Lightning and Blue Devil includes an issue that follows from Swords of Sorcery. In order to place DC Universe Presents Vol. 3 after Swords of Sorcery and before Justice League Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis (because Black Lightning and Blue Devil next appear in that book), and also still keep Sword of Sorcery with Catwoman Vol. 3: Death of the Family (both are part of the "Black Diamond Probability" crossover, as well as keeping Catwoman Vol. 3 near the "Death of the Family" crossover, I have shifted a variety of "Death of the Family" and related books to before Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, essentially flipping the order of those two mostly-unrelated books in the New 52 Vol. 3 - Death of the Family category. (Six degrees of Kevin Bacon: Catwoman Vol. 3 ties into Batman: Death of the Family and also to Sword of Sorcery; Sword of Sorcery contains a DC Universe Presents issue; Black Lightning and Blue Devil from DC Universe Presents appear in Justice League: Throne of Atlantis.)
Clarified DC Universe Presents Vol. 3: Black Lightning and Blue Devil's ties to Swords of Sorcery and Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Clarified the presence of Justice League Dark Vol. 2: The Books of Magic and I, Vampire Vol. 2: Rise of the Vampires in the New 52 Vol. 3 - Death of the Family category.
Moved "Rotworld" books to before Justice League Dark Vol. 3: Death of Magic to preserve the progression of John Constantine and Swamp Thing's first meetings. Added Swamp Thing Vol. 4: Seeder to before Forever Evil.
Moved Animal Man Vols. 4-5 forward and interspersed them with Swamp Thing Vols. 4-5 to reflect Animal Man's appearance in Swamp Thing Vol. 5. Added Swamp Thing Vol. 5: The Killing Field, Swamp Thing Vol. 6: The Sureen, Swamp Thing Vol. 7: Season's End, Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea of Storms, and Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom.
Added Wonder Woman Vols. 3-6. Moved Wonder Woman Vol. 2 to earlier in the New 52 Vol. 2 - Zero Month category.
Added Batwoman Vols. 3-6.
Moved Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 1: Knight Terrors to earlier in the reading order because the events precede events in Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall Descends and Detective Comics Vol. 2: Scare Tactics.
Added Movement Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 around Batgirl Vol. 4 and Vol. 5 respectively.
Paired Stormwatch Vol. 3 with Deathstroke Vol. 2 due to a minor character in common.
Placed Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 6: Icarus within the events of Batman Eternal.
Added Katana Vol. 1: Soultaker and Green Arrow Vol. 5: The Outsiders War to the Forever Evil category.
Added Wonder Woman Vol. 7: War-Torn after Aquaman/Swamp Thing crossover.
Created "DC You"-era category and added Deathstroke Vol. 2: God Killer, Wonder Woman Vol. 8: A Twist of Fate, and Martian Manhunter Vol. 1: The Epiphany.
Titles Added:
Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea of Storms
Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom
Aquaman and the Others Vol. 1: Legacy of Gold
Aquaman and the Others Vol. 2: Alignment: Earth
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 6: Icarus
Batwoman Vol. 3: World's Finest
Batwoman Vol. 4: This Blood is Thick
Batwoman Vol. 5: Webs
Batwoman Vol. 6: The Unknowns
Deathstroke Vol. 2: God Killer
Green Arrow Vol. 5: The Outsiders War
Katana Vol. 1: Soultaker
Martian Manhunter Vol. 1: The Epiphany
Movement Vol. 1: Class Warfare
Movement Vol. 2: Fighting for the Future
Stormwatch Vol. 3: Betrayal
Stormwatch Vol. 4: Reset
Swamp Thing Vol. 4: Seeder
Swamp Thing Vol. 5: The Killing Field
Swamp Thing Vol. 6: The Sureen
Swamp Thing Vol. 7: Season's End
Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Iron
Wonder Woman Vol. 4: War
Wonder Woman Vol. 5: Flesh
Wonder Woman Vol. 6: Bones
Wonder Woman Vol. 7: War-Torn
Wonder Woman Vol. 8: A Twist of Fate
Changelog (12/25/2016)
Added Flash Vol. 6: Out of Time and Flash Vol. 7: Savage World to New 52 Vol. 6: Futures End category.
Positioned Worlds' Finest Vol. 2 closer to Earth 2 Vol. 2 and after Supergirl Vol. 3. Added Earth 2 Vol. 4 and Worlds' Finest Vol. 4 in connection with Batman/Superman Vol. 2.
Moved Batwing Vol. 3 closer to the Bat-books even though that volume is mostly self-contained.
Added Wonder Woman Vol. 9: Resurrection after Wonder Woman Vol. 8: A Twist of Fate in the DC You section.
Added details to the placement of Convergence.
Added Green Lantern: Godhead crossover and related books to Futures End section and updated their connection to "Doomed" and etc.
Moved Batman: Zero Year and the Green Lantern: Lights Out titles to before Forever Evil, because Forever Evil references Lights Out and the Green Lantern Corps title ties in to Zero Year. Added the DC Comics: Zero Year collection after the Batman: Zero Year books.
Added Superman Unchained prior to Forever Evil.
Added New 52: Futures End after Multiversity and before Earth 2: World's End, prior to Convergence.
Titles Added:
DC Comics: Zero Year
Earth 2 Vol. 3: Battle Cry
Earth 2 Vol. 4: The Dark Age
Flash Vol. 6: Out of Time
Flash Vol. 7: Savage World
Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6: Reckoning
Green Lantern Vol. 6: The Life Equation
Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead
Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. 6: Storming the Gates
New 52: Futures End Vol. 2
New 52: Futures End Vol. 3
Red Lanterns Vol. 6: Forged in Blood
Sinestro Vol. 2: Sacrifice
Superman Unchained: Deluxe Edition
Wonder Woman Vol. 9: Resurrection
Worlds' Finest Vol. 3: Control Issues
Worlds' Finest Vol. 4: First Contact
Changelog (8/8/2017)
Made an additional adjustment to the placement of the Green Lantern "Godhead" books.
Re-positioned Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy between Batman & Robin Vol. 7: Robin RIses and Batman Vol. 7: Endgame, to better reflect the trajectory of Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne.
Added Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky among the Batman: Endgame books.
Placed Justice League 3000 after New 52: Futures End and placed Justice League 3001 within the DC You category.
Added more than 30 Superman family, Batman family, and Justice League titles to the DC You section. This encompasses most of the main Superman: Truth and Batman: Superheavy books, and orders them to reflect how the two events intersect. Also repositioned other DC You books to line up with these titles.
Inaugurated the DC Rebirth section with DC Universe: Rebirth and Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice.
Titles Added:
Batgirl Vol. 2: Family Business
Batgirl Vol. 3: Mindfields
Batman Vol. 10: Epilogue
Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy
Batman Vol. 9: Bloom
Batman and Robin Eternal Vol. 1
Batman and Robin Eternal Vol. 2
Batman/Superman Vol. 5: Truth Hurts
Batman/Superman Vol. 6: Universe’s Finest
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 8: Blood of Heroes
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 9: Gordon at War
Black Canary Vol. 1: Kicking and Screaming
Black Canary Vol. 2: New Killer Star
DC Universe: Rebirth Deluxe Edition
Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice
Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity
Grayson Vol. 3: Nemesis
Grayson Vol. 4: A Ghost in the Tomb
Grayson Vol. 5: Spiral’s End
I, Vampire Vol. 3: Wave of Mutilation
Justice League 3000 Vol. 1: Yesterday Lives
Justice League 3000 Vol. 2: The Camelot War
Justice League 3001 Vol. 1: Déjà Vu All Over Again
Justice League 3001 Vol. 2: Things Fall Apart
Justice League Vol. 7: The Darkseid War, Part 1
Justice League Vol. 8: The Darkseid War Part 2
Justice League of America: Power and Glory
Justice League: Darkseid War – Power of the Gods
New Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Pure Insanity
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 1: Open For Business
Robin War
Robin, Son of Batman Vol. 1: Year of Blood
Robin, Son of Batman Vol. 2: Dawn of the Demons
Superman Vol. 1: Before Truth
Superman Vol. 2: Return To Glory
Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Dark Truth
Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 5: A Savage End
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 8: Truth
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 9: Last Rites
Superman: Lois and Clark
Superman: Savage Dawn
Superman: The Final Days of Superman
We Are Robin Vol. 1: The Vigilante Business
Changelog (9/27/2017)
Added thirty-one Rebirth titles including Batman: Night of the Monster Men, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Superman Reborn, Batman/Flash: The Button, and related titles.
Titles Added:
All Star Batman Vol. 1: My Own Worst Enemy
Batgirl Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside
Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham
Batman Vol. 2: I Am Suicide
Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane
Batman/The Flash: The Button Deluxe Edition
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 1: Rise of The Batmen
Batman: Night of the Monster Men
Flash Vol. 3: Rogues Reloaded
Flash Vol. 4: Running Scared
Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet
Justice League Vol. 1: The Extinction Machine
Justice League Vol. 2: Outbreak
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
Nightwing Vol. 1: Better Than Batman
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: The Black Vault
Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Going Sane
Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Burning Down the House
Superman Reborn
Superman Vol. 1: Son of Superman
Superman Vol. 2: Trial of the Super Sons
Superman Vol. 3: Multiplicity
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: Path of Doom
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2: Welcome to the Planet
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 3: Men of Steel
Superwoman Vol. 1: Who Killed Superwoman?
Titans Vol. 1: The Return of Wally West
Titans Vol. 2: Made in Manhattan
Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together
Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies
Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Year One
Changelog (6/20/2018)
Moved Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together to later in the list to reflect its inclusion of events from both Wonder Woman Vol. 1 and also Detective Comics Vol. 1.
Added the Rebirth All Star Batman Vol. 2 and Detective Comics Vol. 3, which are related by a line of dialogue included in a Detective Comics issue but removed from the trade.
Added Deathstroke Vol. 1: Gods of War after New Suicide Squad Vol. 1 and moved Red Hood and the Outlaws Vols. 6 and 7 (and with those, Supergirl Vol. 6) to reflect various continuity notes in the Deathstroke book. Placed Deathstroke Vol. 3: Suicide Run after New Suicide Squad Vol. 2, and added New Suicide Squad Vol. 3 after that.
Placed the Rebirth Flash Vol. 2 after Justice League Vol. 2: Outbreak, and Teen Titans Vol. 1 after Flash Vol. 2. Also included Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall (DC You-era series), which is not labeled as a Rebirth book but takes place after Detective Comics Vol. 1. Included Deathstroke Vol. 1: The Professional before Titans Vol. 1, and Deathstroke Vol. 2: The Gospel of Slade after Titans Vol. 1. Placed Nightwing Vol. 2 after the Rebirth Teen Titans Vol. 1.
Added Titans: Lazarus Contract crossover and related books, including Deathstroke Vol. 4, Flash Vol. 5, Teen Titans Vol. 2, and Super Sons Vol. 2.
Placed Justice League Vol. 3: Timeless after Justice League vs. Suicide Squad due to references in the book.
Added New Super-Man Vol. 1 after the Rebirth Justice League Vol. 1 and New Super-Man Vol. 2 after the events of Superman Reborn.
Placed the Rebirth Super Sons Vol. 1, Superman Vol. 4, Supergirl Vol. 2, Suicide Squad Vol. 4, and Action Comics Vol. 4, all of which follow the events of Superman Reborn.
Added DC You Aquaman Vol. 8 toward the end of the DC You era, following the last appearance of Aquaman's DC You costume in Superman: Savage Dawn.
Added the Rebirth Aquaman Vol. 1: The Drowning after Justice League Vol. 1. Added Aquaman Vol. 2: Black Manta Rising before Justice League Vol. 2: Outbreak. Added Aquaman Vol. 3: Crown of Atlantis alongside Titans Vol. 2. Added Aquaman Vol. 4 with Justice League Vol. 4.
Added DC You Green Lantern-related titles including Green Lantern Vols. 7-8, Sinestro Vols. 3-4, Lobo Vol. 2, Telos, and Omega Men. Added the Rebirth Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 before Green Lanterns Vol. 1. Placed Green Lanterns Vol. 3 after Justice League vs. Suicide Squad and Batman Vol. 3 and adjusted positioning of Green Lanterns Vol. 3 and related titles to between Suicide Squad Vols. 3 and 4. Added Green Lanterns Vol. 4 before Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4, placed with Superman Vol. 5.
Included Justice League of America: Road to Rebirth and Vol. 1: The Extremists in the aftermath of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad.
Added Doomed and Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets within the DC You events of Superman: Truth.
Titles Added:
All Star Batman Vol. 2: Ends of the Earth
Aquaman Vol. 1: The Drowning
Aquaman Vol. 2: Black Manta Rising
Aquaman Vol. 3: Crown of Atlantis
Aquaman Vol. 8: Out of Darkness
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: League of Shadows
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: A Lonely Place of Living
Deathstroke Vol. 1: Gods of War
Deathstroke Vol. 2: The Gospel of Slade
Deathstroke Vol. 3: Suicide Run
Deathstroke Vol. 4: Defiance
Flash Vol. 2: Speed of Darkness
Flash Vol. 5: Negative
Green Lantern Vol. 7: Renegade
Green Lantern Vol. 8: Reflections
Green Lanterns Vol. 3: Polarity
Green Lanterns Vol. 4: The First Ring
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro’s Law
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Fracture
Justice League Vol. 3: Timeless
Justice League Vol. 4: Endless
Justice League of America Vol. 1: The Extremists
Justice League of America: Road to Rebirth
Lobo Vol. 2: Beware His Might
New Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Freedom
New Super-Man Vol. 1: Made in China
New Super-Man Vol. 2: Coming to America
Nightwing Vol. 2: Back to Bludhaven
Omega Men: The End Is Here
Sinestro Vol. 3: Rising
Sinestro Vol. 4: The Fall of Sinestro
Suicide Squad Vol. 4: Earthlings on Fire
Super Sons Vol. 1: When I Grow Up
Super Sons Vol. 2: Planet of the Capes
Supergirl Vol. 2: Escape from the Phantom Zone
Superman Vol. 4: Black Dawn
Superman Vol. 5: Hopes and Fears
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 4: The New World
Superman: Action Comics – The Oz Effect: The Deluxe Edition
Teen Titans Vol. 1: Damian Knows Best
Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets
Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Rise of Aqualad
Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall
Titans: The Lazarus Contract
Titans: Total Chaos
Changelog (7/16/2018)
Added the Rebirth Batman Vol. 4, All-Star Batman Vol. 3, Detective Comics Vol. 4, Batwoman Vol. 1, and Dark Days: The Road to Metal. Placement is somewhat close to the Vol. 3 Batman books, but publishing times are compressed with Rebirth's double-shipping; also the books are listed ahead of a parallel Superman section before the Superman and Batman books converge around their Vol. 5s. Placed Batwoman Vol. 2 after Detective Comics Vol. 5.
Placed the Rebirth Justice League of America Vol. 3 toward the end of the Rebirth section. Included the Rebirth Suicide Squad Vol. 5 alongside.
Created the Dark Nights: Metal category for the crossover and all post-Rebirth (new trade dress) titles and added the three Dark Nights: Metal collections.
In the New 52/Futures End era, placed Action Comics Vol. 7: Under the Skin before Superman Vol. 6: The Men of Tomorrow (there you go, Matthew!).
Adjusted the placement of the Rebirth Justice League Vol. 4 and Aquaman Vol. 4, and added Justice League Vol. 5.
Added the Superman and Batman Zero Hour collections within the Zero Hour section.
Titles Added:
Batman Vol. 4: The War of Jokes and Riddles
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 4: Deus Ex Machina
Batman: Zero Hour
Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death
Batwoman Vol. 2: Wonderland
Dark Days: The Road to Metal
Dark Nights: Metal: Dark Knights Rising
Dark Nights: Metal: The Deluxe Edition
Dark Nights: Metal: The Resistance
Green Arrow Vol. 5: Hard-Traveling Hero
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5: Twilight of the Guardians
Justice League Vol. 5: Legacy
Justice League of America Vol. 3: Panic in the Microverse
Suicide Squad Vol. 5: Kill Your Darlings
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 7: Under the Skin
Superman: Zero Hour
Changelog (8/23/2018)
Added Justice League of America Vol. 4: Surgical Strike, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 3, Damage Vol. 1, and Batman Vol. 6 to the Dark Nights: Metal section.
Added Trinity Vol. 2: Dead Space alongside the Rebirth Justice League Vol. 4.
Added Suicide Squad Vol. 6 to the post-Metal books.
Titles Added:
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 3: Full Circle
Batman Vol. 6: Bride or Burglar?
Damage Vol. 1: Out of Control
Justice League of America Vol. 4: Surgical Strike
Suicide Squad Vol. 6: The Secret History of Task Force X
Superman Blue Vol. 1
Trinity Vol. 2: Dead Space
Changelog (9/18/2018)
Added Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 1 around the first Rebirth Batgirl and Nightwing volumes. Added Batgirl Vol. 2 after the Rebirth Nightwing Vol. 2 and Teen Titans Vol. 1. Added the Rebirth Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 2 and Nightwing Vol. 3 after Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane and Titans Vol. 2.
Placed the Rebirth Nightwing Vol. 4, Batgirl Vol. 3, and New Super-Man Vol. 3 together late in the Rebirth section.
Titles Added:
Batgirl Vol. 2: Son of Penguin
Batgirl Vol. 3: Summer of Lies
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Who is Oracle?
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 2: Source Code
New Super-Man Vol. 3: Equilibrium
Nightwing Vol. 3: Nightwing Must Die
Nightwing Vol. 4: Blockbuster
Nightwing Vol. 5: Raptor's Revenge
Changelog (10/18/2018)
Added the Rebirth Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us and moved entire Titans: Lazarus Contract section to earlier (to preserve Dan Abnett's sequence of Titans Vol. 3, Aquaman Vol. 4, Justice League Vol. 4).
Added Super Sons Vol. 3, which references Silencer Vol. 1, also added.
Placed the Rebirth Superman Vol. 6 and Action Comics Vol. 5 together with Action Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition.
Included DC/Young Animal: Milk Wars, Justice League of America Vol. 5, Justice League Vol. 7, and Justice League: No Justice.
Titles Added:
Action Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition
DC/Young Animal: Milk Wars
Justice League Vol. 7: Justice Lost
Justice League of America Vol. 5: Deadly Fable
Justice League: No Justice
Silencer Vol. 1: Code of Honor
Super Sons Vol. 3: Parent Trap
Superman Vol. 6: Imperius Lex
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 5: Booster Shot
Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us
Changelog (11/19/2018)
Added Titans Vol. 4, Teen Titans Vol. 3, and the Super Sons of Tomorrow crossover to the Dark Nights: Metal section ahead of Justice League: No Justice.
Added the Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Edition Vol. 1 to the Pre-Crisis section.
Titles Added:
Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Edition Vol. 1
Super Sons of Tomorrow
Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Return of Kid Flash
Titans Vol. 4: Titans Apart
Changelog (12/26/2018)
Placed the Rebirth/Metal-era Suicide Squad Vol. 7 after Damage Vol. 1.
Added Terrifics Vol. 1 to the Dark Nights: Metal section.
Added Nightwing Vol. 6 near Silencer Vol. 1.
Placed Flash Vol. 6: Cold Day in Hell near Titans Vol. 4: Titans Apart.
Titles Added:
Flash Vol. 6: Cold Day in Hell
Nightwing Vol. 6: The Untouchable
Suicide Squad Vol. 7: Drain the Swamp
Terrifics Vol. 1: Meet the Terrifics
Changelog (2/8/2019)
Added Detective Comics Vol. 8: On the Outside, Nightwing Vol. 7: The Bleeding Edge, Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding, and three books that reflect the events of the wedding volume, Flash Vol. 8: Flash War, Batgirl Vol. 4: Strange Loop, and Batwoman Vol. 3: Fall of the House of Kane.
In the Dark Nights: Metal section, added New Challengers, Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality and various books that reflect the new League, including Man of Steel by Brian Michael Bendis and Immortal Men. Also included is Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days; Batman's costume change is also reflected in Immortal Men.
Added Aquaman Vol. 5: The Crown Comes Down, Aquaman Vol. 6: Kingslayer, and Mera, Queen of Atlantis in the Dark Nights: Metal section.
Titles Added:
Aquaman Vol. 5: The Crown Comes Down
Aquaman Vol. 6: Kingslayer
Batgirl Vol. 4: Strange Loop
Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding
Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 8: On the Outside
Batwoman Vol. 3: Fall of the House of Kane
Flash Vol. 8: Flash War
Immortal Men: The End of Forever
Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality
Man of Steel by Brian Michael Bendis
Mera, Queen of Atlantis
New Challengers
Nightwing Vol. 7: The Bleeding Edge
Changelog (4/18/2019)
Added Green Arrow Vol. 6: Trial of Two Cities alongside Teen Titans Vol. 3: Return of Kid Flash.
Placed Wonder Woman Vol. 6: Children of the Gods after Dark Nights: Metal.
Added Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 6: Fall of the Batmen to the post-Metal era, and placed Batman: Preludes to the Wedding before Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding.
Placed Action Comics Vol. 1: Invisible Mafia after Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days, alongside Immortal Men, and Superman Vol. 1: The Unity Saga: Phantom Earth before Action Comics.
Added the Rebirth Supergirl Vol. 1: Reign of the Cyborg Superman early in the Rebirth era, before the first Rebirth Superman books. Placed Supergirl Vol. 3: Girl of No Tomorrow and Supergirl Vol. 4: Plain Sight with New Super-Man Vol. 3.
Titles Added:
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 6: Fall of the Batmen
Batman: Preludes to the Wedding
Green Arrow Vol. 6: Trial of Two Cities
Supergirl Vol. 1: Reign of the Cyborg Supermen
Supergirl Vol. 3: Girl of No Tomorrow
Supergirl Vol. 4: Plain Sight
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: Invisible Mafia
Superman: The Unity Saga Vol. 1: Phantom Earth
Wonder Woman Vol. 6: Children of the Gods
Changelog (6/25/2019)
Added Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death before Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together.
Added the Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1 and Green Lanterns Vol. 5 in the Rebirth section.
Added Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 9: Deface the Face and Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats around Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding and Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days.
Placed Titans Hunt and Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 2: Dancing with the Devil's Daughter in the DC You section.
Titles Added:
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 9: Deface the Face
Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats
Green Lanterns Vol. 5: Out of Time
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1: Dark Trinity
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 2: Dancing with the Devil’s Daughter
Titans Hunt
Changelog (8/29/2019)
Placed Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3: Bizarro Reborn with Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: A Lonely Place of Living.
Placed Superwoman Vol. 2: Rediscovery after Superman Reborn in the Rebirth section.
Repositioned Flash Vol. 8: Flash War and placed Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1 and Teen Titans Vol. 1: Full Throttle before it. Positioned Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 1: Mythology after Teen Titans Vol. 1.
Added Batgirl Vol. 5: Art of the Crime and Nightwing: Knight Terrors after Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days.
Titles Added:
Batgirl Vol. 5: Art of the Crime
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 1: Mythology
Nightwing: Knight Terrors
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3: Bizarro Reborn
Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1: Requiem for an Archer
Superwoman Vol. 2: Rediscovery
Teen Titans Vol. 1: Full Throttle
Changelog (10/15/2019)
Placed Heroes in Crisis and a new Heroes in Crisis section, and added Flash Vol. 10: Force Quest, Titans Vol. 5: The Spark, and Green Arrow Vol. 7: Citizen's Arrest to that section.
Added Justice League Vol. 2: Graveyard of the Gods, Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth, Justice League Dark Vol. 1: The Last Age of Magic, Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour, Flash Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces, and Aquaman Vol. 1: Unspoken Water; by a quirk of one issue, all of these are placed after Heroes in Crisis.
Titles Added:
Aquaman Vol. 1: Unspoken Water
Damage Vol. 2: Scorched Earth
Flash Vol. 10: Force Quest
Flash Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces
Green Arrow Vol. 7: Citizen's Arrest
Heroes in Crisis
Justice League Dark Vol. 1: The Last Age of Magic
Justice League Vol. 2: Graveyard of Gods
Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth
Titans Vol. 5: The Spark
Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour
Changelog (12/14/2019)
Added Heroes in Crisis: The Price and Other Stories, Deathstroke: Arkham, and Teen Titans Vol. 2: Turn It Up to the Heroes in Crisis section.
Placed a number of Year of the Villain-tied books, including Justice League Vol. 4: The Sixth Dimension, Superman: The Unity Saga Vol. 2: The House of El (and Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2: Leviathan Rising), Catwoman, Justice League Dark, and Nightwing.
Titles Added:
Catwoman Vol. 2: Far From Gotham
Deathstroke: Arkham
Heroes in Crisis: The Price and Other Stories
Justice League Dark Vol. 2: Lords of Order
Justice League Vol. 4: The Sixth Dimension
Nightwing: Burnback
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2: Leviathan Rising
Superman: The Unity Saga Vol. 2: The House of El
Teen Titans Vol. 2: Turn It Up
Changelog (2/20/2020)
Placed Supergirl Vol. 1: Killers of Krypton with the other first-volume Bendis Superman books.
Placed Detective Comics Vol. 2: Arkham Knight due to publication date and small connections to Justice League Dark. Curse of Brimstone Vol. 2: Ashes is also placed due to connections to Justice League Dark.
Added Event Leviathan and related trades, including Silencer Vol. 3: Up in Smoke.
Placed Flash Vol. 11: The Greatest Trick of All and Green Arrow Vol. 8: The End of the Road due to connections to Heroes in Crisis, and Young Justice Vol. 1: Gemworld due to connections to the Flash trade.
Placed Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2 and Justice League Odyssey Vol. 2 after Justice League Vol. 4 because of "Year of the Villain connections.
Titles Added:
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: Arkham Knight
Curse of Brimstone Vol. 2: Ashes
Event Leviathan
Flash Vol. 11: The Greatest Trick of All
Green Arrow Vol. 8: The End of the Road
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 2: Death of the Dark
Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2: Prince of Gotham
Silencer Vol. 3: Up in Smoke
Supergirl Vol. 1: The Killers of Krypton
Young Justice Vol. 1: Gemworld
Changelog (4/26/2020)
Placed the Rebirth Batman Vols. 10 and 11 and Batgirl Vol. 6 around The Batman Who Laughs and other Year of the Villain Material.
Added the New 52 Harley Quinn Vol. 1, and placed Harley Quinn Vol. 4 and Bizarro among the DCYou titles.
Placed the Rebirth Justice League Vol. 3: Hawkworld with Titans Vol. 6: Into the Bleed.
Titles Added:
Batgirl Vol. 6: Old Enemies
Batman Vol. 10: Knightmares
Batman Vol. 11: The Fall and the Fallen
Batman Who Laughs
Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Hot in the City
Harley Quinn Vol. 4: A Call to Arms
Justice League Vol. 3: Hawkworld
Titans Vol. 6: Into the Bleed
Changelog (6/13/2020)
Placed Batman Vol. 12: City of Bane Part One amidst Year of the Villain and related titles, including Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy. Added Detective Comics Vol. 3: Greetings From Gotham ahead of Batman Vol. 12.
Connected Naomi: Season One and Action Comics Vol. 3, as well as Superman Vol. 3: The Truth Revealed. Placed these Year of the Villain: The Offer titles along with Harley Quinn Vol. 3.
Included Batman/Superman Vol. 1, Harley Quinn Vol. 4: The Final Trial, and Nightwing: The Gray Son Legacy among Year of the Villain: Doom Rising titles.
Titles Added:
Batman Vol. 12: City of Bane Part One
Batman/Superman Vol. 1: Who Are the Secret Six?
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: Greetings From Gotham
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy
Harley Quinn Vol. 3: The Trials of Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn Vol. 4: The Final Trial
Naomi: Season One
Nightwing: The Gray Son Legacy
Superman Vol. 3: The Truth Revealed
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 3: Leviathan Hunt
Changelog (8/12/2020)
Added Aquaman/Suicide Squad: Sink Atlantis and Suicide Squad Vol. 8 around the Drowned Earth event.
Placed Batman: Universe by Brian Michael Bendis ahead of Young Justice Vol. 1.
Placed titles related to the Year of the Villain: Doom Rising arc, including Batgirl Vol. 7, Batman Vol. 13, Catwoman Vol. 3, Flash Vol. 12, Justice League Dark Vol. 3, Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 3, and Teen Titans Vol. 3.
Titles Added:
Aquaman/Suicide Squad: Sink Atlantis
Batgirl Vol. 7: Oracle Rising
Batman Vol. 13: City of Bane Part 2
Batman: Universe
Catwoman Vol. 3: Friend or Foe?
Flash Vol. 12: Death and the Speed Force
Justice League Dark Vol. 3: The Witching War
Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 3: Generation Outlaw
Suicide Squad Vol. 8: Constriction
Teen Titans Vol. 3: Seek and Destroy
Changelog (10/19/2020)
Placed Aquaman Vol. 3 and Deathstroke: RIP with the Year of the Villain: Doom Rising titles.
Added Hawman Vol. 3 to the Year of the Villain: Infected titles.
Placed Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2: A League of Their Own after Batman Vol. 13: City of Bane Part 2.
Linked Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 1 with Superman Vol. 3.
Placed the two Wonder Twins volumes with Young Justice and Naomi respectively.
Added Justice League Odyssey Vol. 1 around Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth. Placed Justice League Odyssey Vol. 3 near Superman Vol. 3.
Placed James Robinson’s Wonder Woman books in the Dark Nights: Metal category.
Titles Added:
Aquaman Vol. 3: Manta vs. Machine
Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2: A League of Their Own
Deathstroke: RIP
Hawkman Vol. 3: Darkness Within
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 1: The Ghost Sector
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 3: Final Frontier
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 1: Millennium
Wonder Twins Vol. 1: Activate!
Wonder Twins Vol. 2: The Fall and Rise of the Wonder Twins
Wonder Woman Vol. 7: Amazons Attacked
Wonder Woman Vol. 8: Dark Gods
Changelog (12/23/2020)
Added The Green Lantern Season One volumes around their respective publication date.
Placed Lois Lane: Enemy of the People with Event Leviathan and Flash Vol. 13 with Year of the Villain: Doom Rising titles.
Included Justice League Vol. 5, Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen, and Flash Forward at the end of the Year of the Villain titles.
Placed Justice League Vol. 6, Batman Vol. 1, and Batman: 80 Years of the Bat Family in the space between Year of the Villain and Dark Nights: Death Metal.
Titles Added:
Batman Vol. 1: Their Dark Designs
Batman: 80 Years of the Bat-Family
Flash Forward
Flash Vol. 13: Rogues Reign
Green Lantern Vol. 1: Intergalactic Lawman
Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Day the Stars Fell
Justice League Vol. 5: Justice/Doom War
Justice League Vol. 6: Vengeance Is Thine
Lois Lane: Enemy of the People
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen
Changelog (2/25/2021)
Placed Shazam and the Seven Magic Lands and Supergirl Vol. 3: Infectious alongside Year of the Villain: The Infected.
Added Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 4: Cold Vengeance, Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Loveless, and Terrifics Vol. 4: Tomorrow War alongside other “Doom Rising” Year of the Villain books.
Placed Aquaman Vol. 4: Echoes of a Life Lived Well with Justice League Vol. 6: Vengeance Is Thine, which reflects its events, in the interstitial space between the end of Year of the Villain and the beginning of Dark Nights: Death Metal.
Titles Added:
Aquaman Vol. 4: Echoes of a Life Lived Well
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 4: Cold Vengeance
Shazam and the Seven Magic Lands
Supergirl Vol. 3: Infectious
Terrifics Vol. 4: The Tomorrow War
Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Loveless
Year of the Villain: The Infected
Changelog (4/22/2021)
Added Joker War crossover titles including Batman, Detective Comics, Batgirl, Nightwing, Harley Quinn, Red Hood: Outlaw, Catwoman, and Joker War Saga, as well as the Detective Comics #1027 Deluxe Edition.
Placed Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 3 post-Year of the Villain.
Added Justice League Odyssey Vol. 4 ahead of Dark Nights: Death Metal.
Titles Added:
Batgirl Vol. 8: The Joker War
Batman Vol. 2: The Joker War
Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 3: The Demon's Fire
Batman: Detective Comics #1027 Deluxe Edition
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: The Joker War
Catwoman Vol. 4: Come Home, Alley Cat
Harley Quinn Vol. 5: Hollywood or Die
Joker War Saga
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 4: Last Stand
Nightwing: The Joker War
Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 4: Unspoken Truths
Changelog (6/24/2021)
Placed Wonder Woman Vol. 4 and Wonder Woman #750: The Deluxe Edition after Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen.
Added Suicide Squad: Bad Blood, Flash Vol. 14, Flash #750: The Deluxe Edition, and Teen Titans Vol. 4 before Joker War.
Placed Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 and Batman Vol. 3 prior to Future State.
Added Justice League Vol. 7: Galaxy of Terrors following the Justice/Doom War, prior to Dark Nights: Death Metal.
Titles Added:
Batman Vol. 3: Ghost Stories
Flash #750: Deluxe Edition
Flash Vol. 14: The Flash Age
Justice League Vol. 7: Galaxy of Terrors
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2: Trial of the Legion
Suicide Squad: Bad Blood
Teen Titans Vol. 4: Robin No More
Wonder Woman #750: The Deluxe Edition
Wonder Woman Vol. 4: The Four Horsewomen
Changelog (8/31/2021)
Placed Superwoman Vol. 3 around Dark Nights: Metal.
Brought together Action Comics Vol. 4, Young Justice Vol. 3, and The Green Lantern Season Two Vol. 2 during Year of the Villain.
Added Green Arrow Vol. 4 in the lead-up to Dark Nights: Metal.
Placed the Raven miniseries trade between DC You and DC Rebirth.
Connected Gotham City Monsters and Batman: City of Bane.
Titles Added:
Gotham City Monsters
Green Arrow Vol. 4: The Rise of Star City
Green Lantern Season Two Vol. 2: Ultrawar
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 4: Metropolis Burning
Superwoman Vol. 3: The Midnight Hour
Young Justice Vol. 3: Warriors and Warlords
Changelog (10/24/2021)
Placed Superman Vol. 4, Action Comics Vol. 5, and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen after Young Justice Vol. 3 and ahead of Teen Titans Vol. 4 and Joker War.
Placed Flash Vol. 15 after the events of Teen Titans Vol. 4.
Placed Detective Comics Vol. 6 with Batman Vol. 3 ahead of Future State.
Titles Added:
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 6: The Road to Ruin
Flash Vol. 15: Finish Line
Superman Vol. 4: Mythological
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 5: The House of Kent
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen: Who Killed Jimmy Olsen?
Changelog (12/25/2021)
Connected Far Sector with The Green Lantern Season Two Vol. 2.
Placed the Dark Nights: Death Metal books toward the end of the Year of the Villain section.
Added Metal Men: Elements of Change and Batman/Superman Vol. 2: World's Deadliest following Death Metal.
Placed DC Comics: Generations, Other History of the DC Universe, and Justice League: Endless Winter between Death Metal and Future State.
Titles Added:
Batman/Superman Vol. 2: World's Deadliest
DC Comics: Generations
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Darkest Knight
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Deluxe Edition
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs
Dark Nights: Death Metal: War of the Multiverses
Far Sector
Justice League: Death Metal
Justice League: Endless Winter
Metal Men: Elements of Change
Other History of the DC Universe
Changelog (2/28/2022)
Added Demon: From the Darkness following Etrigan’s appearance in Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. 1.
Titles Added:
Demon: From the Darkness
Changelog (4/19/2022)
Following Dark Nights: Death Metal, added the following Future State books: The Next Batman, Dark Detective, Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, and Suicide Squad.
Began new Infinite Frontier section.
Placed Infinite Frontier on the timeline, followed by Batman Vol. 4, Detective Comics Vol. 1, and Joker Vol. 1.
Added Crime Syndicate to the Infinite Frontier section.
Titles Added:
Batman Vol. 4: The Cowardly Lot
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 1: The Neighborhood
Crime Syndicate
Future State: Dark Detective
Future State: Justice League
Future State: Suicide Squad
Future State: Superman
Future State: The Next Batman
Future State: Wonder Woman
Infinite Frontier
Joker Vol. 1
Changelog (6/22/2022)
Placed Catwoman Vol. 5, Harley Quinn Vol. 1, Next Batman: Second Son, and Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 1 after the events of Batman Vol. 4: The Cowardly Lot.
Added Batman/Superman: The Archive of Worlds sometime after Infinite Frontier.
Included Justice League Vol. 1: Prisms ahead of other books to be added.
Added Nightwing Vol. 1, followed by Robin Vol. 1: The Lazarus Tournament.
Titles Added:
Batman/Superman: The Archive of Worlds
Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 1
Catwoman Vol. 5: Valley of the Shadow of Death
Harley Quinn Vol. 1: No Good Deed
Justice League Vol. 1: Prisms
Next Batman: Second Son
Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into the Light
Robin Vol. 1: The Lazarus Tournament
Changelog (8/23/2022)
Added Green Lantern Vol. 1: Invictus to follow Justice League Vol. 1: Prisms.
Followed the Infinite Frontier-era Crime Syndicate with Suicide Squad Vol. 1 and Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1, which cross-over.
Placed Crush & Lobo, a Teen Titans Academy spin-off, and also Shazam!: To Hell and Back, which follows Teen Titans Academy and other titles.
Added Infinite Frontier-era Superman titles The One Who Fell, Action Comics Vol. 1: Warworld Rising, and Superman and the Authority.
Titles Added:
Crush & Lobo
Green Lantern Vol. 1: Invictus
Shazam!: To Hell and Back
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Give Peace a Chance
Superman and the Authority
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: Warworld Rising
Superman: The One Who Fell
Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1: X Marks the Spot
Changelog (10/26/2022)
Added Blue & Gold following the formation of the Infinite Frontier Justice League.
Placed Black Manta and Aquaman: The Becoming after Teen Titans Academy, as well as Flash Vol. 16.
Placed Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 1 ahead of Shazam!: To Hell and Back.
Connected the Swamp Thing and Suicide Squad Infinite Frontier titles.
Titles Added:
Aquaman: The Becoming
Black Manta
Blue & Gold
Flash Vol. 16: Wally West Returns
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 1: The Truth
Swamp Thing Vol. 1: Becoming
Changelog (12/20/2022)
Added most of the Batman: Fear State titles, including Fear State Saga and the Batman, Catwoman, Nightwing, Batgirls, I Am Batman, Urban Legends, and Batman: Secret Files tie-in collections.
Titles Added:
Batgirls Vol. 1
Batman Vol. 5: Fear State
Batman: Fear State Saga
Batman: Secret Files
Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 2
Catwoman Vol. 6: Fear State
I Am Batman Vol. 1
Nightwing: Fear State
Changelog (2/22/2023)
Placed the Trial of the Amazon books in the Infinite Frontier era.
Added Robins: Being Robin alongside Batman: Fear State books.
Titles Added:
Nubia and the Amazons
Nubia: Queen of the Amazons
Robins: Being Robin
Tales of the Amazons
Trial of the Amazons
Wonder Girl: Homecoming
Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Through a Glass Darkly
Changelog (4/18/2023)
Added Flash Vol. 17, leading in to Suicide Squad Vol. 2 and The Swamp Thing Vol. 2, which cross-over. Flash also appears in Teen Titans Academy Vol. 2, and Titans, Suicide Squad, and Flash all cross-over in War for Earth-3.
Also added Batman: Shadow War and related books — Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 1, Robin Vol. 2, and Batman Vol. 6.
Titles Added:
Batman Vol. 6: Abyss
Batman: Shadow War
Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 1: King of the Super-Villains
Flash Vol. 17: Eclipsed
Robin Vol. 2: I Am Robin
Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Ambushed!
Swamp Thing Vol. 2: Conduit
Teen Titans Academy Vol. 2: Exit Wounds
War for Earth-3
Changelog (6/16/2023)
Added Checkmate alongside Justice League Vol. 2: United Order, and placed these, Justice League Dark: The Great Wickedness, Justice League Vol. 3: Leagues of Chaos, Justice League vs. Legion of Super-Heroes, and Naomi: Season Two all around Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Through a Glass Darkly, Trial of the Amazons, and Batman: Shadow War.
Placed Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Keepsake among Fear State books.
Added Robin Vol. 3: Secrets and Shadows after Shadow War.
Titles Added:
Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Keepsake
Justice League Dark: The Great Wickedness
Justice League Vol. 2: United Order
Justice League Vol. 3: Leagues of Chaos
Justice League vs. Legion of Super-Heroes
Naomi: Season Two
Robin Vol. 3: Secrets and Shadows
Changelog (8/31/2023)
Placed Suicide Squad: King Shark toward the beginning of the Infinite Frontier Suicide Quad era. Also added Task Force Z Vol. 1 near the War for Earth-3 books.
Placed Joker Vol. 2 ahead of the Fear State books.
Added Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 3 and Vol. 4. Because of the long timespan of stories in Batman: Urban Legends and also Justice League Dark: The Great Wickedness, significant restructuring was done to intersperse Batman: Fear State and Justice League volumes.
Added Detective Comics Vol. 2: Fear State among the Fear State books.
Placed Arkham City among the Fear State books, following Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 4.
Added Detective Comics Vol. 3 and the Shadows of the Bat books among the Batman: Shadow War books.
Placed the connected Punchline, Harley Quinn Vol. 3, Joker Vol. 3, Detective Comics Vol. 4, and Task Force Z Vol. 2 together.
Titles Added:
Arkham City: The Order of the World
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: Fear State
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: Arkham Rising
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 4: Riddle Me This
Batman: Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham
Batman: Shadows of the Bat: The Tower
Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 3
Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 4
Harley Quinn Vol. 3: Verdict
Joker Vol. 2
Joker Vol. 3
Punchline: The Trial of Alexis Kaye
Suicide Squad: King Shark
Task Force Z Vol. 1: Death's Door
Task Force Z Vol. 2: What's Eating You?
Changelog (10/29/2023)
Added Green Lantern Vol. 2 ahead of Trial of the Amazons and Catwoman Vol. 1 alongside Batman Vol. 6. Also adjusted positioning of Batgirls Vol. 1.
Titles Added:
Catwoman Vol. 1: Dangerous Liaisons
Green Lantern Vol. 2: Horatius
Changelog (12/25/2023)
Added Batman Vol. 1: Failsafe and related titles, including Catwoman Vol. 2, Punchline, Batgirls Vol. 2, and Batman: The Knight. Included Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 5, published about this time.
Placed Justice League Incarnate ahead of Dark Crisis.
Titles Added:
Batgirls Vol. 2: Bat Girl Summer
Batman Vol. 1: Failsafe
Batman: The Knight
Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 5
Catwoman Vol. 2: Cat International
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths
Justice League Incarnate
Punchline: The Gotham Game
Changelog (2/28/2024)
Placed DC Pride: The New Generation, Batman/Superman: World's Finest Vol. 1, Monkey Prince Vol. 1, and Multiversity: Teen Justice alongside the Infinite Frontier Robin Vol. 3.
Added Black Adam Vol. 1 and Wonder Woman Vol. 3 as series that will tie into Dark Crisis or subsequent events with their next volumes.
Included Dark Crisis-branded tie-in books alongside Dark Crisis.
Placed Flashpoint Beyond and Flash Vol. 18 after Dark Crisis.
Added Action Comics and the related Superman: Son of Kal-El and Nightwing volumes within Infinite Frontier category, as well as I Am Batman Vol. 2.
Placed Superman: Kal-El Returns after Dark Crisis.
Titles Added:
Batman/Superman: World's Finest Vol. 1: The Devil Nehza
Black Adam Vol. 1: Theogony
DC Pride: The New Generation
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League
Dark Crisis: Young Justice
Flash Vol. 18: The Search for Barry Allen
Flashpoint Beyond
I Am Batman Vol. 2: Welcome to New York
Monkey Prince Vol. 1: Enter the Monkey
Multiversity: Teen Justice
Nightwing Vol. 2: Get Grayson
Nightwing Vol. 3: The Battle for Blüdhaven's Heart
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2: The Arena
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 3: Warworld Revolution
Superman: Kal-El Returns
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 2: The Rising
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3: Battle for Gamorra
Tales From Dark Crisis
Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Villainy of Our Fears
Changelog (4/9/2024)
Titles Added:
- New 52 Vol. 6 - Futures End
- Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Power Outage
- Harley Quinn Vol. 3: Kiss Kiss Bang Stab
- Harley Quinn and Power Girl
- DC You
- Catwoman Vol. 7: Inheritance
- Catwoman Vol. 8: Run Like Hell
- Harley Quinn Vol. 5: The Joker’s Last Laugh
- Harley Quinn Vol. 6: Black, White and Red All Over
- Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys
- DC Rebirth
- Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Die Laughing
- Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Joker Loves Harley
- Harley Quinn Vol. 3: Red Meat
- Harley Quinn Vol. 4: Surprise, Surprise
- Harley Quinn Vol. 5: Vote Harley
- Year of the Villain/Heroes in Crisis/Event Leviathan
- Doomsday Clock: The Complete Collection
- Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Harley vs. Apokolips
- Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Harley Destroys the Universe
- Harley Quinn Vol. 6: Angry Bird
- Infinite Frontier
- Aquamen
- Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 6
- Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 2: Year One
- Flash Vol. 19: The One-Minute War
- GCPD: The Blue Wall
- I Am Batman Vol. 3: The Right Question
- Nightwing Vol. 4: The Leap
Changelog (6/19/2024)
Titles Added:
- DC You
- Flash Vol. 8: Zoom
- Flash Vol. 9: Full Stop
- DC Rebirth
- Deathstroke Vol. 3: Twilight
- Dark Nights: Metal
- Batman vs. Deathstroke
- Deathstroke Vol. 5: The Fall of Slade
- Flash Vol. 7: Perfect Storm
- Year of the Villain/Heroes in Crisis/Event Leviathan
- Teen Titans/Deathstroke: The Terminus Agenda
- Infinite Frontier
- Batgirls Vol. 3: Girls to the Front
- Batman vs. Robin
- Harley Quinn Vol. 4: Task Force XX
- Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods
- Lazarus Planet
- Monkey Prince Vol. 2: The Monkey King and I
- New Champion of Shazam!
- Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Revenge of the Gods
Changelog (8/24/2024)
Titles Added:
- DC Rebirth
- Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Truth
- Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Godwatch
- Wonder Woman Vol. 5: Heart of the Amazon
- Dark Nights: Metal
- Hawkman Vol. 1: Awakening
- Sideways Vol. 1: Steppin' Out
- Unexpected: Call of the Unknown
- Wonder Woman Vol. 9: The Enemy of Both Sides
- Year of the Villain/Heroes in Crisis/Event Leviathan
- Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Just War
- Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Love Is a Battlefield
- Wonder Woman: Lords & Liars
- Infinite Frontier
- Ghost-Maker/Clownhunter by James Tynion IV
- Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Afterworlds
- Dawn of DC
- Superman Vol. 1: Supercorp
- Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: Rise of Metallo
- Superman: Lois and Clark: Doom Rising
Changelog (10/18/2024)
Titles Added:
- New 52 Vol. 6 - Futures End
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 2
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five: The Complete Collection
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four: The Complete Collection
- Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three: The Complete Collection
- Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: The Complete Collection
- Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Zero: The Complete Collection
- DC You
- Cyborg Vol. 1: Unplugged
- Earth 2: Society Vol. 1: Planetfall
- Earth 2: Society Vol. 2: Indivisible
- Earth 2: Society Vol. 3: A Whole New World
- Earth 2: Society Vol. 4: Life After Death
- DC Rebirth
- Death of Hawkman
- Dark Nights: Metal
- Batman Vol. 9: The Tyrant Wing
- Dawn of DC
- Batman Vol. 2: The Bat-Man of Gotham
- Catwoman Vol. 3: Duchess of Gotham
Changelog (12/6/2024)
Titles Added:
- Infinite Frontier
- Harley Quinn Vol. 5: Who Killed Harley Quinn?
- Poison Ivy Vol. 1: The Virtuous Cycle
- Dawn of DC
- Cyborg: Homecoming
- Green Arrow Vol. 1: Reunion
- Green Lantern Vol. 1: Back in Action
- Green Lantern: War Journal Vol. 1: Contagion
- Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Girl in a Crisis
- Knight Terrors: Dark Knightmares
- Knight Terrors: Knightmare League
- Knight Terrors: Knocturnal Creatures
- Knight Terrors: Terror Titans
- Knight Terrors
- Nightwing Vol. 5: Time of the Titans
- Poison Ivy Vol. 2: Unethical Consumption
- Power Girl Returns
- Steelworks
- Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2: To Hell and Back
- Titans Vol. 1: Out of the Shadows
Changelog (2/9/2025)
Titles Added:
- DC Rebirth
- Green Lanterns Vol. 2: The Phantom Lantern
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Bottled Light
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: The Quest for Hope
- Dark Nights: Metal
- Green Lanterns Vol. 6: A World of Our Own
- Green Lanterns Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking
- Green Lanterns Vol. 8: Ghosts of the Past
- Green Lanterns Vol. 9: Evil's Might
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6: Zod's Will
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7: Darkstars Rising
- Hawkman Vol. 2: Deathbringer
- Sideways Vol. 2: Rifts and Revelations
- Silencer Vol. 2: Hell-Iday Road
- Year of the Villain/Heroes in Crisis/Event Leviathan
- Green Lantern Season Two Vol. 1
- Hawkman Vol. 4: Hawks Eternal
- Terrifics Vol. 2: Tom Strong and the Terrifics
- Terrifics Vol. 3: The God Game
- Infinite Frontier
- Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 1
- Tim Drake: Robin Vol. 1: Mystery at the Marina
- Tim Drake: Robin Vol. 2: A Case of Chaos
- Dawn of DC
- Amazons Attack
- Batman Vol. 3: The Joker Year One
- Batman-Santa Claus: Silent Knight
- Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War
- Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Megadeath
- Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 2
- Tales of the Titans
- Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Outlaw
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